HB1033 | RETAINAGE REQUIREMENTS. (PRESSEL J) Changes the maximum amount of retainage for certain state and local public works projects from: (1) 10% to 6% of the dollar value of all work satisfactorily completed until the public work is 50% complete; and (2) 5% to 3% of the dollar value of all work satisfactorily completed until the public work is substantially complete. Removes the requirement of a minimum amount of retainage for certain state and local public works projects. |
| Current Status: | 2/6/2025 - Senate sponsor: Senator Rogers
| Recent Status: | 2/6/2025 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 96: yeas 84, nays 1 2/6/2025 - House Bills on Third Reading
| State Bill Page: | HB1033 |
HB1050 | TECHNICAL CORRECTIONS. (ENGLEMAN K) Addresses technical issues in the Indiana Code, including those related to spelling, tabulation, formatting, grammar, and cross-references. Resolves technical conflicts from the 2024 legislative session. Makes conforming amendments. (The introduced version of this bill was prepared by the code revision committee.) |
| Current Status: | 1/29/2025 - Referred to Senate
| Recent Status: | 1/28/2025 - Senate sponsor: Senator Freeman 1/28/2025 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 18: yeas 92, nays 0
| State Bill Page: | HB1050 |
HB1155 | SIGNAL JAMMING DEVICES. (PIERCE M) Provides that a signal jammer may be seized. Provides that a person who knowingly or intentionally manufactures, offers for sale, imports, markets, sells, possesses, uses, or operates a signal jammer commits unlawful use of a signal jammer, a Level 6 felony. |
| Current Status: | 2/4/2025 - Senate sponsor: Senator Glick
| Recent Status: | 2/4/2025 - Cosponsors: Senators Koch and Pol 2/4/2025 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 83: yeas 89, nays 2
| State Bill Page: | HB1155 |
HB1177 | HOME OWNERSHIP. (PRYOR C) Provides that Indiana law regulating telephone sales calls applies to a telephone solicitation that: (1) is made by a telephone solicitor that is not a licensed real estate broker; and (2) communicates to a consumer: (A) an offer to purchase; (B) an offer to broker, or otherwise assist or act as an intermediary in, the sale of; or (C) an inquiry regarding the consumer's interest in selling; residential real property that was not publicly offered for sale, or advertised as being for sale, at any time during the 30 days preceding the date on which the telephone solicitation is made (unsolicited home purchase inquiries). Provides that a telephone solicitor that is not a licensed real estate broker may not make more than one unsolicited home purchase inquiry to the same consumer in a single calendar year. Provides that an investment firm may not enter into an executory contract for the purchase of a single family residence until not less than 90 days after the residence is listed for sale. Requires an investment firm to be represented by a licensed real estate broker who is not an employee of the investment firm or any of its subsidiaries to enter into an executory contract for the purchase of a single family residence. Makes a technical correction. |
| Current Status: | 1/8/2025 - Referred to House Commerce, Small Business and Economic Development
| Recent Status: | 1/8/2025 - First Reading 1/8/2025 - Authored By Cherrish Pryor
| State Bill Page: | HB1177 |
HB1338 | EMPLOYMENT AND VACCINATIONS. (BORDERS B) Provides that an employer may require an immunization only if the employer respects the employee's right to refuse an immunization. Provides that an employee shall be free from coercion or an adverse action based on the employee's refusal of an immunization. Requires an employer that offers an immunization at no cost to an employee to provide certain notice to the employee. Provides that a violation may be reported to the department of labor (department). Requires the department to impose a civil penalty of $5,000 per incident. Allows an employee to bring a civil action against an employer to enforce the provisions. Repeals provisions concerning exemptions from COVID-19 immunization requirements. Makes a corresponding change. |
| Current Status: | 1/13/2025 - Referred to House Employment, Labor and Pensions
| Recent Status: | 1/13/2025 - First Reading 1/13/2025 - Authored By Bruce Borders
| State Bill Page: | HB1338 |
HB1402 | LOCAL GOVERNMENT FINANCE. (THOMPSON J) Phases in a total exemption for business personal property that is placed in service after January 1, 2025. Specifies that the exemption does not apply to business personal property that is placed in service on or before January 1, 2025. Increases the acquisition cost threshold for the business personal property tax exemption from $80,000 to $200,000 over six years. Provides that the 30% minimum valuation limitation does not apply to business personal property placed in service after January 1, 2025. Phases down the minimum valuation percentage from 30% to zero for business personal property placed in service on or before January 1, 2025. Phases down the homestead standard deduction over five years to zero beginning for taxes due and payable in 2031. Phases in an increase in the supplemental homestead deduction over five years to 2/3 of the assessed value (AV) of the homestead. Provides an AV deduction for all property that is subject to the 2% circuit breaker credit for excessive property taxes for assessment dates beginning in 2025. Provides that the amount of the AV deduction is increased over a five year period from a 7% AV deduction for taxes due and payable in 2026 to a 1/3 AV deduction for taxes due and payable in 2031, and each taxable year thereafter. Expires certain property tax deductions allowed in current law, and instead allows a credit against local property taxes in certain instances. Increases, beginning in 2027, the maximum local income tax (LIT) expenditure rate for all counties to 2.9%. Authorizes a city or town to impose a municipal LIT rate beginning in 2027 not to exceed 1.2%. Provides four rate categories within the county's total expenditure rate that a county may adopt: (1) up to a 1.2% rate for county general purpose revenue; (2) up to a 0.4% rate for fire protection and emergency medical services; (3) up to a 0.2% rate for nonmunicipal civil taxing unit general purpose revenue; and (4) up to 1.2% for certain cities and towns that are not eligible to adopt a municipal LIT rate. Defines "nonmunicipal civil taxing units". Eliminates the imposition of the LIT on individuals who maintain a principal place of business or employment in a county with a LIT but do not reside in the county. Eliminates provisions that provide for a distribution of LIT expenditure rate revenue to schools and civil taxing units in counties that imposed a rate under the prior county adjusted gross income tax (CAGIT). Expires the authority to impose a property tax relief rate under the LIT and repeals the levy freeze rate. Provides that an ordinance adopted to impose a LIT property tax relief rate shall expire December 31, 2026. Provides that, in order to continue to impose an expenditure tax rate after 2026, each county must adopt a new ordinance in 2026 (on or before October 1, 2026) to impose the rate. Provides that, for counties that fail to adopt an ordinance to renew an existing expenditure tax rate in 2026, the expenditure tax rate for the county in 2027 shall be the minimum tax rate necessary for existing debt service. Specifies that this does not prevent the county from renewing, imposing, or modifying an expenditure tax rate in subsequent years. Eliminates local income tax councils beginning July 1, 2026, and instead provides that the county fiscal body is the adopting body in all counties for purposes of the county LIT, and the city or town fiscal body is the adopting body in the case of a municipal LIT. Requires the budget agency to determine the difference between the balance in a county's local income tax trust account as of December 31, 2025, minus the county's certified distribution amount for 2027, and beginning in 2027, make five consecutive special distributions to counties over a five year period equal to 20% of that amount each year. Establishes the local income tax holding account within the state general fund for purposes of local income tax distributions. Provides that the budget agency shall administer the account. Requires the budget agency to maintain an accounting for each county imposing a local income tax based on annual returns filed by or for county taxpayers (same as current law). Requires undistributed amounts so accounted to be held for purposes of the local income tax holding account beginning after December 31, 2026. (Under current law, undistributed amounts are required to be held in reserve separate from the state general fund.) Requires the budget agency to present each December to the budget committee a report of the following: (1) An estimate of the monthly certified distribution amounts for the immediately succeeding calendar year. (2) A description of the method used to determine the monthly estimates. (3) The balance in the local income tax holding account, including an accounting of the undistributed amounts held for purposes of the account. Beginning in 2027, requires the budget agency to make monthly transfers to the local income tax holding account of the amount determined for the month in its report to the budget committee. Repeals a provision that requires the budget agency to adjust the certified distribution of a county for the succeeding year following a tax rate change. Makes technical corrections. Makes a continuous appropriation. |
| Current Status: | 1/13/2025 - Referred to House Ways and Means
| Recent Status: | 1/13/2025 - First Reading 1/13/2025 - Coauthored by Representative Clere
| State Bill Page: | HB1402 |
HB1418 | EMPLOYING AN UNAUTHORIZED ALIEN. (LUCAS J) Requires certain employers to use the E-Verify program to verify the work eligibility status of all employees of the employer hired after June 30, 2025. Prohibits an employer from intentionally doing the following: (1) Employing an unauthorized alien. (2) Entering a contract, subcontract, or an independent contractor agreement with a person: (A) to obtain the labor of an unauthorized alien in Indiana; or (B) that employs or contracts with an unauthorized alien. Specifies a process by which an individual may submit a complaint alleging a violation of these prohibitions. Requires the attorney general or the prosecuting attorney to: (1) investigate the complaint; (2) make a determination on the complaint; and (3) if the determination is made that the complaint is not false and frivolous, provide notice of the unauthorized alien to certain entities. Requires the prosecuting attorney to bring an action against the employer if the determination is made that the complaint is not false and frivolous. Specifies what the court must order if the court finds that an employer committed a violation. Specifies defenses and a rebuttable presumption. |
| Current Status: | 1/13/2025 - Coauthored by Representative Prescott
| Recent Status: | 1/13/2025 - Referred to House Employment, Labor and Pensions 1/13/2025 - First Reading
| State Bill Page: | HB1418 |
HB1462 | TELEPHONE ASSISTANCE LINE FOR MOTHERS. (SUMMERS V) Establishes the telephone assistance line for mothers program for the purpose of providing a telephone assistance line for mothers who are experiencing behavioral health issues to connect with health care providers to obtain behavioral health resources. |
| Current Status: | 1/21/2025 - Referred to House Public Health
| Recent Status: | 1/21/2025 - First Reading 1/21/2025 - Authored By Vanessa Summers
| State Bill Page: | HB1462 |
HB1480 | LINE MAINTENANCE IN PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY. (DAVIS M) Sets forth minimum standards for the installation and maintenance of communications service or utility service facilities (facilities) in a public right-of-way. Defines a "permittee" as: (1) a person to whom an initial permit or other authorization for the installation of a facility in a public right-of-way is granted by a unit; or (2) a service provider responsible for maintaining a facility that has been installed in a public right-of-way. Defines a "line pollution violation" as a violation involving: (1) noncompliance with any standard set forth in the bill's provisions for the installation and maintenance of a facility in a public right-of-way; or (2) the presence of any damaged, abandoned, loose, or improperly secured facilities within a public right-of-way; attributable to a permittee. Provides that a permittee responsible for a line pollution violation is liable to the unit owning the public right-of-way for a fine in an amount determined by the unit, but not to exceed: (1) $500 per violation for each day the line pollution violation remains uncured; or (2) a total fine of $2,500. Requires a permittee to ensure that any person responsible for installing, replacing, relocating, or repairing any underground facility that is owned or operated by the permittee and located within a public right-of-way complies with the requirements set forth in: (1) Indiana's statute concerning underground utility facilities; and (2) any applicable local ordinance or regulation; with respect to any work involving drilling, trenching, boring, hand digging, or plowing. |
| Current Status: | 1/21/2025 - Referred to House Utilities, Energy and Telecommunications
| Recent Status: | 1/21/2025 - First Reading 1/21/2025 - Coauthored by Representative Greene
| State Bill Page: | HB1480 |
HB1495 | REVIEW OF ADMINISTRATIVE AND JUDICIAL RULES. (BASCOM G) Establishes the administrative rules review committee. Requires: (1) an agency to submit a rule and the latest version of the regulatory analysis with any supporting documents; and (2) the supreme court to submit a rule and any economic impact statement, with supporting documents; to the office of fiscal management and analysis of the legislative services agency to estimate the fiscal impact on state and local government. Provides that if the fiscal impact is estimated to be greater than $300,000, the rule and supporting documents shall be provided to the administrative rules review committee for review. Provides that the rule described may not take effect unless authorized by a bill enacted by the general assembly. |
| Current Status: | 1/21/2025 - Referred to House Judiciary
| Recent Status: | 1/21/2025 - First Reading 1/21/2025 - Coauthored by Representatives Pierce K, Commons, Ireland
| State Bill Page: | HB1495 |
HB1627 | CONSUMER PRICING INFORMATION. (HATCHER R) Provides that it is a deceptive consumer sales act to display or advertise a purchase price for the subject of a consumer transaction that does not include all fees and charges other than: (1) taxes or fees imposed on the purchase by a unit of government; or (2) reasonably expected shipping or handling charges; that are required to be paid by the consumer to complete the consumer transaction. |
| Current Status: | 1/21/2025 - Referred to House Commerce, Small Business and Economic Development
| Recent Status: | 1/21/2025 - First Reading 1/21/2025 - Authored By Ragen Hatcher
| State Bill Page: | HB1627 |
HB1638 | GOVERNMENT AND REGULATORY MATTERS. (BARTELS S) Makes changes to requirements for the readoption of administrative rules. Repeals, merges, consolidates, or otherwise modifies various boards, commissions, committees, councils, authorities, and funds. Removes certain appointed members from various boards, commissions, and districts. Modifies the appointing authority for particular funds, boards, and councils. Provides that the professional licensing agency may adopt and enforce procedural rules for the administration of a board if the rule: (1) will affect multiple boards; and (2) is not inconsistent with any rule adopted by the affected board. |
| Current Status: | 1/27/2025 - House Government and Regulatory Reform, (Bill Scheduled for
Hearing); Time & Location: 10:30 AM, 156-C
| Recent Status: | 1/21/2025 - Referred to House Government and Regulatory Reform 1/21/2025 - First Reading
| State Bill Page: | HB1638 |
HB1645 | RURAL UTILITY INFRASTRUCTURE. (ISA T) Establishes the rural utility infrastructure grant fund (fund) for the purpose of providing grants to specified eligible entities to use in obtaining the utility infrastructure required to meet the growing demand for utility service in rural areas in Indiana. Provides that the fund shall be administered by the Indiana economic development corporation (corporation) or its successor. Requires the corporation to adopt rules to implement these provisions. |
| Current Status: | 1/21/2025 - Referred to House Utilities, Energy and Telecommunications
| Recent Status: | 1/21/2025 - First Reading 1/21/2025 - Authored By Tony Isa
| State Bill Page: | HB1645 |
SB5 | STATE FISCAL AND CONTRACTING MATTERS. (BALDWIN S) Allows a state agency to use artificial intelligence software to prepare information and projections for the state budget. Requires a state agency to: (1) report to the budget committee certain information before submitting a new federal funds request or application to participate in a new federal program; and (2) obtain the budget committee's review if the new federal funds request or application to participate in a new federal program would require a transfer in funds between state accounts for a state match. Requires that permanent full-time positions which have been vacant for 90 days or more be reviewed and either: (1) reauthorized; or (2) eliminated; by the budget director. Requires the budget director to provide a quarterly report to the governor's office regarding those positions that were reauthorized or eliminated by the budget director in the preceding three months. Requires a state agency to provide the state comptroller with a contract for inclusion in the Indiana transparency website not later than 30 days after the contract is fully executed. Requires a state agency to provide quarterly reports to the budget committee regarding the state agency's active contracts. Requires the department of administration (department) to develop a process for state agencies to submit complaints about contractors. Allows the department to disqualify a contractor with one or more complaints from entering into state contracts. Provides for the reversion of funds appropriated to a state agency for expenses related to a contract that are unused after the end of the contract term. Requires the department to develop certain contract language to be included in state contracts of $500,000 or more. Requires the budget committee to review a proposed amendment to a contract that: (1) increases the maximum contract amount by not less than $500,000; or (2) for a contract with an initial maximum contract amount of not less than $500,000, extends the term of the contract by not less than six months. Prohibits any entity that receives state appropriations from entering into a nonpublic contract. Defines "nonpublic contract." Requires all contracts of any entity that receives state appropriations to be competitively procured. Provides that the following apply to nonpublic contracts of a state entity that have not been competitively procured and that are in existence on June 30, 2025: (1) The nonpublic contract shall terminate December 31, 2025. (2) On or before July 1, 2025, the state entity shall submit a competitive procurement through a public process for any new contract to replace a contract. Requires all contract opportunities of state entities to be posted in the form of a Request for Qualifications "RFQ" on the state entity's website prior to the contract being awarded. Requires the office of the secretary of family and social services and the office of Medicaid policy and planning to do the following: (1) Establish a reporting work group to review inputs and overall financials validation. (2) Establish a steering committee to develop accompanying commentary. (3) Review monthly reports on the Medicaid program service utilization to identify trends and risks within the state Medicaid program. (4) Post publicly on the office of the secretary of family and social services's website monthly financial reports or expenditures and revenues for each state Medicaid program and commentary providing context for each monthly financial report. (5) Submit a quarterly report to the budget committee. |
| Current Status: | 1/29/2025 - Referred to House
| Recent Status: | 1/28/2025 - added as coauthors Senators Walker K, Goode, Young M 1/28/2025 - added as coauthors Senators Raatz, Carrasco, Dernulc, Johnson T, Tomes
| State Bill Page: | SB5 |
SB26 | RADIO FREQUENCY JAMMING DEVICES. (TOMES J) Provides that a radio frequency jamming device may be seized. Provides that, unless authorized by federal law, a person who knowingly or intentionally operates, uses, manufactures, buys, sells, or provides to another person a radio frequency jamming device commits unlawful radio frequency jamming, a Level 6 felony. Provides sentence enhancements. |
| Current Status: | 1/27/2025 - Referred to House
| Recent Status: | 1/23/2025 - added as coauthor Senator Buck 1/23/2025 - added as coauthor Senator Randolph
| State Bill Page: | SB26 |
SB97 | UTILITY DISCONNECTIONS AND CUSTOMER DATA REPORTS. (JACKSON L) Beginning January 1, 2026, provides that from June 21 through September 23 (in addition to the period from December 1 through March 15, under current law) of any year, an electric or gas utility may not terminate residential electric or gas service for an individual who is eligible for and has applied for assistance from a home energy assistance program administered by the lieutenant governor. Amends the same section of the Indiana Code as follows: (1) Prohibits an electric, gas, or water utility from terminating service for any residential customer on any of the following days: (A) A Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. (B) A legal holiday. (C) Any day, or after noon on the day preceding any day, during which customer service representatives of the utility are not available to respond to customer inquiries during regular business hours. (2) Strikes a provision that authorizes the Indiana utility regulatory commission (IURC) to establish a reasonable rate of interest that a utility may charge on the unpaid balance of a delinquent customer bill. (3) Prohibits an electric, gas, or water utility from charging or collecting a deposit or reconnection fee as a condition of, or in connection with, restoring service to a residential customer after a termination of service for nonpayment. Requires the IURC to amend, not later than December 31, 2025, its administrative rules as necessary to conform the rules to these provisions. Requires a utility to: (1) amend its residential tariffs as necessary to conform the tariffs to these provisions; and (2) file with the IURC a petition for approval of each amended tariff; not later than June 15, 2025. Requires a utility that: (1) is under the jurisdiction of the IURC for the approval of rates and charges; and (2) provides residential electric, natural gas, water, or wastewater utility service at retail to customers and low income customers in Indiana; to report to the IURC on a quarterly basis certain data concerning customer accounts and low income customer accounts. Provides that the first reports submitted to the IURC must include the required information with respect to the third calendar quarter of 2025. Provides that: (1) a utility shall report all required information in the aggregate and in a manner that does not identify individual customers and low income customers; and (2) the IURC may not require utilities to disclose confidential and proprietary business information without adequate protection of the information. Requires the IURC to adopt rules to implement these provisions. Provides that, beginning in 2026, the IURC shall annually compile and summarize the information received from utilities for the previous calendar year and include the summary in the IURC's annual report. |
| Current Status: | 1/16/2025 - added as coauthor Senator Randolph
| Recent Status: | 1/8/2025 - Referred to Senate Utilities 1/8/2025 - First Reading
| State Bill Page: | SB97 |
SB100 | LOCAL REGULATION OF WAGES AND BENEFITS. (JACKSON L) Repeals certain provisions prohibiting a unit from establishing minimum wage or employee benefit standards. |
| Current Status: | 1/8/2025 - Referred to Senate Pensions and Labor
| Recent Status: | 1/8/2025 - First Reading 1/8/2025 - Authored By La Keisha Jackson
| State Bill Page: | SB100 |
SB116 | UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS. (POL R) Amends the definition of "wage credits". Specifies the rate for unemployment insurance benefits for initial claims filed by an individual who is totally unemployed for any week beginning after June 30, 2025. Specifies, for initial claims filed for any week beginning after June 30, 2025: (1) the maximum weekly benefit amount; and (2) an additional weekly benefit for eligible and qualified individuals with dependents. |
| Current Status: | 1/8/2025 - Referred to Senate Pensions and Labor
| Recent Status: | 1/8/2025 - First Reading 1/8/2025 - Authored By Rodney Pol
| State Bill Page: | SB116 |
SB131 | ACCESS TO EMPLOYEE RESTROOMS. (FORD J) Provides that if a retail establishment has a restroom facility on its premises for the use of the retail establishment's employees, a customer who suffers from an eligible medical condition must, upon request, be allowed to use the restroom facility during normal business hours if certain conditions are met. Specifies that a customer who uses the retail establishment's employee restroom facility is responsible for leaving the restroom facility in the same condition as when the customer entered the restroom facility. Provides immunity from civil liability for any act or omission in allowing a customer to use an employee restroom facility if all of the specified conditions for use of the facility are met, provided that the act or omission: (1) is not willful or grossly negligent; and (2) occurs in an area of the retail establishment that is not accessible to the public. Imposes a maximum $100 civil penalty on an owner, operator, or employee of a retail establishment for violating these provisions. |
| Current Status: | 1/14/2025 - added as coauthor Senator Becker
| Recent Status: | 1/8/2025 - Referred to Senate Commerce and Technology 1/8/2025 - First Reading
| State Bill Page: | SB131 |
SB203 | AUDIT OF STATE AGENCIES. (TOMES J) Requires the legislative council to oversee the audit, by an independent public accounting firm, of all accounts, financial affairs, and compliance related matters of all state agencies. Requires the legislative council to direct the legislative services agency to issue requests for proposals for an independent public accounting firm or firms, as necessary, to audit the state agencies. Requires the legislative council to determine which and how many state agencies will be audited each year. Requires the legislative council to provide notice to a state agency that will be subject to audit 30 days prior to the audit. Provides that the legislative council may not authorize a subsequent audit of a state agency until all state agencies have been audited at least once. Provides that when all of the state agencies have been audited at least once, the legislative council may determine which and how many agencies will be audited annually for each calendar year thereafter on a random basis. Provides that the legislative council may authorize a subsequent audit of a state agency that the legislative council determines to be high risk. Requires the legislative council to determine the scope of an audit during the request for proposal process. Lists the state agencies that are subject to audit. Requires the legislative council to publish the results of the audit of each state agency on the general assembly's website. |
| Current Status: | 1/28/2025 - added as coauthors Senators Becker and Dernulc
| Recent Status: | 1/28/2025 - added as third author Senator Byrne 1/28/2025 - added as second author Senator Koch
| State Bill Page: | SB203 |
SB235 | LIMITATIONS ON DIVERSITY, EQUITY, AND INCLUSION. (JOHNSON T) Establishes prohibitions and requirements on state agencies, recipients of state contracts or grants, state educational institutions, and health profession licensing boards regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion. Allows the attorney general to bring an action concerning noncompliance against a state educational institution. Establishes: (1) requirements regarding a standardized admissions test; and (2) requirements regarding altering academic standards; for postsecondary educational institutions that offer certain health education programs. |
| Current Status: | 2/6/2025 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
| Recent Status: | 2/4/2025 - Senate Bills on Second Reading 2/3/2025 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
| State Bill Page: | SB235 |
SB251 | INDIANA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION. (DEERY S) Provides that the governor may convene meetings with individuals from certain state agencies to work toward communicating a single, strategic economic development plan for the state. Provides that the state board of accounts shall act as the economic development ombudsman (ombudsman) for the Indiana economic development corporation (IEDC) and a nonprofit subsidiary of the IEDC (nonprofit subsidiary). Requires the state board of accounts to designate an individual to serve as the ombudsman. Sets forth the ombudsman's duties, including the recommendation of policies to the general assembly concerning economic development and transparency matters. Provides that the ombudsman (subject to the state examiner's approval) may employ or contract with assistants necessary to assist the ombudsman in carrying out the ombudsman's duties. Establishes circumstances under which the ombudsman is required to adopt a budget before the ombudsman's costs, including the costs of any assistants, in carrying out the ombudsman's duties are paid from appropriations made to the IEDC and when the ombudsman may bill the IEDC for those costs without using the budget procedure added by the bill. Provides for appointment to the board of the IEDC of two nonvoting, advisory members who are members of the general assembly. Requires the IEDC, before purchasing land that exceeds 100 acres in a county, to first give notice to the county or municipality, or both, in which the land is located not later than 30 days before the closing date for the purchase. Requires the IEDC to establish a dashboard that includes longitudinal representations of certain economic development data derived from elements required to be included in the economic incentives and compliance report. Requires the IEDC to analyze the potential impact of a proposed economic development investment on the costs to provide the following utility services to ratepayers: (1) Water. (2) Wastewater. (3) Electricity. (4) Natural gas. Specifies that in performing the analysis, the IEDC must consider each of the following: (1) The existing utility infrastructure available to serve the project. (2) Any new utility infrastructure needed to serve the project. (3) Water resource availability for the project. Provides that if a proposed economic development investment is projected to negatively impact ratepayers, the IEDC is required to develop and implement a mitigation plan. Allows the IEDC to consult with certain state agencies, utilities providing utility services to the project area, local units of government, and consumer and ratepayer advocates in performing the analysis and mitigation requirements added by the bill. |
| Current Status: | 1/13/2025 - Referred to Senate Commerce and Technology
| Recent Status: | 1/13/2025 - First Reading 1/13/2025 - Authored By Spencer Deery
| State Bill Page: | SB251 |
SB313 | LAW ENFORCEMENT DATA. (BALDWIN S) Requires, on or before July 1, 2026, the state police department (department), in consultation with the office of technology and the department of homeland security, to develop and implement the Indiana law enforcement data sharing program (program). Requires the department to establish rules for: (1) protocols regarding access to information and information accessible by a law enforcement agency; (2) safeguards to protect the integrity of the program; (3) confidentiality and data privacy requirements; (4) timely data submission and reporting requirements; and (5) compliance standards. Requires Indiana law enforcement agencies to provide data in a timely manner in accordance with rules established by the department. Makes annual appropriations to the department to develop and implement the program. |
| Current Status: | 1/23/2025 - added as second author Senator Freeman
| Recent Status: | 1/13/2025 - Referred to Senate Corrections and Criminal Law 1/13/2025 - First Reading
| State Bill Page: | SB313 |
SB318 | REQUIRED DISCLOSURES AND ACCESS OF FOREIGN MEDIA. (BALDWIN S) Requires certain media entities operating in Indiana to disclose: (1) foreign ownership; (2) foreign funding; and (3) the use of foreign sourced or influenced content. Authorizes the secretary of state to impose a civil penalty of not more than $50,000 for a knowing or intentional violation of the disclosure requirements. Requires certain media entities to obtain special accreditation from the department of administration to attend state media events, and allows the department of administration to revoke the special accreditation under certain circumstances. |
| Current Status: | 2/4/2025 - Referred to House
| Recent Status: | 2/3/2025 - added as coauthor Senator Byrne 2/3/2025 - added as coauthors Senators Busch and Deery
| State Bill Page: | SB318 |
SB357 | ACCELERATED DEPRECIATION. (ROGERS L) Couples Indiana depreciation provisions with federal depreciation provisions under Section 179 of the Internal Revenue Code (Section 179). Increases the Section 179 threshold from $25,000 to $100,000 for Indiana adjusted gross income purposes. Makes technical changes. |
| Current Status: | 1/13/2025 - Referred to Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy
| Recent Status: | 1/13/2025 - First Reading 1/13/2025 - Authored By Linda Rogers
| State Bill Page: | SB357 |
SB385 | E-VERIFY PROGRAM. (GOODE G) Requires a construction manager as contractor and a subcontractor of any tier to submit the E-Verify case verification number for an individual to the public agency before the individual begins work on a public works project. Provides that a public agency may not enter into a contract for a public works project with a contractor unless: (1) the contract contains certain provisions; and (2) the contractor signs an affidavit affirming that: (A) the contractor does not knowingly employ an unauthorized alien; and (B) the E-Verify documentation provided to the public agency is complete and accurate. |
| Current Status: | 1/23/2025 - added as coauthors Senators Glick and Doriot
| Recent Status: | 1/13/2025 - Referred to Senate Pensions and Labor 1/13/2025 - First Reading
| State Bill Page: | SB385 |
SB437 | CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE. (BOHACEK M) Provides, for purposes of criminal statutes regarding offenses involving critical infrastructure, that a communications services facility includes wires and equipment used to provide communications service to a customer. |
| Current Status: | 1/13/2025 - Referred to Senate Corrections and Criminal Law
| Recent Status: | 1/13/2025 - First Reading 1/13/2025 - Authored By Mike Bohacek
| State Bill Page: | SB437 |
SB502 | ATTACHMENTS TO UTILITY POLES. (ZAY A) Requires a person that seeks an attachment of communications service equipment to an electric distribution pole to report to the Indiana broadband office (office) on a quarterly basis certain information regarding attachment requests made by the person during the reporting period. Requires the office, upon receiving a quarterly report, to post the report on the office's website. Authorizes the office to adopt guidelines to implement these provisions. Provides that these provisions expire July 1, 2030. |
| Current Status: | 2/6/2025 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
| Recent Status: | 2/6/2025 - Senate Committee recommends passage, as amended Yeas: 9; Nays: 1 2/6/2025 - Senate Utilities, (Bill Scheduled for
Hearing); Time & Location: 9:00 AM, Rm. 130
| State Bill Page: | SB502 |