Prepared by: Bart Giesler
Report created on July 27, 2024
HB1001ADMINISTRATIVE AUTHORITY; COVID-19 IMMUNIZATIONS. (LEHMAN M) Allows the secretary of family and social services (secretary) to issue a waiver of human services statutory provisions and administrative rules if the secretary determines that the waiver is necessary to claim certain enhanced federal matching funds available to the Medicaid program. Allows the secretary to issue an emergency declaration for purposes of participating in specified authorized federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) emergency allotments. Requires the secretary to prepare and submit any waivers or emergency declarations to the budget committee. Allows the state health commissioner of the state department of health or the commissioner's designated public health authority to issue standing orders, prescriptions, or protocols to administer or dispense certain immunizations for individuals who are at least five years old (current law limits the age for the commissioner's issuance of standing orders, prescriptions, and protocols for individuals who are at least 11 years old). Defines "Indiana governmental entity" and specifies that an Indiana governmental entity (current law refers to a state or local unit) may not issue or require an immunization passport. Provides that an individual is not disqualified from unemployment benefits if the individual has complied with the requirements for seeking an exemption from an employer's COVID-19 immunization requirements and was discharged from employment for failing or refusing to receive an immunization against COVID-19. Provides that an employer may not impose a requirement that employees receive an immunization against COVID-19 unless the employer provides individual exemptions that allow an employee to opt out of the requirement on the basis of medical reasons, religious reasons, or immunity from COVID-19 acquired from a prior infection with COVID-19.
 Current Status:   3/3/2022 - Public Law 1
 State Bill Page:   HB1001
HB1002VARIOUS TAX MATTERS. (BROWN T) Specifies that the amount of excess combined reserves that may be transferred to the pre-1996 account in 2022 may not exceed $2,500,000,000. Reduces the individual adjusted gross income tax rate from 3.23% in 2022 to 3.15% in 2023 and 2024. Phases down the individual adjusted gross income tax rate after 2024 depending on certain conditions being met. Allows a taxpayer to elect a special property tax valuation method for mini-mill equipment. (Current law allows the method to be used only for certain integrated steel mill and oil refinery/petrochemical equipment.) Repeals the utility receipts and utility services use taxes. Requires a utility that is subject to the jurisdiction of the Indiana utility regulatory commission (IURC) for the approval of rates and charges to file a rate adjustment with the IURC that adjusts the utility's rates and charges to reflect the repeal of the utility receipts tax. Requires a utility that is subject to the utility receipts tax and not under the jurisdiction of the IURC to adjust the utility's rates and charges to reflect the repeal of the utility receipts tax. Requires each utility to provide notice to the utility's customers that the adjustment in rates and charges reflects the repeal of the utility receipts tax. Specifies taxpayer procedure for the repeal of the utility receipts and utility services use tax. Provides that the office of the secretary of family and social services may not enter into a final contract that would implement a risk based managed care program or capitated program for the specified Medicaid population before January 31, 2023. Makes conforming changes.
 Current Status:   3/15/2022 - Public Law 138
 State Bill Page:   HB1002
HB1034TAX INCREMENT FINANCING. (TORR J) Provides that a lien resulting from an agreement between a redevelopment commission (commission) and a taxpayer in an allocation area takes priority over any existing or subsequent mortgage, other lien, or other encumbrance on the property, and must have parity with a state property tax lien under IC 6-1.1-22-13. Provides that a lien resulting from a taxpayer agreement will have the priority of real property taxes and may be enforced and collected in all respects as real property taxes. Provides that a commission, or two or more commissions acting jointly, may contract for marketing and advertising of land located in an allocation area. Imposes a limitation on the amount available to be spent on the marketing and advertising of land in an allocation area.
 Current Status:   3/8/2022 - Public Law 46
 State Bill Page:   HB1034
HB1103DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES. (EBERHART S) Repeals code provisions regarding commercial fishing on Lake Michigan. Removes the requirement that the director of the department of natural resources (department) send, to a person who has a license that is placed on probationary status, notice that includes a description of the amount of child support in arrears and an explanation of the procedures to pay child support arrearage. Repeals the mussels license issued by the department. Provides that a law enforcement officer or an employee of the department is not liable for the destruction of a permitted animal that escapes an enclosure and poses a threat to public safety. Provides instances when a construction permit for a floodway is not required to remove a logjam or mass of wood debris that has accumulated in a river or stream. Provides that, beginning January 1, 2022, the director of the department shall not exercise authority to remove or eliminate an abode or residence from a floodway if the abode or residence was constructed before January 1, 2022. (Current law provides that the director of the department shall not exercise the authority if the residence or abode was constructed before January 1, 2020.) Provides that before July 1, 2023, the department shall adopt a license for the removal of trees; channel maintenance; and bank reconstruction, repair, and stabilization in a floodway. Provides that a local floodplain administrator shall utilize the best floodplain mapping data available as provided by the department and located on the Indiana Floodplain Information Portal when reviewing a permit application for a structure or a construction activity in, or near, a floodplain. Provides that a contract to purchase timber must be in writing. Allows the collection of damages for costs associated with a claim or action, including attorney's fees, or damages specified in a contract with a timber buyer or a person who cuts timber but is not a timber buyer. Requires a timber buyer to keep complete and accurate records for at least five years after a transaction. Allows the director of the department to suspend a timber buyer's license for not more than 90 days before a final adjudication if the director of the department finds that the holder of the timber buyer's license poses a clear and immediate danger to public health, safety, or property if allowed to continue to operate. Provides that the director of the department may renew the suspension for periods of not more than 90 days. Makes technical and conforming changes.
 Current Status:   3/15/2022 - Public Law 141
 State Bill Page:   HB1103
HB1130OPEN MEETINGS. (O'BRIEN T) Requires a governing body of a school corporation (school board) to allow each member of the public attending a meeting (attendee) the opportunity to provide oral public comment. Allows a school board to permit oral public comment at a public meeting that is conducted electronically during a state or local disaster emergency. Restricts the circumstances in which the governing body of a state or local public agency may hold a virtual meeting during a declared disaster emergency without any of the governing body members physically present.
 Current Status:   3/14/2022 - Public Law 116
 State Bill Page:   HB1130
HB1211STATE AND LOCAL ADMINISTRATION. (TESHKA J) Provides that not later than October 1, 2022, the department of administration (department), on behalf of the office of technology (office), shall issue a request for information for purposes of exploring how blockchain technology could be used by a state agency to: (1) achieve greater cost efficiency and cost effectiveness; and (2) improve consumer convenience, experience, data security, and data privacy. Requires the office to compile a report concerning the request for information and submit the report to the legislative council in an electronic format not later than March 31, 2023. Defines "blockchain technology" and "distributed ledger technology". Requires an agency to submit an emergency rule to the attorney general for review and approval before the emergency rule may take effect. Provides that emergency rules may not be effective for a period that exceeds 180 days. Provides that certain emergency rules expire not more than two years after the rule takes effect. Requires an agency adopting an administrative rule to submit an economic impact statement and an explanation of any penalty, fine, or other similar negative impact included in the proposed rule to the publisher of the Indiana Administrative Code (publisher). Requires the publisher to provide a copy of the materials concerning a proposed rule or pending readoption to the members of the appropriate standing committee, the governor, and the office of management and budget. Provides that administrative rules expire on July 1 of the fourth year after the year in which the rule takes effect (instead of January 1 of the seventh year after the year in which the rule takes effect). Requires an agency intending to readopt an administrative rule to provide to the publisher, not later than January 1 of the third year after the year in which the rule most recently took effect: (1) notice of; and (2) information concerning; the pending readoption. Requires that all broadband infrastructure projects that are funded in whole or in part by a grant or loan from the regional economic acceleration and development initiative (READI) fund must satisfy the criteria and requirements as described in the rural broadband program. Makes corresponding changes.
 Current Status:   3/16/2022 - VETOED BY GOVERNOR
 State Bill Page:   HB1211
HB1260DEPARTMENT OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT FINANCE. (LEONARD D) Specifies provisions for federal economic stimulus funds. Provides that, unless specifically granted authority by a statute passed by the general assembly, the state lottery commission and Indiana gaming commission shall not, independently or by public-private partnership, operate or authorize the use or operation of particular games and sales over the Internet. Specifies certain exceptions. Provides that certain churches and religious societies are not required to file a personal property tax return. Provides that a county assessor shall provide electronic access to property record cards on the county's official Internet web site. Repeals the mortgage deduction for assessments beginning January 1, 2023. Increases the homestead deduction from $45,000 to $48,000 for assessments beginning January 1, 2023. Provides that with regard to a rehabilitation or redevelopment project in an economic revitalization area within an excluded city, that when the designating body: (1) receives a formal request for a tax abatement or incentive; or (2) issues an offer letter for a tax abatement or incentive; the designating body must provide written notice to the excluded city. Requires a local assessor to notify the department of local government finance (DLGF) of all new fixed property owned or used by a public utility company that the local assessor will begin assessing and the date on which the assessments will begin. Requires the DLGF to notify a company if any of the company's property that was previously assessed by the DLGF will instead be assessed by the township assessor, or the county assessor if there is not a township assessor for the township. Provides that the county assessor may exempt designated infrastructure development zone broadband assets, including assets located in a designated infrastructure development zone of a centrally assessed telephone company or cable company. Provides that the authority of a property tax assessment board of appeals (county board) is not limited to review the ongoing eligibility of a property for an exemption. Provides timing clarifications for property tax deductions for taxpayers who are over age 65 or who are disabled veterans, and for the over age 65 circuit breaker credit. Provides that the assessor shall provide a report to the county auditor describing any physical improvements to the property. Increases the maximum assessed value of the real property for an individual at least 65 years of age to be eligible for a deduction from $200,000 to $240,000. Defines the term "taxpayer" for purposes of the procedures for review and appeal of assessments and corrections of errors. Modifies the burden of proof standard in an appeal to provide that an assessment as last determined by an assessing official or the county board is presumed to equal a property's true tax value until rebutted by evidence presented by the parties, unless the property's assessment increased by more than 5%, in which case the assessor has the burden of proof. Provides that a county auditor shall submit a certified statement to the DLGF not later than September 1 in a manner prescribed by the DLGF. Provides for maximum property tax levy increases for Otter Creek Township in Vigo County and Sugar Creek Township Fire Protection District in Vigo County. Provides for a one-time maximum property tax levy increase for Howard County. Specifies certain dates with regard to the adjustment of maximum tax rates after a reassessment or annual adjustment. For reports filed by county boards with the DLGF, changes the requirement for the total number of "notices" to be filed to the total number of "appeals" to be filed. Requires additional information to be filed in such reports. Provides that the term "tax representative" does not include an attorney who is a member in good standing of the Indiana bar or any person who is a member in good standing of any other state bar and who has been granted temporary admission to the Indiana bar in order to represent a party before the property tax assessment board of appeals or the DLGF. Provides that the DLGF may not review certain written complaints if such a complaint is related to a matter that is under appeal. Repeals a provision in current law that provides that a taxpayer that owns an industrial plant located in Jasper County is ineligible for a local property tax replacement credit against the property taxes due on the industrial plant if the assessed value of the industrial plant as of March 1, 2006, exceeds 20% of the total assessed value of all taxable property in the county on that date. Provides that for certain airport development zones and allocation areas established after June 30, 2024, "residential property" refers to the assessed value of property that is allocated to the 1% homestead land and improvement categories in the county tax and billing software system, along with the residential assessed value as defined for purposes of calculating the rate for the local income tax property tax relief credit designated for residential property. Provides formulas for school corporations that propose to impose property taxes under a referendum tax levy. Provides that the property tax rate imposed under the provision for the public safety officers survivors' health coverage cumulative fund is exempt from the adjustment of maximum tax rates after reassessment or annual adjustment. Changes the sunset provision for pro bono legal service fees from July 1, 2022, to July 1, 2025. Allows a county surveyor to send relocation requirements for a proposed regulated drain by either registered mail or certified mail (current law requires the relocation requirements be sent by registered mail). Amends SECTION 9 of HEA 1001-2022 by adding language indicating that certain COVID-19 tests be "approved, cleared, or authorized" by the FDA as opposed to just "approved" as passed in HEA 1001-2022. Repeals various property tax provisions. Makes conforming changes.
 Current Status:   3/21/2022 - Public Law 174
 State Bill Page:   HB1260
SB74PREFERENCES IN PUBLIC WORKS AND PUBLIC PURCHASING. (BOOTS P) Provides that a manufacturing business, defined as a business that processes raw materials or parts into finished goods, is not a small business if it employs more than 100 persons or if its annual sales for its most recently completed fiscal year exceed $4,000,000. Provides that any state agency that purchases goods, supplies, or services for the state must report by October 1 of each year to the budget committee the amount of Indiana business and Indiana small business preferences granted in the agency's procurement of goods, supplies, or services for the state.
 Current Status:   3/10/2022 - Public Law 50
 State Bill Page:   SB74
SB131UNIFORM ELECTRONIC LEGAL MATERIAL ACT. (FREEMAN A) Implements the Uniform Electronic Legal Material Act, which establishes a process for certain legal materials stored electronically to be: (1) designated as official; (2) authenticated; (3) preserved; and (4) made available to the public.
 Current Status:   3/7/2022 - Public Law 11
 State Bill Page:   SB131
SB157DISPOSITION OF REAL PROPERTY BY INDOT. (CRIDER M) Provides that an agency real estate professional may determine the fair market value of real property the department of transportation (INDOT) owns and is seeking to sell under certain conditions. Makes conforming changes. Provides that real property shall be appraised prior to acquisition by INDOT, except under certain conditions concerning donation and valuation of the real property. Requires INDOT to prepare a waiver valuation if an appraisal is unnecessary. Suspends certain rules for persons preparing or reviewing a waiver valuation. Provides that INDOT may sell real property without advertising or competitive bids under certain circumstances. Extends the sunset of certain public-private agreement provisions from June 30, 2023, to June 30, 2031.
 Current Status:   3/7/2022 - Public Law 12
 State Bill Page:   SB157
SB166PUBLIC-PRIVATE AGREEMENTS. (WALKER K) Provides that a governmental body may enter into a public-private agreement with respect to a transportation project. Provides that any public-private agreement with respect to a transportation project may use availability payments to finance all or a portion of the project. Provides that a governmental body may also enter into a development agreement with a private party for the development, construction, and financing of a privately owned and operated transportation or infrastructure project if the development agreement meets certain conditions. Specifies the contents of public-private agreements for transportation facilities or transportation projects and establishes requirements for the operator of the transportation facility or transportation project. Provides for a property tax exemption and a sales tax exemption. Defines terms.
 Current Status:   3/10/2022 - Public Law 57
 State Bill Page:   SB166
SB245STATEWIDE SPORTS AND TOURISM BID FUND. (WALKER K) Establishes the statewide sports and tourism bid fund (fund) to provide funding for the purpose of organizing and holding sports and tourism events in Indiana. Provides that the Indiana destination development corporation (IDDC) shall administer the fund. Requires the IDDC to distribute to the Indiana Sports Corporation a grant amount equal to the amount appropriated by the general assembly to the fund. Provides that the Indiana Sports Corporation shall manage the funds in accordance with the general laws of the state relating to the handling of public funds. Requires that the Indiana Sports Corporation ensure that not less than 30% of the money received by the Indiana Sports Corporation each biennium is used for events that are conducted outside of Marion County. Authorizes the Indiana Sports Corporation to award grants to other eligible entities for the purpose of organizing and holding an event in Indiana. Requires the Indiana Sports Corporation to annually report to the budget committee on the use of the money received from the fund.
 Current Status:   3/10/2022 - Public Law 58
 State Bill Page:   SB245
SB264ADMINISTRATIVE RULES REVIEW TASK FORCE. (GARTEN C) Establishes the administrative rules review task force (task force). Describes the duties required of the task force.
 Current Status:   3/7/2022 - Public Law 17
 State Bill Page:   SB264
SB382VARIOUS TAX MATTERS. (HOLDMAN T) Allows certain corporations to make an election to determine the corporation's state adjusted gross income tax under specified provisions. Requires all wagering taxes to be reported and remitted electronically through the department of state revenue (department) online tax filing program. Amends the distribution date for certain alcoholic beverage tax revenue and wagering tax and fee revenue. Provides that a taxpayer is not required to file subsequent personal property tax returns for the business personal property exemption. Provides that the true tax value of a self-service storage facility must be determined based solely on the land and the improvements, less normal depreciation and normal obsolescence, and must exclude business intangible value. Clarifies provisions regarding application of the sales tax to transactions in which a person acquires an aircraft for rental or leasing in the ordinary course of the person's business. Reorganizes and revises provisions that apply to the sales tax exemption for nonprofit organizations. Reorganizes and revises provisions regarding sales tax exemptions for utilities. Provides required report filing deadlines for exempt transactions for certain retail merchants. Provides that if an amount would have been excludible under Section 108(f)(5) of the Internal Revenue Code as in effect on January 1, 2020, the amount is not required to be added back under the Indiana adjusted gross income provisions. Requires certain state or local government employees to submit to criminal history background checks at least once every five years (as opposed to 10 years under current law). Allows certain small businesses to deduct amounts paid for health insurance premiums from Indiana adjusted gross income. Amends sales tax provisions that apply to wholesale sales. Clarifies that a marketplace facilitator is considered the retail merchant for transactions it facilitates on its marketplace regardless as to whether the marketplace facilitator has a contractual relationship with the seller. Allows nonresident shareholders and partners of a partnership to make an election to opt out of withholding tax requirements in certain specified circumstances. Clarifies the reporting process used for distribution of local income tax (LIT) revenue to conform to current practice. Amends due date provisions for returns, refunds, assessments, or other submissions under the state income tax and financial institutions tax. Provides that an election by a corporation to make a consolidated return continues to apply following a corporate reorganization or sale. Makes technical and clarifying changes to the procedures for reporting federal partnership audit adjustments. Provides an affordable and workforce housing state tax credit against state tax liability to a taxpayer for each taxable year in the state tax credit period of a qualified project in an aggregate amount that does not exceed the product of a percentage between 40% and 100% and the amount of the taxpayer's aggregate federal tax credit for the qualified project. Provides that an eligible applicant must apply to the Indiana housing and community development authority for an award of an affordable and workforce housing state tax credit. Provides that a holder of an affordable and workforce housing state tax credit may transfer, sell, or assign all or part of the holder's right to claim the state tax credit for a taxable year. Increases the number of years a LIT expenditure tax rate for correctional facilities and rehabilitation facilities may be imposed from 22 to 25 years in the case of a tax rate adopted after January 1, 2019. Adds procedures to allow the department to offset LIT distributions to local units when an over distribution has been made either in error or because a taxpayer refund is approved after the distribution. Makes a technical correction to tax penalty provisions that apply to pass through entities. Reduces the tax rate imposed on the distribution of closed system cartridges beginning July 1, 2022, from 25% to 15% of the wholesale price. Requires remote sellers to collect the tobacco products tax on taxable products. Imposes a tax on the distribution of alternative nicotine products in Indiana based on a rate of $0.40 per ounce of the product weight as listed by the manufacturer. Defines "alternative nicotine products" for purposes of the tax. Clarifies that, in the case of distributor to distributor transactions, the tobacco products tax is imposed at the time a distributor first receives the tobacco products in Indiana. Amends provisions that apply to a refund of a tobacco products license fee when a license is surrendered to the department before its expiration. Imposes a penalty on retailers who purchase tobacco products or cigarettes from a distributor who has not obtained a registration certificate from the department (or whose registration certification is revoked or suspended). Authorizes the department to revoke or suspend a registration certificate for failure to comply with certain reporting requirements. Provides the basis upon which the department may refuse to issue or renew a registration certificate. Provides that the department may require reporting of any information reasonably necessary to determine alcoholic beverage excise tax liability. Clarifies provisions that specify the effective date of an innkeeper's tax ordinance and the subsequent tax collection duties of the department. Adds similar provisions under the food and beverage tax. Requires the budget agency to transfer $7,100,000 from the state general fund to the Indiana mapping data and standards fund to be used for: (1) the implementation of the geographic information system (GIS) for the state and local income taxes, as well as listed taxes, administrated by the department; and (2) the purposes of the Indiana geographic information office. Requires the budget agency to create a report on the current GIS related contract costs for all state agencies that could be eliminated in order to offset the required future state appropriations needed to fund the office and submit the report to the interim study committee on fiscal policy before November 1, 2022. Changes population parameters to reflect the population count determined under the 2020 decennial census. Provides that revenue received from the Nashville food and beverage tax may be used for grants to local businesses to make building improvements. Removes an outdated reference in the Indiana Administrative Code regarding a property tax exemption for public airports. Makes conforming changes. Makes an appropriation.
 Current Status:   3/15/2022 - Public Law 137
 State Bill Page:   SB382