Legislative Report
Prepared by: 1816 Public Affairs Group
E-mail: legislativeupdate@1816llc.com
Report created on July 27, 2024
HB1001ADMINISTRATIVE AUTHORITY; COVID-19 IMMUNIZATIONS. (LEHMAN M) Allows the secretary of family and social services (secretary) to issue a waiver of human services statutory provisions and administrative rules if the secretary determines that the waiver is necessary to claim certain enhanced federal matching funds available to the Medicaid program. Allows the secretary to issue an emergency declaration for purposes of participating in specified authorized federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) emergency allotments. Requires the secretary to prepare and submit any waivers or emergency declarations to the budget committee. Allows the state health commissioner of the state department of health or the commissioner's designated public health authority to issue standing orders, prescriptions, or protocols to administer or dispense certain immunizations for individuals who are at least five years old (current law limits the age for the commissioner's issuance of standing orders, prescriptions, and protocols for individuals who are at least 11 years old). Defines "Indiana governmental entity" and specifies that an Indiana governmental entity (current law refers to a state or local unit) may not issue or require an immunization passport. Provides that an individual is not disqualified from unemployment benefits if the individual has complied with the requirements for seeking an exemption from an employer's COVID-19 immunization requirements and was discharged from employment for failing or refusing to receive an immunization against COVID-19. Provides that an employer may not impose a requirement that employees receive an immunization against COVID-19 unless the employer provides individual exemptions that allow an employee to opt out of the requirement on the basis of medical reasons, religious reasons, or immunity from COVID-19 acquired from a prior infection with COVID-19.
 Current Status:   3/3/2022 - Public Law 1
 Recent Status:   3/3/2022 - Signed by the Governor
3/3/2022 - Signed by the President Pro Tempore
 State Bill Page:   HB1001
HB1021HORSE RACING VETERINARIANS. (CHERRY R) Amends the definition of "veterinarian" to allow a veterinary practitioner who: (1) holds a special permit issued by the board of veterinary medical examiners; or (2) is exempt from licensing and special permit requirements and is appointed by the horse racing commission; to take or supervise the taking of biological samples from race horses.
 Current Status:   3/14/2022 - Public Law 111
 Recent Status:   3/14/2022 - Signed by the Governor
3/14/2022 - Signed by the President of the Senate
 State Bill Page:   HB1021
HB1103DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES. (EBERHART S) Repeals code provisions regarding commercial fishing on Lake Michigan. Removes the requirement that the director of the department of natural resources (department) send, to a person who has a license that is placed on probationary status, notice that includes a description of the amount of child support in arrears and an explanation of the procedures to pay child support arrearage. Repeals the mussels license issued by the department. Provides that a law enforcement officer or an employee of the department is not liable for the destruction of a permitted animal that escapes an enclosure and poses a threat to public safety. Provides instances when a construction permit for a floodway is not required to remove a logjam or mass of wood debris that has accumulated in a river or stream. Provides that, beginning January 1, 2022, the director of the department shall not exercise authority to remove or eliminate an abode or residence from a floodway if the abode or residence was constructed before January 1, 2022. (Current law provides that the director of the department shall not exercise the authority if the residence or abode was constructed before January 1, 2020.) Provides that before July 1, 2023, the department shall adopt a license for the removal of trees; channel maintenance; and bank reconstruction, repair, and stabilization in a floodway. Provides that a local floodplain administrator shall utilize the best floodplain mapping data available as provided by the department and located on the Indiana Floodplain Information Portal when reviewing a permit application for a structure or a construction activity in, or near, a floodplain. Provides that a contract to purchase timber must be in writing. Allows the collection of damages for costs associated with a claim or action, including attorney's fees, or damages specified in a contract with a timber buyer or a person who cuts timber but is not a timber buyer. Requires a timber buyer to keep complete and accurate records for at least five years after a transaction. Allows the director of the department to suspend a timber buyer's license for not more than 90 days before a final adjudication if the director of the department finds that the holder of the timber buyer's license poses a clear and immediate danger to public health, safety, or property if allowed to continue to operate. Provides that the director of the department may renew the suspension for periods of not more than 90 days. Makes technical and conforming changes.
 Current Status:   3/15/2022 - Public Law 141
 Recent Status:   3/15/2022 - Signed by the Governor
3/15/2022 - Signed by the President of the Senate
 State Bill Page:   HB1103
HB1147SEED TESTS. (LEHE D) Requires the state seed commissioner to charge fees for testing seed for purity and germination that are commensurate with fees that are standard in the seed testing industry. Repeals certain requirements for agricultural seed in packages that are not more than one pound. Provides that $25 is the minimum fee to register pure or mixed cultures of microorganisms and materials with the state chemist. Allows the state chemist to adopt rules to establish fees that are necessary for the administration of certain laws concerning the sale and transfer of plant cultures, including costs of inspections, registration of products, and product analysis. Voids rules concerning fees for seed analysis, testing, and examination.
 Current Status:   3/7/2022 - Public Law 33
 Recent Status:   3/7/2022 - Signed by the Governor
2/24/2022 - Signed by the Speaker
 State Bill Page:   HB1147
HB1148VETERINARY MEDICINE. (LEHE D) Changes the name of the Indiana board of veterinary medical examiners to the Indiana board of veterinary medicine (board). Provides that the state veterinarian: (1) serves as the chief administrative officer of the board; (2) performs the duties delegated by the board to the state veterinarian; and (3) provides technical advice and assistance to the board. Establishes the Indiana center for animal policy (center) to facilitate the coordination of regulatory duties of the state board of animal health (BOAH) and the board. Provides that the state veterinarian is the chief administrative officer of the center and the BOAH. Requires that the BOAH (not the professional licensing agency) perform certain administrative functions for the board. Requires that the board and the division of consumer protection, office of the attorney general enter into a memorandum of understanding to share information concerning complaints and investigations against individuals regulated by the board. Allows the board to adopt emergency rules. Provides that the board, and the state veterinarian if authorized by the board, may subpoena witnesses and compel the production of certain documents as part of an investigation. Changes the name of the veterinary investigative fund to the veterinary medicine fund (fund). Makes various changes to the fund. Provides that the changes made by the bill do not apply until July 1, 2023. Provides for transition and makes conforming changes.
 Current Status:   3/8/2022 - Public Law 48
 Recent Status:   3/8/2022 - Signed by the Governor
3/8/2022 - Signed by the President of the Senate
 State Bill Page:   HB1148
HB1149HOME BASED VENDORS. (LEHE D) Specifies the requirements for the preparation and sale of food products as a home based vendor. Reorganizes provisions concerning the sale of certain food products by an individual vendor at a farmers' market or roadside stand. Requires an individual who sells poultry, rabbits, and eggs at a farmers' market or roadside stand to comply with certain requirements. Makes conforming changes.
 Current Status:   3/8/2022 - Public Law 49
 Recent Status:   3/8/2022 - Signed by the Governor
3/8/2022 - Signed by the President of the Senate
 State Bill Page:   HB1149
HB1209CARBON SEQUESTRATION PROJECTS. (SOLIDAY E) Provides for the mechanism for underground storage of carbon dioxide in Indiana. Provides that the new chapter does not apply to the carbon sequestration pilot project established pursuant to IC 14-39-1. Makes conforming changes.
 Current Status:   3/18/2022 - Public Law 163
 Recent Status:   3/18/2022 - Signed by the Governor
3/15/2022 - Signed by the President of the Senate
 State Bill Page:   HB1209
HB1211STATE AND LOCAL ADMINISTRATION. (TESHKA J) Provides that not later than October 1, 2022, the department of administration (department), on behalf of the office of technology (office), shall issue a request for information for purposes of exploring how blockchain technology could be used by a state agency to: (1) achieve greater cost efficiency and cost effectiveness; and (2) improve consumer convenience, experience, data security, and data privacy. Requires the office to compile a report concerning the request for information and submit the report to the legislative council in an electronic format not later than March 31, 2023. Defines "blockchain technology" and "distributed ledger technology". Requires an agency to submit an emergency rule to the attorney general for review and approval before the emergency rule may take effect. Provides that emergency rules may not be effective for a period that exceeds 180 days. Provides that certain emergency rules expire not more than two years after the rule takes effect. Requires an agency adopting an administrative rule to submit an economic impact statement and an explanation of any penalty, fine, or other similar negative impact included in the proposed rule to the publisher of the Indiana Administrative Code (publisher). Requires the publisher to provide a copy of the materials concerning a proposed rule or pending readoption to the members of the appropriate standing committee, the governor, and the office of management and budget. Provides that administrative rules expire on July 1 of the fourth year after the year in which the rule takes effect (instead of January 1 of the seventh year after the year in which the rule takes effect). Requires an agency intending to readopt an administrative rule to provide to the publisher, not later than January 1 of the third year after the year in which the rule most recently took effect: (1) notice of; and (2) information concerning; the pending readoption. Requires that all broadband infrastructure projects that are funded in whole or in part by a grant or loan from the regional economic acceleration and development initiative (READI) fund must satisfy the criteria and requirements as described in the rural broadband program. Makes corresponding changes.
 Current Status:   3/16/2022 - VETOED BY GOVERNOR
 Recent Status:   3/15/2022 - Signed by the President of the Senate
3/8/2022 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (S) Report 1: adopted by the Senate; Roll Call 370: yeas 31, nays 19; Rules Suspended
 State Bill Page:   HB1211
HB1320PURCHASES FROM YOUTH AGRICULTURAL PROGRAMS. (SNOW C) Raises the total amount of food that a public school or school corporation (purchasing agency) may purchase from a youth agricultural education program to $10,000 per fiscal year. Specifies that if a purchasing agency purchases more than $10,000 of food from a youth agricultural educational program per fiscal year, the purchasing agency must comply with the applicable federal procurement requirements.
 Current Status:   3/10/2022 - Public Law 82
 Recent Status:   3/10/2022 - Signed by the Governor
3/1/2022 - Signed by the President Pro Tempore
 State Bill Page:   HB1320
SB1AUTOMATIC TAXPAYER REFUND. (HOLDMAN T) Removes a provision that requires taxpayers to have adjusted gross income tax liability in order to qualify for an automatic taxpayer refund. Makes clarifying changes.
 Current Status:   3/7/2022 - Public Law 2
 Recent Status:   3/7/2022 - Signed by the Governor
2/24/2022 - Signed by the Speaker
 State Bill Page:   SB1
SB85DRAINAGE TASK FORCE. (LEISING J) Establishes a drainage task force consisting of six members of the senate, six members of the house of representatives, and seven other individuals. Requires the task force to: (1) review the responsibilities of landowners and state and local authorities under current laws relating to the drainage of land; (2) make certain determinations concerning drainage and regulatory matters; and (3) determine whether the balance between state authority and local authority over drainage of agricultural land favors state authority more in Indiana than in neighboring states. Authorizes the task force to make recommendations. Requires the task force to issue a report and, not later than December 1, 2023, submit the report to the executive director of the legislative services agency for distribution to the members of the general assembly and to the governor.
 Current Status:   3/7/2022 - Public Law 7
 Recent Status:   3/7/2022 - Signed by the Governor
3/7/2022 - Signed by the President of the Senate
 State Bill Page:   SB85
SB119TAXATION OF FARM PROPERTY. (NIEMEYER R) Makes new farm equipment and new agricultural improvements eligible for local tax abatement using the same procedures for tax abatement under current law for new manufacturing equipment, new research and development equipment, new logistical distribution equipment, and new information technology equipment, or redevelopment and rehabilitation in the case of new agricultural improvements. Limits an abatement schedule for new farm equipment and new agricultural improvements to not more than five years. Specifies how agricultural improvements shall be assessed for tax purposes.
 Current Status:   3/7/2022 - Public Law 8
 Recent Status:   3/7/2022 - Signed by the Governor
3/7/2022 - Signed by the President of the Senate
 State Bill Page:   SB119
SB129SEED TESTS. (LEISING J) Requires the state seed commissioner to charge fees for testing seed for purity and germination that are commensurate with fees that are standard in the seed testing industry. Repeals certain requirements for agricultural seed in packages that are not more than one pound. Provides that $25 is the minimum fee to register pure or mixed cultures of microorganisms and materials with the state chemist. Allows the state chemist to adopt rules to establish fees that are necessary for the administration of certain laws concerning the sale and transfer of plant cultures, including costs of inspections, registration of products, and product analysis. Voids rules concerning fees for seed analysis, testing, and examination.
 Current Status:   3/7/2022 - Public Law 10
 Recent Status:   3/7/2022 - Signed by the Governor
2/24/2022 - Signed by the Speaker
 State Bill Page:   SB129
SB343AGRITOURISM ACTIVITIES. (ROGERS L) Specifies that "agritourism activity" includes camping, canoeing, kayaking, tubing on a river, and winter sports activities, including activities that take place on a facility or on grounds used for or in connection with winter sports activities. Provides that failure to post a warning sign or provide a warning notice does not create a cause of action against an agritourism provider. Allows the use of an electronic signature to sign a contract or release in connection with engaging in an agritourism activity.
 Current Status:   3/10/2022 - Public Law 63
 Recent Status:   3/10/2022 - Signed by the Governor
3/1/2022 - Signed by the President Pro Tempore
 State Bill Page:   SB343
SB388FOREIGN GIFTS AND OWNERSHIP OF AGRICULTURAL LAND. (MESSMER M) Requires a postsecondary educational institution (institution) to submit a disclosure report to the Indiana commissioner for higher education (commissioner) of gifts from a foreign source that meet the reporting threshold established by a federal law regarding disclosures of foreign gifts. Provides that the institution shall submit the disclosure report to the commissioner with the same information required to be reported in the disclosure report described in the federal law and at the same time the institution files the disclosure report under the federal law. Provides that certain information for each institution shall be posted on the commission for higher education's (commission) Internet web site. Provides that whenever it appears that an institution has failed to comply with gift disclosure requirements, a civil action may be brought by the attorney general or at the request of: (1) a member of the general assembly; (2) the governor; (3) a member of the commission; (4) a member of the state board of education; or (5) an Indiana taxpayer; to compel compliance with the gift disclosure requirements. Provides that beginning July 1, 2022, a foreign business entity may not acquire agricultural land located within Indiana for the purposes of crop farming or timber production. Specifies exceptions. Prohibits a foreign business entity that owns agricultural land located within Indiana from transferring the agricultural land to another foreign business entity after June 30, 2022, for the purposes of crop farming or timber production. Requires a foreign business entity to report the acquisition, sale, or transfer of agricultural land for the purposes of crop farming or timber production located within Indiana to the secretary of state and the attorney general. Provides that agricultural land acquired, sold, or transferred in violation of law is subject to forfeiture to the state. Adds a provision to prohibit business entities: (1) organized under the laws of the Russian Federation; or (2) wholly controlled by a citizen or citizens of the Russian Federation who are not legal residents of the United States; from holding and conveying real property located within Indiana.
 Current Status:   3/18/2022 - Public Law 156
 Recent Status:   3/18/2022 - Signed by the Governor
3/15/2022 - Signed by the President of the Senate
 State Bill Page:   SB388