My Tracked Bills
Prepared by: Kelby Gaw
Report created on January 21, 2025
HB1025MIXED BEVERAGES. (MANNING E) Adds a definition of "mixed beverage". Allows the holder of a wine wholesaler's permit to take certain actions concerning mixed beverages and flavored malt beverages.
 Current Status:   4/3/2024 - Public Law 41
HB1067HUMAN SERVICES MATTERS. (CLERE E) Establishes the special service review team to review denied applications and applications for which a determination has not been made for the community integration and habilitation waiver. Limits the geographical area of review. Establishes reporting requirements. Requires the division of disability and rehabilitative services to obtain consent from a waiver applicant in order to share the application and information accompanying the application with the review team. Provides immunity for an employee who obtains consent and provides the information in good faith. Provides that the review team expires December 31, 2026. Makes changes to the situations in which an emergency placement priority may be provided for individuals under a Medicaid waiver. Amends the membership of and provisions concerning: (1) the Indiana state commission on aging; and (2) the community and home options to institutional care for the elderly and disabled board. Requires the services for individuals with intellectual and other developmental disabilities task force (task force) to establish, not later than May 1, 2024, a subcommittee to make recommendations to the task force regarding the Medicaid buy-in program and benefit related barriers to employment for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Requires the subcommittee to prepare and submit recommendations to the task force. Changes the expiration date of the task force. Requires the division of disability and rehabilitative services to provide quarterly updates to the division of disability and rehabilitative services advisory council regarding the implementation of recommendations made by the task force. Authorizes the office of the secretary of family and social services (office of the secretary) to implement a risk based managed care program for certain Medicaid recipients. Requires the office of Medicaid policy and planning to convene a workgroup and, with managed care organizations, to conduct a claims submission testing period before the risk based managed care program is established. Provides that, during the first 210 days after the risk based managed care program is implemented, a provider that experiences a financial emergency due to claims payment issues shall receive temporary emergency assistance from the managed care organizations with which the provider is contracted. Requires the office of the secretary and the division of mental health and addiction to include each community mental health center that meets certain requirements in the community mental health services demonstration program (program), if Indiana is approved to participate in the program and as a state plan amendment for specified reimbursement after the program. Allows the office of the secretary and the division of mental health and addiction to apply for a Medicaid state plan amendment or waiver to allow for Medicaid reimbursement for eligible certified community behavioral health clinic services by certain Medicaid providers, if Indiana is not approved to participate in the program.
 Current Status:   4/3/2024 - Public Law 131
HB1070MENTAL HEALTH GRANTS. (CASH B) Allows the division of mental health and addiction to award mental health grants to for-profit community mental health organizations if a nonprofit organization does not qualify for the grant.
 Current Status:   4/3/2024 - Public Law 48
HB1086ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE SALES. (TESHKA J) Allows a bar or restaurant (retailer) to prepare, sell, and deliver alcoholic beverages for carry-out to a customer on the licensed premises in sealed, nonoriginal containers (qualified containers). Defines: (1) "craft manufacturer's permit" as a small brewery permit, farm winery permit, or artisan distiller's permit; and (2) "craft manufacturer" as the holder of a "craft manufacturer's permit". Requires, after June 30, 2024, liquor liability insurance or an endorsement with coverage of at least $500,000 to obtain or renew a retailer's or craft manufacturer's permit. Provides that if an establishment operates under both a retailer's permit and a craft manufacturer's permit, the insurance coverage requirements apply to the establishment and not to each permit individually. Requires compliance with the insurance coverage requirement not later than January 1, 2025, for a permit issued before July 1, 2024. Prohibits a retailer from doing the following: (1) Allowing a game on the licensed premises that: (A) is determined by the quantity of alcoholic beverages consumed by a patron; or (B) awards alcoholic beverage prizes, unless the alcohol beverages are charity gaming prizes or sold in a charity auction event. (2) Selling or serving an unlimited or indefinite amount of alcoholic beverages for a fixed price. Allows a retailer or craft manufacturer to reduce or increase the price of alcoholic beverages during a part of the day. Specifies that the alcohol and tobacco commission may revoke the privilege of selling alcoholic beverages: (1) in qualified containers for carry-out; or (2) for a reduced or increased price; for violations of certain conditions.
 Current Status:   4/3/2024 - Public Law 167
HB1101COURTS FOR CHILDREN THREE YEARS OF AGE AND YOUNGER IN NEED OF SERVICES. (LAUER R) Establishes a safe baby court as a type of problem solving court. Provides that a child in need of services is an eligible individual for purposes of a problem solving court program.
 Current Status:   4/3/2024 - Public Law 51
HB1104SCHOOL SAFETY. (DAVIS M) Provides that a school safety plan developed by a school corporation or charter school must establish an armed intruder drill protocol. Requires safe school committees to develop a policy that considers the effect of armed intruder drills on the safety and mental health of students, faculty, and staff. Prohibits an armed intruder drill that includes sensory components or activities from: (1) requiring student participation; or (2) taking place during regular school hours if a majority of the student body is present on school property. Allows a school corporation or charter school that: (1) employs a school resource officer; or (2) enters into a contract or a memorandum of understanding with a local law enforcement agency, private entity, or nonprofit corporation to employ a school resource officer; to participate in the 1977 fund. Provides that a school resource officer hired or rehired after June 30, 2024, who is a member of the 1977 fund shall remain in the 1977 fund. Provides that a school resource officer may become a member of the 1977 fund by meeting certain age and training requirements. Makes corresponding changes.
 Current Status:   4/3/2024 - Public Law 135
HB1123CHILD ADVOCACY CENTERS. (DEVON D) Provides that the department of child services may use a child advocacy center to coordinate a multidisciplinary team for responding to reports involving child abuse or neglect. Requires the child advocacy center to: (1) coordinate a multidisciplinary team that consists of specified professionals; (2) ensure that the multidisciplinary team members have specified training; (3) provide a dedicated child-focused setting designed to provide a safe, comfortable, and neutral place for a forensic interview and other child advocacy center services; (4) use written protocols; (5) use a case tracking system to provide information on essential demographic and case information; and (6) verify that multidisciplinary team members responsible for providing medical evaluations and mental health services have specified training. Provides civil immunity for a child advocacy center's employees, volunteers, and board members under certain circumstances. Allows otherwise confidential information regarding an investigation of child abuse or neglect to be made available to a child advocacy center when the child advocacy center has before it an investigation of child abuse or neglect in which it is facilitating a forensic interview or facilitating a case discussion or case review.
 Current Status:   4/3/2024 - Public Law 54
HB1138PROFESSIONAL LICENSING MATTERS. (GOSS-REAVES L) Removes references to a quality review in provisions relating to the licensing of accountants. Requires the Indiana board of accountancy (board) to adopt rules requiring the firm to allow the administering entity to provide access to the results of its most recently accepted peer review and other objective information to the board. Removes language requiring the administering entity to make a peer review report available to the oversight committee not more than 30 days after the issuance of the peer review report. Provides that the results of a peer review may be treated as a complaint submitted by the board. Removes language requiring the peer review committee issuing a report to cooperate with an investigation of a complaint. Allows the use of certain titles by an individual who is enrolled in or has graduated from a school or college of architecture or an accredited curriculum of landscape architecture. Specifies that the renewal of a professional geologist license after June 30, 2025, requires continuing education. Allows certain individuals to take various licensing examinations early if certain conditions are met. Increases the number of clinical or supervised hours certain individuals may obtain through virtual supervision.
 Current Status:   4/3/2024 - Public Law 83
HB1197ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO COMMISSION. (MANNING E) Allows the alcohol and tobacco commission (commission) to provide notices electronically. Allows the commission to issue 10 new three-way permits to the city of Noblesville, allowing the issuance of: (1) three new three-way permits in 2024; (2) three new three-way permits in 2025; and (3) four new three-way permits in 2026; with any permits not issued in a year allowed to be issued in a subsequent year. Allows the commission to issue two new three-way permits to the city of Delphi. Amends certain provisions regarding the sale of alcoholic beverages from a bar of a restaurant for on-premises consumption. Allows a designated smoking area on the outside patio or terrace of a hotel if: (1) the designated smoking area is delineated from the rest of the outside patio or terrace by a barrier that is at least 18 inches in height; (2) the designated smoking area is located at least 20 feet from any entrance to the hotel; and (3) individuals less than 21 years of age are not allowed in the designated smoking area. Repeals provisions related to beer gardens and patio alcohol service for certain premises. Exempts a food hall that: (1) contains not less than 10 distinct nonaffiliated food and beverage vendors; and (2) is located within a mixed use development or redevelopment project with a total investment of at least $100,000,000; from certain requirements that apply to the issuance of a food hall master permit. Repeals a provision concerning residency requirements for beer wholesalers. Removes the requirement that a property tax clearance form provided to the alcohol and tobacco commission include an embossed seal from the county treasurer. Includes a craft manufacturer in the definition of a host permittee for purposes of a temporary craft manufacturer hospitality permit. Modifies the definition of "designated permittee" in relation to a designated refreshment area. Replaces references to the federal bureau of alcohol, tobacco, and explosives with the federal Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau or its successor agency.
 Current Status:   3/13/2024 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
HB1203XYLAZINE. (MELTZER J) Makes possession of xylazine a Class A misdemeanor, and increases the penalty to a Level 6 felony if the person has a prior xylazine related conviction. Makes dealing in xylazine a Level 5 felony, and increases the penalty to a Level 4 felony if the person has a prior xylazine related conviction. Exempts certain persons using, distributing, or manufacturing xylazine for veterinary purposes.
 Current Status:   3/11/2024 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
HB1205MENTAL HEALTH STANDARDS AND REPORTING. (MELTZER J) Requires the secretary of family and social services to provide that the standards for services provided by recovery community organizations for behavioral health recovery, when used as a recovery community organization, be certified through a certain entity and meet other standards established by the division of mental health and addiction. Specifies information that must be reported by a community mental health center as part of the community mental health center's annual report.
 Current Status:   3/11/2024 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
HB1216MEDICAID REIMBURSEMENT FOR CERTAIN DETAINEES. (STEUERWALD G) Removes provisions in current law specifying that services provided to an individual while the individual is committed to a facility for mental health services are medically necessary when provided in accordance with generally accepted clinical care guidelines. Requires Medicaid reimbursement for Medicaid covered services provided to a Medicaid recipient while the individual is detained to a facility for mental health services. Sunsets this provision on June 30, 2025. Requires, on or before February 1, 2025, the office of the secretary of family and social services to report to the budget committee certain information for Medicaid claims data ranging from July 1, 2024, to December 31, 2024. Amends the requirements for an application for detention.
 Current Status:   3/13/2024 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
HB1238COMPETENCY EVALUATION. (MCNAMARA W) Requires the division of mental health and addiction to establish a training program to certify a competency evaluator to assist a court in determining competency. Provides that certain licensed individuals may examine a defendant and testify as to whether the defendant can understand the criminal proceedings and assist in the preparation of the defendant's defense. Allows a court to dismiss criminal charges, without prejudice if the defendant has a certain diagnosis and the defendant is charged with a misdemeanor or Level 6 felony. Makes conforming changes.
 Current Status:   3/12/2024 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
HB1259HEALTH CARE MATTERS. (BARRETT B) Establishes the therapeutic psilocybin research fund, administered by the division of mental health and addiction, to provide financial assistance to research institutions in Indiana to study the use of psilocybin to treat mental health and other medical conditions. Sets forth clinical study requirements. Requires a research institution that receives a grant to conduct a clinical study to prepare and submit a report to the interim study committee on public health, behavioral health, and human services, the Indiana department of health, and the division of mental health and addiction. Allows, rather than requires, the Indiana department of health to grant an extension to the hospital for the filing of certain reports. Removes the requirement that a clinical preceptor must have at least 18 months of experience as a licensed nurse. Allows the majority of nursing program faculty to be part-time employees of an approved postsecondary educational institution or a hospital that conducts the nursing program. Allows the holder of a student permit issued by the respiratory care committee to perform certain respiratory care procedures on certain child patients. Provides that an individual who previously was employed to provide supervised surgical assistance in a health care facility may provide surgical assistance in a health care facility. Requires a contract with a third party administrator, pharmacy benefit manager, or prepaid health care delivery plan to provide that the plan sponsor has ownership of the claims data. Allows a contract holder to request an audit of a pharmacy benefit manager one time per calendar year and not earlier than six months after a previously requested audit. Allows a plan sponsor that contracts with a third party administrator, the office of the secretary of family and social services that contracts with a managed care organization to provide services to a Medicaid recipient, or the state personnel department that contracts with a prepaid health care delivery plan to provide group health coverage for state employees to request an audit one time in a calendar year and not earlier than six months after a previously requested audit. Sets forth requirements concerning an audit. Voids a provision in the Indiana Administrative Code relating to physician referrals for acupuncture services.
 Current Status:   3/13/2024 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
HB1385EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES. (BARRETT B) Establishes the community cares initiative grant pilot program for the purpose of assisting in the costs of starting or expanding mobile integrated health care programs and mobile crisis teams in Indiana. Establishes the community cares initiative fund. Requires a health plan operator to provide payment to a nonparticipating ambulance service provider for ambulance service provided to a covered individual: (1) at a rate not to exceed the rates set or approved, by contract or ordinance, by the county or municipality in which the ambulance service originated; (2) at the rate of 400% of the published rate for ambulance services established under the Medicare law for the same ambulance service provided in the same geographic area; or (3) according to the nonparticipating ambulance provider's billed charges; whichever is less. Provides that if a health plan operator makes payment to a nonparticipating ambulance service provider in compliance with these requirements: (1) the payment shall be considered payment in full, except for any copayment, coinsurance, deductible, and other cost sharing amounts that the health plan requires the covered individual to pay; and (2) the nonparticipating ambulance service provider is prohibited from billing the covered individual for any additional amount. Provides that the copayment, coinsurance, deductible, and other cost sharing amounts that a covered individual is required to pay in connection with ambulance service provided by a nonparticipating ambulance service provider shall not exceed the copayment, coinsurance, deductible, and other cost sharing amounts that the covered individual would be required to pay if the ambulance service had been provided by a participating ambulance service provider. Requires a health plan operator that receives a clean claim from a nonparticipating ambulance service provider to remit payment to the nonparticipating ambulance service provider not more than 30 days after receiving the clean claim. Provides that if a claim received by a health plan operator for ambulance service provided by a nonparticipating ambulance service provider is not a clean claim, the health plan operator, not more than 30 days after receiving the claim, shall: (1) remit payment; or (2) send a written notice that: (A) acknowledges the date of receipt of the claim; and (B) either explains why the health plan operator is declining to pay the claim or states that additional information is needed for a determination whether to pay the claim. Removes the requirement that a health plan operator negotiate rates and terms with any ambulance service provider willing to become a participating provider, but retains the requirement that the state negotiate rates and terms with any ambulance service provider willing to become a participating provider.
 Current Status:   3/13/2024 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
SB17AGE VERIFICATION FOR MATERIAL HARMFUL TO MINORS. (BOHACEK M) Requires an adult oriented website operator that displays material harmful to minors to use a reasonable age verification method to prevent a minor from accessing an adult oriented website. Creates a cause of action to permit: (1) the parent or guardian of a child harmed by a violation of the age verification requirement to obtain monetary damages, injunctive relief, and reasonable attorney's fees; and (2) any other person to bring an action to obtain injunctive relief and reasonable attorney's fees. Prohibits a person that conducts age verification from retaining the identifying information of an individual seeking to access an adult oriented website that displays material harmful to minors, and permits an individual whose identifying information is retained to bring an action to obtain monetary damages, injunctive relief, and reasonable attorney's fees. Requires adult oriented website operators to use commercially reasonable methods to secure all information collected and transmitted. Provides that the attorney general may bring an action to obtain an injunction, a civil penalty of not more than $250,000, or the attorney general's reasonable costs in investigating and maintaining the action. Provides that when the attorney general has reasonable cause to believe that any person has engaged in, is engaging in, or is about to engage in a violation, the attorney general is empowered to issue civil investigative demands under IC 4-6-3-3 to investigate the suspected violation. Requires verification information of minors to be kept confidential with certain exceptions. Adds verification information to the definition of "personal information". Adds a violation of IC 24-4-23 as a deceptive act.
 Current Status:   3/13/2024 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
SB20MUNICIPAL RIVERFRONT DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT PERMITS. (HOLDMAN T) Specifies that the alcohol and tobacco commission may issue restaurant permits for a municipal riverfront development district established by a town.
 Current Status:   3/12/2024 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
SB58RESTAURANT CARRYOUT SALES. (HOLDMAN T) Exempts a specialty or gourmet market holding a retailer's permit with carryout privileges that was initially issued in September 2019 from the gross retail income requirements to sell alcoholic beverages for carryout.
 Current Status:   3/11/2024 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
SB132PROFESSIONS AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICES. (BROWN L) Authorizes the office of the secretary of family and social services to implement a risk based managed care program for certain Medicaid recipients. Requires the office of Medicaid policy and planning to convene a workgroup and, with managed care organizations, to conduct a claims submission testing period before the risk based managed care program is established.~ Provides that, during the first 210 days after the risk based managed care program is implemented, a provider that experiences a financial emergency due to claims payment issues shall receive temporary emergency assistance from the managed care organizations with which the provider is contracted. Amends statutes concerning Medicaid provider agreements, health insurance reimbursement agreements, and Medicare supplement insurance to specify that a 15 day period consists of 15 business days. Requires the Indiana department of health to grant a hospital an extension of time to file the hospital's fiscal report if the hospital shows good cause for the extension. Removes an expired provision concerning hospital fiscal reports. Eliminates the requirement that a provider who is licensed in Indiana, physically located outside Indiana, but providing telehealth services to patients who are in Indiana, file a certification constituting a waiver of jurisdiction. Makes a number of changes in the law concerning health facility administrators, including eliminating the requirement that a health facility administrator display the individual's license in a prominent location in the individual's principal office and providing that a particular course of study for administrators in training is not mandatory. Specifies: (1) the manner in which certain nurse applicants may demonstrate English proficiency; (2) that a graduate of a foreign nursing school must pass a specified examination; and (3) additional credentialing verification assessment organizations for certain nurse applicants. Prohibits a third party administrator or another person from arranging for a dental provider to provide dental services for a dental plan that sets the amount of the fee for any dental services unless the dental services are covered services under the dental plan. Provides that a contracting entity (a dental carrier, a third party administrator, or another person that enters into a provider network contract with providers of dental services) may not grant a third party access to the provider network contract or to dental services or contractual discounts provided pursuant to the provider network contract unless certain conditions are satisfied. Provides that when a dental provider network contract is entered into, renewed, or materially modified, any provider that is a party to the network contract must be allowed to choose not to participate in the third party access. Prohibits a contracting entity from: (1) altering the rights or status under a provider network contract of a dental provider that chooses not to participate in third party access; or (2) rejecting a provider as a party to a provider network contract because the provider chose not to participate in third party access. Authorizes the insurance commissioner to issue a cease and desist order against a person that violates any of these prohibitions and, if the person violates the cease and desist order, to impose a civil penalty upon the person and suspend or revoke the person's certificate of authority. Provides that if a covered individual assigns the covered individual's rights to benefits for dental services to the provider of the dental services, the dental carrier shall pay the benefits assigned by the covered individual to the provider of the dental services. However, prohibits the provider from billing the covered individual (except for a copayment, coinsurance, or a deductible amount) if the provider is in the dental carrier's network. Requires the Indiana state board of nursing to amend a specified administrative rule to conform with this act. Requires the medical licensing board to study certain rules concerning office based setting accreditations and report to the general assembly.
 Current Status:   3/11/2024 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
SB148WORKFORCE DATA COLLECTION. (BROWN L) Requires the division of disability and rehabilitative services (division), beginning 12 months after the direct support professional registry is implemented, to post monthly on the division's website the total number of individuals registered under the registry. Requires the division to present information concerning the total number of individuals registered to the division of disability and rehabilitative services advisory council at least quarterly. Requires reports of newly hired employees to be filed electronically. Requires employers to provide an employee's current primary standardized occupational classification code and starting compensation on a report of a newly hired employee. Provides that each workforce focused agency shall deliver a workforce related program report to the management performance hub. Requires the management performance hub to: (1) compile the workforce related program reports into an annual data product; and (2) make the data product available to each workforce focused agency. Makes conforming amendments.
 Current Status:   3/13/2024 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
SB149TOBACCO. (ROGERS L) Prohibits a retail establishment from holding more than one active tobacco sales certificate (certificate) for a retail location at any time. Prohibits the alcohol and tobacco commission (commission) from issuing a certificate to certain persons. Provides that, if a majority interest in a business that holds a certificate is sold or transferred: (1) the new ownership must apply for a new certificate; and (2) the certificate and permit number held by the previous ownership are void 90 days after the sale or transfer of the ownership of the business. Specifies that an employee of a certificate holder (employee) must hold a valid: (1) driver's license issued by the state of Indiana or another state; or (2) identification card issued by the state of Indiana, another state, or the United States; to sell tobacco products. Requires an employee to have the driver's license, identification card, or a copy of these documents readily available to show an excise officer or law enforcement when selling tobacco products. Allows an employee who is unable to show these documents to provide certain evidence within five days. Permits the commission to impose a civil penalty on the certificate holder if an employee fails to timely produce this evidence. Provides that a person who recklessly, knowingly, or intentionally sells a tobacco product without a valid certificate commits a Class C infraction. Makes it a Class C misdemeanor for a person to operate a tobacco and vaping business within 1,000 feet of school property. Specifies exceptions.
 Current Status:   3/13/2024 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
SB169CHILD CARING INSTITUTIONS AND GROUP HOMES. (WALKER G) Requires specified types of residential child care facilities to: (1) implement specified personnel policies, including with regard to: (A) minimum qualifications for specified employee classifications; and (B) maintenance of personnel records; (2) comply with specified restrictions on caseloads; (3) obtain specified health records, immunizations, and examinations for each child under the facility's care; and (4) follow specified processes in providing medical care for children in the facility's care, including with regard to administering psychotropic medications. Provides that certain individuals at least 18 years of age but less than 21 years of age are included in the definitions for "child", "child abuse or neglect", and "victim of child abuse or neglect". Makes conforming and technical changes.
 Current Status:   3/13/2024 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
SB232STATEWIDE 911 SYSTEM. (WALKER K) Removes references to "enhanced 911 service". Increases the penalty for false informing if the false report is that a person is dangerous and certain other circumstances exist. Changes references from the "enhanced prepaid wireless charge" to the "911 service prepaid wireless charge". Provides that information relating to security measures or precautions used to secure the statewide 911 system may be excepted from public disclosure at the discretion of the statewide 911 board. Makes changes to or repeals certain definitions relating to the state 911 system. Provides that all originating service providers that provide 911 service for their customers: (1) shall connect to the state 911 system using an industry standard or functional equivalent; and (2) must establish and maintain the connection in accordance with all applicable regulatory requirements requiring service continuity and ensure access to public safety assistance.Provides that an emergency communications center included in the definition of PSAP may not be construed to create an additional PSAP. Makes a technical correction. Makes conforming amendments.
 Current Status:   3/13/2024 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
SB290CRIMINAL JUSTICE DATA. (FREEMAN A) Requires the Indiana criminal justice institute and the department of correction to collect and distribute certain criminal justice data.
 Current Status:   3/13/2024 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR