Prepared by: Andrew Alvarez
Report created on July 27, 2024
HB1067HUMAN SERVICES MATTERS. (CLERE E) Establishes the special service review team to review denied applications and applications for which a determination has not been made for the community integration and habilitation waiver. Limits the geographical area of review. Establishes reporting requirements. Requires the division of disability and rehabilitative services to obtain consent from a waiver applicant in order to share the application and information accompanying the application with the review team. Provides immunity for an employee who obtains consent and provides the information in good faith. Provides that the review team expires December 31, 2026. Makes changes to the situations in which an emergency placement priority may be provided for individuals under a Medicaid waiver. Amends the membership of and provisions concerning: (1) the Indiana state commission on aging; and (2) the community and home options to institutional care for the elderly and disabled board. Requires the services for individuals with intellectual and other developmental disabilities task force (task force) to establish, not later than May 1, 2024, a subcommittee to make recommendations to the task force regarding the Medicaid buy-in program and benefit related barriers to employment for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Requires the subcommittee to prepare and submit recommendations to the task force. Changes the expiration date of the task force. Requires the division of disability and rehabilitative services to provide quarterly updates to the division of disability and rehabilitative services advisory council regarding the implementation of recommendations made by the task force. Authorizes the office of the secretary of family and social services (office of the secretary) to implement a risk based managed care program for certain Medicaid recipients. Requires the office of Medicaid policy and planning to convene a workgroup and, with managed care organizations, to conduct a claims submission testing period before the risk based managed care program is established. Provides that, during the first 210 days after the risk based managed care program is implemented, a provider that experiences a financial emergency due to claims payment issues shall receive temporary emergency assistance from the managed care organizations with which the provider is contracted. Requires the office of the secretary and the division of mental health and addiction to include each community mental health center that meets certain requirements in the community mental health services demonstration program (program), if Indiana is approved to participate in the program and as a state plan amendment for specified reimbursement after the program. Allows the office of the secretary and the division of mental health and addiction to apply for a Medicaid state plan amendment or waiver to allow for Medicaid reimbursement for eligible certified community behavioral health clinic services by certain Medicaid providers, if Indiana is not approved to participate in the program.
 Current Status:   4/3/2024 - Public Law 131
HB1120STATE AND LOCAL ADMINISTRATION. (THOMPSON J) Increases the assessed value limit for the disabled veteran property tax deduction from $200,000 to $240,000. Allows that, for purposes of various property tax deductions, an individual has until January 15 of a calendar year in which property taxes are first due and payable to complete, date, and file the required certified statement with the county auditor. Extends through 2025 the expiration of the threshold amounts used for determining whether a political subdivision's project is a controlled project and whether the petition and remonstrance process or the referendum process applies based on the political subdivision's total debt service tax rate. Specifies that a political subdivision's total debt service tax rate does not include a tax rate approved by voters for a referendum debt service tax levy. Extends the current cap on operating referendum tax that may be levied by a school corporation to taxes due and payable in 2025, and provides a formula to determine the cap for that year. Reestablishes, and enumerates requirements and procedures for, a petition and remonstrance and a referendum for controlled projects funded by debt service if the project scope changes from the purpose initially advertised to taxpayers. Adds trailer provisions pertaining to SEA 228-2024 regarding alcoholic beverage taxes on liquor, wine, and hard cider. Requires the state fair commission to approve future dates of the state fair and the state fair board to advise the commission on future dates of the state fair. Provides that a state employee may affirmatively elect to enroll in the deferred compensation plan prior to the auto enroll date on day 31 of the state employee's employment. Requires, effective July 1, 2025, the trustee of the state police pension trust to maintain a supplemental allowance reserve account for the purpose of paying postretirement benefit adjustments. Requires certain political subdivisions to present to the interim study committee on pension management oversight concerning a delinquent employee retirement plan offered by the political subdivision. Increases the maximum date that a member or participant of certain retirement funds can participate in the deferred retirement option plan from 36 to 60 months. Removes a reference in current law to outstanding bonds for which a fee replacement appropriation was made in a provision prohibiting a state educational institution from issuing bonds for refunding or advance refunding of outstanding bonds without approval of the budget agency and the board of trustees of the issuing state educational institution making certain findings. Provides that grant awards authorized in the 2023 budget bill and awarded after December 31, 2024, for regional mental health facility grants to counties for use in constructing new facilities or renovating existing facilities to provide mental health services for certain incarcerated individuals may not exceed $5,000,000 per county (instead of $2,500,000 per county). Prohibits a unit from entering into a sister city or cooperative agreement with a city, town, province, county, school, college, or university located in a foreign adversary. Provides parameters for the northwestern Indiana regional planning commission, beginning with calendar year 2025 and for each year thereafter through calendar year 2029, to annually adjust each participating county's portion of the budget. Authorizes the office of the secretary of family and social services (office of the secretary) to implement a risk based managed care program for certain Medicaid recipients. Requires the office of Medicaid policy and planning to convene a workgroup and, with managed care organizations, to conduct a claims submission testing period before the risk based managed care program is established. Authorizes the establishment of home health agency cooperative agreements and provides for the expiration of those provisions on June 30, 2027. (A similar law enacted in 2022 expired on July 1, 2023.) Specifies that a home health agency may contract directly or indirectly through a network of home health agencies. Provides that distributions for curricular materials may not be considered for purposes of determining whether a school corporation met the requirement to expend a minimum amount of state tuition support for teacher compensation. Repeals the requirement that each school maintained by a school corporation and each charter school establish a curricular materials account. Requires a public school to deposit distributions for curricular materials in: (1) the education fund of the school corporation that maintains the school; or (2) the fund in which a charter school receives state tuition support. Adds a provision to allow a redevelopment commission to expend revenues from its allocation fund that are allocated for police and fire services on both capital expenditures and operating expenses as authorized in the 2023 session in HB 1454. Provides that, if a township transitions from a single township firefighting and emergency services fund to two separate funds as authorized under current law, the township legislative body must approve a transfer of the remaining cash balance from the single fund to the two new separate funds and determine the amounts attributable to each fund. Requires the office of the secretary to present to the Medicaid oversight committee a detailed plan for monitoring expenses of the complete Medicaid program. Requires the office of the secretary to present to the budget committee a policy to set a required minimum percentage of the reimbursement for personal care services under the home and community-based services waivers that must be paid to the individual providing the direct service. Provides that, if the county fiscal body of Howard County makes certain findings, the Howard County fiscal body may adopt an ordinance that would impose the innkeeper's tax on a person engaged in the business of renting or furnishing rooms, lodgings, or accommodations located within an inn, a hotel, or a motel for a period of more than 30 days. (Current law limits the imposition of the innkeeper's tax to renting or furnishing rooms, lodgings, or accommodations for periods of less than 30 days.) Provides that an ordinance would not apply to existing rooms, lodgings, or accommodations that were not subject to the 30 day threshold prior to January 1, 2024. Provides that an ordinance may not become effective until after April 30, 2024, and must expire before July 1, 2025. Requires the county fiscal body, if an ordinance is adopted, to reduce the tax for any person subject to the innkeeper's tax from 8% (current law) to 6% until the ordinance expires. Allows the county fiscal body to return the tax rate to 8% after the ordinance expires. Reinstates a provision that was repealed in SEA 325-2023 (P.L.182-2023) that includes as a "homestead" property that is an individual's principal place of residence, is located in Indiana, and is owned by an entity, if the individual is a shareholder, partner, or member of the entity that owns the property. Amends a redevelopment commission provision defining "residential property" to apply to allocation areas established after June 30, 2025 (rather than June 30, 2024). Amends certain language in provisions in HEA 1199-2024. Makes amending changes to the Grant County local income tax special purpose rate added in HEA 1121-2024. Requires the state and local tax review task force to stud
 Current Status:   4/3/2024 - Public Law 136
SB132PROFESSIONS AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICES. (BROWN L) Authorizes the office of the secretary of family and social services to implement a risk based managed care program for certain Medicaid recipients. Requires the office of Medicaid policy and planning to convene a workgroup and, with managed care organizations, to conduct a claims submission testing period before the risk based managed care program is established.~ Provides that, during the first 210 days after the risk based managed care program is implemented, a provider that experiences a financial emergency due to claims payment issues shall receive temporary emergency assistance from the managed care organizations with which the provider is contracted. Amends statutes concerning Medicaid provider agreements, health insurance reimbursement agreements, and Medicare supplement insurance to specify that a 15 day period consists of 15 business days. Requires the Indiana department of health to grant a hospital an extension of time to file the hospital's fiscal report if the hospital shows good cause for the extension. Removes an expired provision concerning hospital fiscal reports. Eliminates the requirement that a provider who is licensed in Indiana, physically located outside Indiana, but providing telehealth services to patients who are in Indiana, file a certification constituting a waiver of jurisdiction. Makes a number of changes in the law concerning health facility administrators, including eliminating the requirement that a health facility administrator display the individual's license in a prominent location in the individual's principal office and providing that a particular course of study for administrators in training is not mandatory. Specifies: (1) the manner in which certain nurse applicants may demonstrate English proficiency; (2) that a graduate of a foreign nursing school must pass a specified examination; and (3) additional credentialing verification assessment organizations for certain nurse applicants. Prohibits a third party administrator or another person from arranging for a dental provider to provide dental services for a dental plan that sets the amount of the fee for any dental services unless the dental services are covered services under the dental plan. Provides that a contracting entity (a dental carrier, a third party administrator, or another person that enters into a provider network contract with providers of dental services) may not grant a third party access to the provider network contract or to dental services or contractual discounts provided pursuant to the provider network contract unless certain conditions are satisfied. Provides that when a dental provider network contract is entered into, renewed, or materially modified, any provider that is a party to the network contract must be allowed to choose not to participate in the third party access. Prohibits a contracting entity from: (1) altering the rights or status under a provider network contract of a dental provider that chooses not to participate in third party access; or (2) rejecting a provider as a party to a provider network contract because the provider chose not to participate in third party access. Authorizes the insurance commissioner to issue a cease and desist order against a person that violates any of these prohibitions and, if the person violates the cease and desist order, to impose a civil penalty upon the person and suspend or revoke the person's certificate of authority. Provides that if a covered individual assigns the covered individual's rights to benefits for dental services to the provider of the dental services, the dental carrier shall pay the benefits assigned by the covered individual to the provider of the dental services. However, prohibits the provider from billing the covered individual (except for a copayment, coinsurance, or a deductible amount) if the provider is in the dental carrier's network. Requires the Indiana state board of nursing to amend a specified administrative rule to conform with this act. Requires the medical licensing board to study certain rules concerning office based setting accreditations and report to the general assembly.
 Current Status:   3/11/2024 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
SB148WORKFORCE DATA COLLECTION. (BROWN L) Requires the division of disability and rehabilitative services (division), beginning 12 months after the direct support professional registry is implemented, to post monthly on the division's website the total number of individuals registered under the registry. Requires the division to present information concerning the total number of individuals registered to the division of disability and rehabilitative services advisory council at least quarterly. Requires reports of newly hired employees to be filed electronically. Requires employers to provide an employee's current primary standardized occupational classification code and starting compensation on a report of a newly hired employee. Provides that each workforce focused agency shall deliver a workforce related program report to the management performance hub. Requires the management performance hub to: (1) compile the workforce related program reports into an annual data product; and (2) make the data product available to each workforce focused agency. Makes conforming amendments.
 Current Status:   3/13/2024 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
SB256FISCAL MATTERS. (MISHLER R) Provides that money in the attorney general contingency fee fund is continuously appropriated and is not subject to allotment. Reinstates provisions concerning meetings of the budget committee. Provides that money in the high tech crimes unit fund is continuously appropriated for purposes of the fund. Allows the Indiana economic development corporation (IEDC) to designate territory located in an existing allocation area as an innovation development district if certain conditions are met. Removes the sunset provision for when the IEDC may designate an innovation development district. Provides that if an existing allocation area is located in territory subsequently designated as an innovation development district, property tax increment revenue continues to be allocated to the existing allocation area and provides that the allocation area may not be renewed or extended until the term of the innovation development district expires. Extends the funding Indiana's roads for a stronger, safer tomorrow task force for one additional year. Provides that transfers may not be made by the budget agency, the state board of finance, or any entity from any source to the Indiana gaming commission without prior budget committee review. Provides that certain appropriations from the state gaming fund in the most recent biennial budget act may not be augmented. Amends certain language in the Medicaid oversight committee provisions in House Enrolled Act 1026.
 Current Status:   3/13/2024 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR

Week In Review

INDOT to launch camera speed enforcement pilot for highway construction zones
The Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) will begin piloting camera speed limit enforcement in Hoosier highway construction zones next month, the agency announced Wednesday.
Indiana Capital Chronicle
Anti-abortion group argues that Indiana health department’s abortion records must be public
In defense of its lawsuit against the state health department, a South Bend-based anti-abortion group doubled down in new court filings that related medical records do not compromise patient privacy and should be made available to the public.
Indiana Capital Chronicle
JD Vance Raises $1 Million At Campaign Fundraiser In Fort Wayne
FORT WAYNE, Ind. — While Vice President Kamala Harris spoke in Indianapolis on Wednesday, former President Trump’s pick to be his vice president visited Indiana’s second-largest city.
Harris previews presidential campaign priorities, women’s rights focus in Indy speech
Vice President Kamala Harris previewed her presidential campaign’s focus on women’s reproductive rights and social and economic equality during her remarks Wednesday afternoon at the Zeta Phi Beta Inc. Grand Boule conference in downtown Indianapolis.
Indianapolis Business Journal
Students, parents advocate for arts classes in wake of Indiana's high school diploma overhaul
The Indiana Department of Education is still considering sweeping changes to the state’s high school graduation requirements that will create two new diplomas and get rid of all existing diplomas — including academic honors. Students, parents and teachers continue to raise concerns over the new diplomas’ rigor and the courses that will be offered.
Indiana Public Media
Cell phones, reading, state testing: See what’s new as Indiana students head back to school
Across the state, students are heading back to school soon. Students in Beech Grove and Warren Township start classes this week, followed by the rest of Marion County’s districts next week.
Chalkbeat Indiana
INDOT: I-69 Interchange At I-465 On South Side To Open In August
A project 20 years in the making will be completed next August as INDOT plans to open the I-69/I-465 interchange on the south side of Indianapolis.
Former Vatican Ambassador Joe Donnelly to lead Hoosier DNC delegation
Joe Donnelly — who until this month served as U.S. Ambassador to the Vatican — will chair the Hoosier delegation to the Democratic National Convention (DNC) next month, the Indiana Democratic Party announced Monday.
Indiana Capital Chronicle
Indiana’s reserve funds projected to hit post-pandemic low
Indiana’s reserves will hit a post-pandemic low after years of above-average returns due largely to a Medicaid forecast miss of nearly $1 billion, according to fiscal statements released Tuesday.
Indiana Capital Chronicle
Buttigieg, Indiana Democratic leaders back Harris as Republicans call on Biden to resign
The Indiana Democratic Party quickly endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris as President Joe Biden’s successor on Sunday, while key Republicans reacted by calling on Biden to step down immediately.
Indianapolis Business Journal