HB1007 | MENTAL HEALTH ACCESS. (KIRCHHOFER C) Requires the office of Medicaid policy and planning to implement a centralized credentials verification organization and credentialing process. Allows the division of mental health and addiction (division) to grant approval for nine additional opioid treatment programs that: (1) are operated by a hospital; and (2) meet other specified requirements; if the division determines that there is a need for the program in the proposed location. Provides that mental health and addiction forensic treatment services may be administered or coordinated only by a provider certified by the division or licensed by the Indiana professional licensing agency to provide mental health and addiction treatment. (Under current law, a provider may provide services only if the provider is certified or licensed by the division.) Requires the division to establish best practice guidelines to assist employers with certain employees who agree to participate in a drug education and addiction treatment program (program). Requires the division to: (1) promote voluntary participation; (2) develop and deliver informational resources and training for employers; and (3) collect information and prepare an annual report. Provides that if an employer and employee comply with certain requirements, the employer is not liable in a civil action alleging negligent hiring for negligence of the employee. Provides that in certain civil actions, an employer's participation in the program is not admissible as evidence. Establishes new temporary permits for certain individuals who are pursuing required clinical supervisory hours needed for licensure. Allows clinical social work experience hours obtained under a temporary permit to be counted to supervise work experience requirements if certain conditions are met. Provides that the temporary permits are not renewable. Requires certain policies of accident and sickness insurance to provide coverage for substance abuse or chemical dependency treatment provided by: (1) an addiction counselor; and (2) a marriage and family therapist. Requires: (1) an accident and sickness insurer; and (2) a health maintenance organization; to provide provisional credentialing to a provider for which a credentialing determination is not completed in at least 30 days if certain requirements are met. Urges the legislative council to assign to an appropriate interim study committee the task of studying the impact that opioid treatment programs have on the neighborhoods and communities in the immediate area of the opioid treatment programs. |
| Current Status: | 3/22/2018 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
| Recent Status: | 3/21/2018 - Received by Governor 3/14/2018 - Signed by the President Pro Tempore
| Position: | Monitor |
HB1058 | INFLUENZA INFORMATION TO RESIDENTS. (BACON R) Requires an operator of a housing with services establishment to provide to residents certain information concerning influenza and influenza vaccinations. Specifies that an operator is deemed to be in compliance with the requirement if the operator provides a resident the latest vaccination information statement concerning influenza issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. |
| Current Status: | 3/15/2018 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
| Recent Status: | 3/14/2018 - Received by Governor 3/14/2018 - Signed by the President of the Senate
| Position: | Support |
HB1117 | NURSING FACILITY MEDICAID REIMBURSEMENT RATES. (FRIZZELL D) Requires the office of Medicaid policy and planning to use the report card score published by the state department of health on June 30, 2017, to establish the nursing facility report card score measure of the nursing facility total quality score in determining reimbursement rates to nursing facilities for services provided to Medicaid recipients for the July 1, 2018, rate effective date. |
| Current Status: | 3/8/2018 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
| Recent Status: | 3/7/2018 - Signed by the President of the Senate 3/5/2018 - Signed by the President Pro Tempore
| Position: | Monitor |
HB1119 | PHYSICIAN ORDER FOR SCOPE OF TREATMENT AND CONSENT. (KIRCHHOFER C) Provides that the definition of "cardiopulmonary resuscitation" (CPR) that applies to a do not resuscitate declaration also applies to a physician order for scope of treatment (POST) form. Adds licensed dentists, home health aides, and physician assistants to the definition of "health care provider" for purposes of a POST form. Establishes a priority order for who may provide consent if an adult is incapable of providing consent to health care. Provides exceptions to the priority order. Provides that if the individuals at the same priority level disagree as to the health care decisions on behalf of the patient, a majority of the available individuals at the same priority level controls. Provides that if an individual is incapable of consenting to the individual's own health care, the health care provider shall make a reasonable inquiry as to the availability of individuals who are able to provide health care consent. Specifies that the POST laws do not create a duty for a person to perform CPR on a declarant if the declarant's POST form indicates the declarant is not to be resuscitated. Allows a treating physician, advanced practice nurse, or physician assistant to execute and exercise certain responsibilities concerning a POST form. Allows a qualified person or representative to use an electronic signature on the POST form. Permits a representative to revoke a POST form if the declarant is incapable of making health care decisions and the representative acts: (1) in good faith; and (2) in accordance with the qualified person's intentions, if known, or in the qualified person's best interests, if the intentions are not known. Allows a POST document that was executed in another state and that meets certain conditions to be honored in Indiana. Requires the state department of health to maintain on the department's Internet web site a list of, or a link to the Internet web sites of, other states that may honor a POST form. |
| Current Status: | 3/13/2018 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
| Recent Status: | 3/12/2018 - Received by Governor 3/12/2018 - Signed by the President of the Senate
| Position: | Support |
HB1220 | FSSA MATTERS. (KIRCHHOFER C) Adds representatives of organizations that represent people with intellectual and other developmental disabilities to the commission on rehabilitation services and the Medicaid advisory committee. Clarifies that outpatient home health services may be provided in other appropriate locations determined by the office. Changes the makeup of the drug utilization review board and the frequency with which the board is required to meet. Changes when a participant's funds remaining in the individual's healthy Indiana plan health (HIP) care account are refunded. Removes the HIP $25 copayment requirement for subsequent use of an emergency room for nonemergency services. Allows money in the mental health and addiction forensic treatment services account to be used as the state match under the Medicaid program. (Current law limits use of money in the account for the state match to the Medicaid rehabilitation program and the Behavioral and Primary Health Coordination program.) |
| Current Status: | 3/15/2018 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
| Recent Status: | 3/14/2018 - Received by Governor 3/14/2018 - Signed by the President of the Senate
| Position: | Support |
HB1285 | NUTRITIONAL ASSISTANCE. (VANNATTER H) Urges the legislative council to assign for study to an appropriate interim study committee the task of studying issues related to eligibility verification and monitoring, identity authentication, and work requirements for participation in the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and Medicaid program. |
| Current Status: | 3/15/2018 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
| Recent Status: | 3/14/2018 - Received by Governor 3/14/2018 - Signed by the President of the Senate
| Position: | Monitor |
HB1317 | HEALTH MATTERS. (CLERE E) Provides that a pharmacy or pharmacist has a right to provide individuals with information concerning the individual's cost share for a prescription drug. States that a pharmacy or pharmacist cannot be proscribed by a third party administrator, a health insurer, or a health maintenance organization from discussing the information or from selling to the individual a more affordable alternative. Prohibits a copayment for a drug under the state employee health plan, an accident and sickness insurance policy, or a health maintenance organization contract from exceeding the amount payable to the pharmacy for the drug under an agreement with the pharmacy. Provides that changes to the designated coverage area of an area agency on aging may not be made until after a public hearing is held and one year elapses from the date of the hearing. Provides that the definition of "community and home care services" includes services, not covered by Medicaid, necessary to prevent individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities from being institutionalized and to help such individuals to transition out of health care facilities or group homes. Requires the community and home options to institutional care for the elderly and disabled (CHOICE) board to review proposed rules concerning the CHOICE program and removes the time requirement for the review. (Current law requires review of proposed rules concerning home and community based services at least three months before the rule may be published.) Removes provisions concerning the CHOICE board setting a public comment period. Requires the office of the secretary of family and social services to study service provider and systems point of entry reimbursement rates for recipients of early intervention services. Beginning July 1, 2019, removes the 12 month limitation on receipt by certain individuals of supplemental nutrition assistance program (SNAP) benefits. Specifies that, beginning January 1, 2020, Indiana elects to opt out of the federal law prohibiting individuals convicted of certain drug offenses from receiving SNAP assistance if the individual meets specified conditions. Specifies that if the individual violates any terms of the probation, parole, community corrections, or reentry court program, the individual is ineligible for SNAP. Requires the office of the secretary of family and social services to study reimbursement rates and the methodology for case management services for recipients of certain Medicaid waivers. Provides that any new rates as a result of a study: (1) may not take effect until January 1, 2019, or be applied retroactively; and (2) must be approved through a Medicaid waiver amendment. Requires the board of pharmacy to adopt rules concerning telepharmacy under the laws regulating remote dispensing facilities. Exempts from the law regulating pharmacists and pharmacies the delivery of peritoneal renal dialysis related supplies by manufacturers, third party logistic providers, and wholesale drug distributors in certain circumstances. Removes that an occupant of a property was afflicted with or died from a disease related to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) from the definition of "psychologically affected property". Urges the legislative council to assign to an appropriate interim study committee the task of studying the impact that joining the nurse licensure compact would have on the delivery of nursing services to residents of Indiana. |
| Current Status: | 3/25/2018 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
| Recent Status: | 3/21/2018 - Received by Governor 3/14/2018 - Signed by the President Pro Tempore
| Position: | Support |
HB1382 | STUDY OF PHARMACY DESERTS. (BROWN C) Defines "pharmacy desert". Urges the legislative council to assign topics to a study committee concerning pharmacy deserts in rural and urban areas of Indiana. |
| Current Status: | 3/13/2018 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
| Recent Status: | 3/12/2018 - Received by Governor 3/12/2018 - Signed by the President of the Senate
| Position: | Support |
SB190 | HEALTH FACILITY CERTIFICATE OF NEED. (MISHLER R) Requires the office of the secretary of family and social services to cooperate with the state department of health (state department) in the provision of certain health facility information. Amends the expiration of statutes placing certain limitations on the licensure of comprehensive care health facilities and the licensure of comprehensive care beds to the date upon which certain administrative rules take effect. Establishes a comprehensive care health facility certificate of need program administered by the state department. Sets forth certificate of need application requirements and exemptions. Urges the interim study of whether unused or underused facilities at the Logansport State Hospital could feasibly be used as an inpatient treatment facility for Medicaid eligible substance and addictions based treatment. |
| Current Status: | 3/25/2018 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
| Recent Status: | 3/21/2018 - Received by Governor 3/12/2018 - Senate concurred in House amendments; Roll Call 374: yeas 40, nays 4
| Position: | Support |
SB224 | BEHAVIORAL HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES. (HEAD R) Allows up to 50% of the supervised experience hours required for licensure as the following to be accounted for through virtual supervision by the appropriate supervisor: (1) Clinical social worker. (2) Mental health counselor. (3) Marriage and family therapist. (4) Addiction counselor. Reduces the required number of face to face client contact hours for a marriage and family therapist license from 500 to 400 face to face client contact hours. Requires an applicant for licensure as a mental health counselor or mental health counselor associate to complete a clinical practicum, an internship, or field experience in a counseling setting of at least 700 clock hours, including at least 66 hours of face to face supervision. (Current law requires an applicant for licensure as a mental health counselor or mental health counselor associate to complete a clinical practicum, internship, or field experience in a counseling setting of at least 1,000 clock hours, including at least 100 hours of face to face supervision.) |
| Current Status: | 3/21/2018 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
| Recent Status: | 3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (S) Report 1: adopted by the Senate; Roll Call 383: yeas 47, nays 0 3/14/2018 - Senate Conference Committees Eligible for Action
| Position: | Monitor |
SB301 | CRIMINAL HISTORY CHECKS FOR HOME HEALTH WORKERS. (RAATZ J) Provides that an expanded criminal history check may be used instead of certain background checks and criminal history checks for home health care workers. Prohibits an expanded criminal history check to include certain criminal history information. Provides that an expanded criminal history check satisfies the division of aging's criminal history requirements. |
| Current Status: | 3/19/2018 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
| Recent Status: | 3/6/2018 - Senate concurred in House amendments; Roll Call 347: yeas 49, nays 0 3/6/2018 - Senate concurred in House amendments;
| Position: | Support |
SB363 | FSSA MATTERS. (CHARBONNEAU E) Corrects outdated references to the "division of aging and rehabilitative services" to refer instead to the "division of disability and rehabilitative services". Removes references to home care services from the long term care ombudsman program. Removes the requirement that the long term care ombudsman (ombudsman) report the findings of the long term care ombudsman office (office) to the complainant. Allows the office to disclose records, documents, and findings of an investigated case to certain individuals with the informed consent of the resident of the long term care facility or the resident's legal guardian. Specifies the manner in which consent can be given by a resident. Specifies information to which the ombudsman shall be given access by a long term care facility. Changes the persons that must be provided with the ombudsman's annual report. Requires the office to provide independent legal counsel to the ombudsman for specified matters. Specifies grievances and complaints that must be addressed by the office. Repeals language concerning: (1) the admission and placement requirements concerning Evansville State Psychiatric Treatment Center; (2) state institution wage agreements; and (3) a statistical report requirement concerning state institutions. |
| Current Status: | 3/21/2018 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
| Recent Status: | 3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (S) Report 1: adopted by the Senate; Roll Call 386: yeas 48, nays 0 3/14/2018 - Senate Conference Committees Eligible for Action
| Position: | Monitor |
SB421 | ASSISTED LIVING SERVICES. (BECKER V) Requires the office of Medicaid policy and planning (office) to reimburse for assisted living services provided to a Medicaid waiver recipient who is aged or disabled when the service is provided by a residential care facility or a housing with services establishment. Allows for Medicaid reimbursement for any home and community based services provided to a Medicaid recipient beginning on the date of the individual's application. Sets forth requirements and limitations concerning assisted living services provided in a home and community based services setting. Requires the office to implement a process for and resume enrollment of a provider with specialized and secure settings to become a provider under a home and community based service program. Sets forth timing requirements for the division of aging to issue written findings after inspections for compliance with home and community based service requirements. |
| Current Status: | 3/21/2018 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
| Recent Status: | 3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (S) Report 1: adopted by the Senate; Roll Call 388: yeas 45, nays 0 3/14/2018 - Senate Conference Committees Eligible for Action
| Position: | Support |
SB431 | IMMUNITY FOR REPORTS OF SUSPECTED ABUSE OR NEGLECT. (BROWN L) Provides immunity from civil and criminal liability for: (1) a person who assists with or participates; and (2) a health care provider who provides professional intervention; in an investigation by the department of child services resulting from a report that a child may be a victim of child abuse or neglect. Provides that the immunity provisions do not apply (1) to actions brought against qualified health care providers for medical malpractice; or (2) for a person who has acted with gross negligence or willful or wanton misconduct. Provides that: (1) an adult protective services unit conducting an investigation; or (2) a department of child services (department) caseworker conducting an assessment; who observes, or has reason to believe, that an animal is a victim of animal cruelty, abandonment, or neglect may make a report to the local law enforcement agency or local animal control officer. Provides that: (1) an adult protective services unit; or (2) a department caseworker; who makes a report of animal cruelty, abandonment, or neglect is immune from civil and criminal liability. Makes conforming amendments. |
| Current Status: | 3/15/2018 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
| Recent Status: | 3/14/2018 - Received by Governor 3/14/2018 - Signed by the President of the Senate