Prepared by: Sarah Williams
Report created on October 22, 2024
HB1001STATE BIENNIAL BUDGET (BROWN T) Appropriates money for capital expenditures, the operation of the state, the delivery of Medicaid and other services, and various other distributions and purposes. Specifies higher education capital projects authorized to be constructed using bonds. Establishes a historic preservation grant program and provides that the income tax credit for historic preservation does not apply to expenditures made after June 30, 2016. Specifies that the budget report must include a list of tax expenditure items. Specifies that for financial reporting purposes, the state's combined general fund reserves include the balances of the general fund, the Medicaid contingency and reserve account, the state tuition reserve account, and the counter-cyclical revenue and economic stabilization fund (less any outstanding loans). Changes the name of the state tuition reserve fund to an account within the state general fund. Prohibits the budget agency from enforcing a policy or procedure against certain agencies and officials by refusing to allot money from the personal services/fringe benefits contingency fund to the official or agency. Establishes the securities rating settlement fund for the purpose of depositing and distributing money received under a multistate agreement related to litigation concerning securities rating agencies. Specifies that money received by the state under such an agreement shall be distributed by the auditor of state as follows: (1) 67.67% shall be transferred to the state general fund. (2) 16.165% shall be transferred to the securities division enforcement account. (3) 16.165% shall be transferred to the homeowner protection unit account. Prohibits the budget agency from withholding appropriations for a state educational institution without review by the budget committee. Establishes the state bicentennial capital account to provide funds for capital projects that commemorate the bicentennial of Indiana's statehood. Provides that the budget agency shall administer the account. Provides that money generated from the lease of communications systems infrastructure (including under a public-private partnership) shall be transferred to the account to be used for capital projects that commemorate the bicentennial of Indiana's statehood. Establishes the office of state based initiatives. Increases the fee for taxing units for state board of accounts audits from $45 per day to $175 per day. Specifies that the fee for state colleges and universities is the direct and indirect cost of an examination (now $83 per hour). Permits a state college or university to have its examination performed by an independent certified public accounting firm. Provides that fees collected for audits are to be deposited in the state board of accounts trust and agency fund. Makes the fund a dedicated fund that can be used to cover expenses of doing audits...REVIEW FULL DIGEST IN THE MISC. DOCUMENTS SECTION BELOW
 Current Status:   5/7/2015 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
 Recent Status:   4/29/2015 - Conference Committee Report Adopted CCR #1 (69-30)
4/29/2015 - Conference Committee Report Adopted CCR #1 (40-9)
HB1004SAFETY PIN GRANT PROGRAM. (SULLIVAN H) Establishes the safety PIN (protecting Indiana's newborns) grant program for the purpose of reducing Indiana's infant mortality rates. Establishes the safety PIN (protecting Indiana's newborns) grant fund. Requires the state department of health to administer the grant program. Sets forth requirements for grant proposals, and sets forth subject matters that will receive preference in awarding the grants.
 Current Status:   5/4/2015 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
 Recent Status:   5/1/2015 - received by Governor
4/27/2015 - Signed by the President Pro Tempore
HB1009INNOVATION NETWORK SCHOOLS. (BEHNING R) Provides for innovation network school programs in school corporations. Establishes the career pathways pilot program. Establishes the innovation network school pilot grant. Repeals the article relating to the establishment of innovation network schools by the Indianapolis Public Schools.
 Current Status:   5/7/2015 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
 Recent Status:   4/29/2015 - Conference Committee Report Adopted CCR #1 (29-20)
4/29/2015 - Senate Rules & Legislative Procedure, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 7:55 PM, Rm. 431
HB1068BACKGROUND CHECKS. (THOMPSON J) Makes changes to the definition of an "expanded criminal history check", which is required for employment at a school.
 Current Status:   4/30/2015 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
 Recent Status:   4/30/2015 - received by Governor
4/7/2015 - Signed by the President Pro Tempore
HB1108DYSLEXIA. (BURTON W) Defines "dyslexia". Requires teacher training programs to prepare teachers to recognize that a student who is not progressing at a normal rate related to reading may need to be referred to the school's multidisciplinary team to determine the student's special learning needs, including learning needs related to dyslexia. Provides that if an education service center offers inservice training or other teacher training programs, the education service center may offer courses for teachers on dyslexia characteristics and appropriate interventions.
 Current Status:   5/7/2015 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
 Recent Status:   4/28/2015 - Signed by the Speaker
4/27/2015 - Conference Committee Report Adopted CCR #1 (48-0)
HB1161IMMUNITY FOR DAMAGE CAUSED RESCUING A CHILD. (GIAQUINTA P) Grants civil immunity to a person who forcibly enters a locked motor vehicle for the purpose of rescuing a child. Does not extend civil immunity to acts involving gross negligence or willful and wanton misconduct.
 Current Status:   5/4/2015 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
 Recent Status:   5/1/2015 - received by Governor
4/21/2015 - Signed by the Speaker
HB1194HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMAS. (CLERE E) Provides that, beginning with the annual case review when a student who is a child with a disability is in grade 8, the student's individualized education program must include the type of diploma the student will seek and the courses necessary to obtain the diploma. Provides that, beginning with grade 9, the student's teacher of record must communicate with the student's parent at least one time each grading period to review the student's progress toward the diploma. Provides that, not later than September 1, 2015, the Core 40 subcommittee of the Indiana career council shall present to the education study committee recommended changes to course requirements for general, Core 40, academic honors, and technical honors diplomas to ensure that each student who seeks a diploma has enough flexibility in the student's schedule to pursue a college or career pathway appropriate for the student's individual goals, knowledge, skills, and abilities. Provides that the education study committee may propose legislative changes necessary to carry out the recommended changes.
 Current Status:   4/30/2015 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
 Recent Status:   4/30/2015 - received by Governor
4/21/2015 - Signed by the Speaker
HB1196CHINS AND DELINQUENT CHILD DUAL DETERMINATION. (MCNAMARA W) Requires that in a child in need of services (CHINS) determination, a court shall determine if the child has been adjudicated as a delinquent child. Requires that in a delinquency determination, a court shall determine if the child is a child in need of services. Provides that if a child is a child in need of services and has been adjudicated as a delinquent child, a court may determine if the department of child services or the probation department of the court shall be the lead agency supervising the child. Creates procedures to determine whether a child should be assessed by a dual status assessment team. Creates dual status assessment teams that will assess certain children and make recommendations to a juvenile court whether the court should proceed with applicable child in need of service petitions and delinquency petitions.
 Current Status:   4/27/2015 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
 Recent Status:   4/27/2015 - Signed by the President of the Senate
4/21/2015 - Signed by the Speaker
HB1216MISSING CHILDREN AND TRAFFICKED CHILDREN. (TRUITT R) Requires the superintendent of the state police department to: (1) provide a written informational pamphlet that includes information concerning the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and the National Runaway Safeline; and (2) distribute the pamphlet to every law enforcement agency. Requires a law enforcement agency to provide the pamphlet to a person making a report of a missing child at the time the person makes the report. Provides a defense to the crime of prostitution if the person was a child who was a victim or alleged victim of human or sexual trafficking at the time the person engaged in the prohibited conduct. Requires a law enforcement agency to immediately contact the department of child services if the law enforcement agency detains an alleged victim of human or sexual trafficking who is less than 18 years of age.
 Current Status:   4/15/2015 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
 Recent Status:   4/14/2015 - received by Governor
4/14/2015 - Signed by the President of the Senate
HB1269HEALTH MATTERS. (CLERE E) Makes the department of correction (DOC) an inmate's authorized representative for applying for Medicaid for inmates who are potentially eligible for Medicaid and who incur medical care expenses that are not otherwise reimbursable. Requires the DOC and the office of the secretary of family and social services to enter into an agreement in which the DOC pays the state share of the Medicaid costs incurred for the inmate. Makes the sheriff the individual's authorized representative for applying for Medicaid for individuals subject to lawful detention who are potentially eligible for Medicaid. Requires a county executive to enter into an agreement with the office of the secretary of family and social services to pay the state share of the Medicaid costs incurred for the individuals. Specifies reimbursement for the services provided. Provides that the DOC or the sheriff shall assist a committed offender in applying for Medicaid and securing certain treatment upon discharge from the DOC or a county jail. Specifies providers that may be used to provide treatment for DOC inmates and county jail offenders. Requires the office of Medicaid policy and planning (office) to prepare an annual report concerning the use of qualified providers to provide presumptive eligibility services. Allows a community mental health center to use the center's provider identification number to file any Medicaid claim, including primary care health service, if certain conditions are met. Prohibits the office from limiting the filing by a community mental health center of primary care health services and mental health services for a recipient if the services are covered services and necessary to ensure coordinated care for the recipient. Requires the division of mental health and addiction to develop a mental health first aid training program. Includes a mental health first aid training program in the: (1) continuing education programs promoted by the emergency medical services commission; and (2) basic or inservice course of education and training for teaching professionals beginning in the 2016-2017 school year. Establishes the mental health counselor licenses for school counselors grant. Authorizes a school corporation to enter into a memorandum of understanding with a mental health care provider or a community mental health center to establish conditions or terms for referring students of the school corporation for services. Requires the school corporation to obtain written parental consent before referring a student to mental health services and limits mental health information that may be included in the student's cumulative record. Prohibits a school counselor or other school corporation employee from diagnosing a student as having a mental health condition unless the diagnosis is within the individual's scope of practice. Extends the date: (1) by which a midwife is required to submit certain information to obtain an exemption from certain certification requirements; and (2) after which practicing midwifery without a certificate is a felony. Amends the midwife birth certification requirements. Provides for coverage of telemedicine services under a policy of accident and sickness insurance and a health maintenance contract. Prohibits a health care provider from being required to obtain a separate additional written health care consent for the provision of telemedicine services. Provides immunity for a physician who signs a collaborative agreement with a certified direct entry midwife except in cases of gross negligence or reckless conduct. Provides immunity for a health care provider that employs a physician who signs or has signed a collaborative agreement with a certified direct entry midwife for certain acts or omissions. Requires the department of insurance to report certain information before October 1, 2015, to the public health, behavioral health, and human services interim study committee concerning: (1) the department's accident and sickness insurance complaint process; (2) certain definitions in accident and sickness insurance policies; and (3) certain claims data and analysis concerning claim denials for procedures deemed investigatory or experimental.
 Current Status:   5/5/2015 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
 Recent Status:   4/29/2015 - Signed by the President Pro Tempore
4/29/2015 - Signed by the Speaker
HB1304VARIOUS CRIMINAL LAW MATTERS. (MCMILLIN J) Requires the criminal justice institute to track the number of juveniles in adult court. Requires custodial interrogations of juveniles to be recorded. Raises the ages for waiver of jurisdiction of certain juveniles to adult court. Allows a person with an intellectual disability, developmental disability, or autism spectrum disorder to participate in a forensic diversion program. Authorizes a prosecuting attorney to require a person participating in a prosecutorial diversion program to receive mental health treatment to reduce recidivism, and allows diversion and deferral fees to be used to fund mental health treatment programs to reduce recidivism. Allows a criminal court to appoint a forensic advocate to assist a person with an intellectual disability, developmental disability, or autism spectrum disorder who is charged with a criminal offense. Allows continuation of a prosecution for a person who is a drug abuser or an alcoholic charged with a misdemeanor or certain felonies. Provides that addiction counseling, inpatient detoxification, and the administration of a federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved, nonaddictive medication for alcohol or opioid treatment may be required to treat opioid or alcohol addiction as a condition of parole, probation, community corrections, pretrial diversion, or participation in a problem solving court. Provides that the division of mental health and addiction may consider the administration of an FDA approved, nonaddictive medication for alcohol or opioid treatment as an alternative to methadone treatment. Repeals provisions allowing juvenile courts to modify disposition orders concerning truancy and runaways. Makes it a delinquent act for a child to leave a specific location designated by the child's parent, guardian, or custodian: (1) without reasonable cause; and (2) without permission of the parent, guardian, or custodian, who requests the child's return. Provides that a child who commits the delinquent act of running away may not be held in a juvenile detention facility. Provides that a juvenile shall not be restrained in court unless the court determines the juvenile is dangerous or potentially dangerous. Allows drug abusers or alcoholics charged with or convicted of certain felonies to request treatment for addictions. Provides that a convicted individual may be placed on probation if the individual requests to undergo substance abuse treatment. Provides for voluntary and involuntary treatment for drug addictions. Allows an alcohol and drug services program or the clerk of a court to collect fees concerning court established alcohol and drug services programs. Excludes possession of rolling papers and raw materials from the crime of possession of paraphernalia, and removes possession of paraphernalia as an infraction. Makes the knowing or intentional possession of paraphernalia a Class C misdemeanor, and increases the penalty to a Class A misdemeanor if the person has a prior unrelated judgment or conviction. Makes it a Level 6 felony to possess a hypodermic needle with intent to commit a controlled substance offense. (Under current law, the offense only applies if committed with intent to violate the legend drug act.) Requires the division of mental health and addiction and the division of disability and rehabilitative services to submit a report to the legislative council concerning services for individuals with dual diagnosis. Increases the penalty for child molesting if it results in the transmission of a dangerous sexually transmitted disease. Allows the state to seek the death penalty or a sentence of life without parole for a murder committed in a building primarily used for educational purposes if the murder is committed: (1) on school property or in a building owned by a postsecondary educational institution; and (2) at a time when children are likely to be present (for a building on school property) or classes are in session (for a building owned by a postsecondary educational institution). Authorizes the state to seek the death penalty or a sentence of life without parole for a murder committed in a building primarily used for religious worship if the murder is committed at a time when persons are likely to be present for religious worship or education. Makes technical corrections.
 Current Status:   5/5/2015 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
 Recent Status:   4/29/2015 - House Conference Committees Eligible for Action CCR# 1
4/29/2015 - Conference Committee Report Adopted CCR #1 (42-7)
HB1434DEPARTMENT OF CHILD SERVICES. (MAHAN K) Makes changes to the child services and juvenile laws concerning the following: (1) Criminal history background checks. (2) Exception of certain governmental employees to licensing or certification requirements of social workers and counselors. (3) The responsibilities of the department of child services. (4) Transitional services plans for certain individuals receiving foster care or collaborative care. (5) Regional service strategic plans. (6) Foster care. (7) Detention of children alleged to be children in needs of services. (8) Case plans for children in need of services. (9) Dispositional decrees and review of disposition decrees concerning children in needs of services. (10) Dispositional decrees and review of dispositional decrees concerning delinquent children. Repeals provisions concerning local plans for the provision of child protection services.
 Current Status:   4/30/2015 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
 Recent Status:   4/30/2015 - received by Governor
4/21/2015 - Signed by the Speaker
HB1438ADULT HIGH SCHOOLS. (DEVON D) Provides that the department of education shall distribute funding for adult high schools to the adult high school's organizer. Provides that an adult high school may be authorized by the executive of a consolidated city. Provides that an authorizer may not authorize an adult high school without obtaining an appropriation by the general assembly.
 Current Status:   5/7/2015 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
 Recent Status:   4/29/2015 - Signed by the President Pro Tempore
4/29/2015 - Signed by the Speaker
HB1483VARIOUS EDUCATION ISSUES. (THOMPSON J) Adds "school psychologist" to the definition of "teacher" for the purposes of teacher preparation and licensing. Requires an election for a student to have legal settlement in the school corporation whose attendance area contains the residence of the student's mother or father to be made on a yearly basis and apply throughout the school year unless the student's parent no longer resides within the attendance area of the school corporation. Provides that the visual acuity required of a school bus driver is not required of a school bus monitor. Provides that an accredited school may not offer, support, or promote a student program, class, or activity that provides student instruction that is contrary to a curriculum required to be provided to students. Requires the department of education to allow the use of computer or digital response technology to complete a statewide, national, or international student assessment. Provides that a school corporation or school may allow a student to use computer or digital response technology to complete an assessment. Provides that factfinding initiated by the Indiana education employment relations board (IEERB) may not last more than 30 days. Provides that the board must rule on an appeal within 60 days. Provides the factfinding process may not exceed 30 days. Urges the legislative council to assign to an existing study committee the topics of: (1) determining appropriate and feasible incentives to encourage highly effective teachers to teach in poorly performing schools; and (2) the feasibility of changing timelines related to teacher collective bargaining and impasse resolution.
 Current Status:   5/7/2015 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
 Recent Status:   4/29/2015 - Conference Committee Report Adopted CCR #1 (49-0)
4/29/2015 - Senate Rules & Legislative Procedure, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 7:55 PM, Rm. 431
HB1613FAMILY AND SOCIAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION. (CLERE E) Specifies that the secretary of family and social services, rather than certain division directors, is: (1) the appointing authority for divisions within the office of the secretary of family and social services (office of the secretary); (2) authorized to advise the governor concerning adopted rules; (3) authorized to adopt administrative rules; (4) authorized to enter into contracts for the office of the secretary; and (5) the authority for administering specified programs and grants.
 Current Status:   4/17/2015 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
 Recent Status:   4/17/2015 - received by Governor
4/9/2015 - Signed by the President Pro Tempore
HB1635VARIOUS EDUCATION MATTERS. (BEHNING R) Allows grants from the safe schools fund to provide school wide programs to improve school climate and professional development and training in alternatives to suspension and expulsion and evidence based practices that contribute to a positive school environment. Provides that a consolidated school corporation shall offer to transfer property to the township from which the consolidated school corporation received the property for any purpose if the property is no longer needed by the school corporation. (Current law requires the transferred property to be used for park and recreation purposes.) Allows the township to sell or lease the property to an Indiana nonprofit corporation that is exempt from federal taxation. Requires a consolidated school corporation to offer to transfer property to the city or town from which the consolidated school corporation received the property for any purpose if the property is no longer needed by the school corporation. Requires a consolidated school corporation to provide to a township, city, or town written notice of its intent to demolish a structure located on a property subject to transfer. Allows a township, city, or town 90 days to inform the school corporation whether the township, city, or town wishes to retain the structure. Prohibits a school corporation from demolishing a structure if the township, city, or town wishes to retain the structure. Requires the department of education (department) to develop guidelines for use by accredited teacher education institutions in preparing teachers to successfully apply classroom behavioral management strategies, including culturally responsive methods, to provide alternatives to suspension and expulsion. Makes changes to the information that must be reported in a school corporation's annual performance report. Provides that a rural school corporation shall provide transportation to a charter school student in the same manner transportation is provided to a nonpublic school student.
 Current Status:   5/7/2015 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
 Recent Status:   4/29/2015 - Conference Committee Report Adopted CCR #1 (49-0)
4/29/2015 - Conference Committee Report Adopted CCR #1 (85-11)
HB1636CHARTER SCHOOLS. (BEHNING R) Provides that a governing body of a school corporation, a state educational institution, and a nonprofit college or university must register with the state board of education (state board) if it has not previously issued a charter for any charter school prior to July 1, 2015. Makes changes to the definition of an "organizer". Requires the state board to provide a formal evaluation of the overall state of charter school outcomes in Indiana every five years. Provides that a charter school may give enrollment preference to children of the charter school's founders, governing body members, and charter school employees, as long as preference is not given to more that 10% of the charter school's total population. Provides that if a proposal to establish a charter school concerns an existing charter school overseen by a different authorizer than the authorizer to which the organizer is submitting the proposal, the proposal must include written acknowledgement of the proposal from the current authorizer. Provides that a charter school may limit admissions to allow preschool students who attend a Level 3 or Level 4 Paths to QUALITY program preschool to attend kindergarten at a charter school if the charter school and the preschool provider have entered into an agreement to share services or facilities. Provides that a governing body is not bound by a collective bargaining agreement for employees of a conversion charter school. Provides that employees of a conversion charter school may collectively bargain.
 Current Status:   5/7/2015 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
 Recent Status:   4/29/2015 - Signed by the President Pro Tempore
4/29/2015 - Signed by the Speaker
HB1638STATE INTERVENTION IN FAILING SCHOOLS. (BEHNING R) Changes the timeline, from six years to four years, for state intervention for a school initially placed in the lowest category or designation of school improvement after June 30, 2016. Makes various changes to the provisions relating to management of turnaround academes by special management teams. Provides that a school may not offer any item of monetary value to a student or the parent of a student in exchange for enrolling at the school. Repeals a provision relating to a correction of a disbursement of state and federal funds to the Indianapolis Public Schools for the 2012-2013 state fiscal year. Makes technical corrections.
 Current Status:   5/7/2015 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
 Recent Status:   4/29/2015 - Conference Committee Report Adopted CCR #1 (62-27)
4/29/2015 - Conference Committee Report Adopted CCR #1 (27-22)
SB622015 ISTEP PROGRAM. (KRUSE D) Provides that the department of education (department) may waive certain assessment inspection requirements for purposes of administration of the 2015 ISTEP program. Provides that, if the department waives inspection requirements for any questions on the 2015 ISTEP program, the department must establish criteria to allow a student's parent the opportunity to inspect questions used as part of the 2015 ISTEP program in a manner that will not compromise the validity or integrity of the 2016 ISTEP program. Provides that the department may waive the administration of the social studies portion of ISTEP program during the 2015 administration of the ISTEP program.
 Current Status:   2/23/2015 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
 Recent Status:   2/23/2015 - Signed by the Speaker
2/23/2015 - Motion to Concur in House Amendments: prevailed; Roll Call 192: yeas 50, nays 0
SB94STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS FOR RAPE. (CRIDER M) Provides that a rape charge otherwise barred by the statute of limitations may be brought within five years of the time that: (1) the state first discovers DNA evidence sufficient to charge the offender; (2) the state first becomes aware of the existence of a recording that provides evidence sufficient to charge the offender; or (3) a person confesses to the offense.
 Current Status:   4/29/2015 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
 Recent Status:   4/27/2015 - received by Governor
4/27/2015 - Signed by the President of the Senate
SB101RELIGIOUS FREEDOM RESTORATION. (KRUSE D) Prohibits a governmental entity from substantially burdening a person's exercise of religion, even if the burden results from a rule of general applicability, unless the governmental entity can demonstrate that the burden: (1) is in furtherance of a compelling governmental interest; and (2) is the least restrictive means of furthering the compelling governmental interest. Provides a procedure for remedying a violation. Specifies that the religious freedom law applies to the implementation or application of a law regardless of whether the state or any other governmental entity or official is a party to a proceeding implementing or applying the law. Prohibits an applicant, employee, or former employee from pursuing certain causes of action against a private employer.
 Current Status:   3/26/2015 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
 Recent Status:   3/25/2015 - received by Governor
3/24/2015 - Senate concurred in House amendments; Roll Call 322: yeas 40, nays 10
SB267DUAL LANGUAGE IMMERSION; BILITERACY. (KRUSE D) Establishes the dual language immersion pilot program to provide grants to school corporations and charter schools that establish dual language immersion programs in certain foreign languages. Creates the state certificate of biliteracy. Requires that the appropriate designation appear on the student's transcript. Requires the state board of education to adopt rules and to direct the department of education to administer the state biliteracy program. Provides that a school corporation, a charter school, or a nonpublic high school is not required to participate in the biliteracy program.
 Current Status:   5/7/2015 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
 Recent Status:   4/28/2015 - Conference Committee Report Adopted CCR #1 (49-0)
4/28/2015 - Conference Committee Report Adopted CCR #1 (98-0)
SB313DEFINITION OF "SEXUAL CONDUCT". (HEAD R) Adds exhibition of the female breast to the definition of "sexual conduct" for purposes of the law concerning child exploitation and child pornography.
 Current Status:   4/29/2015 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
 Recent Status:   4/27/2015 - received by Governor
4/27/2015 - Signed by the President of the Senate
SB324VARIOUS CHILD SUPPORT MATTERS. (HEAD R) Makes various changes to family and juvenile law concerning the following: (1) Parties entitled to file a paternity action. (2) Petitions for child support. (3) Petitions for adoption. (4) Adoption decrees. (5) Duties of the child support bureau. (6) Costs of services for children and payments of child support. Repeals the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act currently in effect and replaces it with an updated version of the act. Makes technical corrections.
 Current Status:   5/5/2015 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
 Recent Status:   4/29/2015 - Signed by the Speaker
4/23/2015 - Senate Concurred in House Amendments (48-0)
SB380CRISIS INTERVENTION TEAMS. (STOOPS M) Requires the law enforcement training academy to include an overview of crisis intervention team (CIT) training model in initial training. Establishes the Indiana technical assistance center for crisis intervention teams to: (1) identify grants and other funds that may be used to fund CIT programs; (2) create and support a statewide CIT advisory committee; and (3) provide training, information, and technical assistance.
 Current Status:   5/4/2015 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
 Recent Status:   5/4/2015 - received by Governor
4/29/2015 - Signed by the Speaker
SB461HEALTH MATTERS. (MILLER P) Amends the definition of "basic life support" to include blood glucose monitoring. Authorizes the state department of health (state department) to enter into partnerships to encourage best practices in: (1) identification and testing of populations at risk of disease related to illegal drug use; and (2) the health care treatment of incarcerated individuals for conditions related to illegal drug use. Authorizes the state health commissioner to declare a public health emergency. Specifies that hospital discharge information filed with the state department is confidential except under specified circumstances. Sets forth conditions in which a local health department, a municipality, a county, or a nonprofit organization may operate a syringe exchange program and expires the authorization of a program July 1, 2019. Further specifies the circumstances for the review of the death of a child by a local child fatality review team. Allows a local child fatality review team to review the near fatality or serious injury of a child. Adds hepatitis A to the list of schoolchildren immunizations. Requires the state department, before November 30 of each year, to publish a two year immunization calendar. Provides information to parents of grade 6 students concerning the human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. (Current language provides this information only to parents of female grade 6 students.) Requires the state department to provide the department of education with immunization materials, and requires the materials to be distributed to students' parents and guardians. Requires a health care provider who administers an immunization to enter the information into the state immunization data registry. Requires a school corporation to ensure that immunization information is complete in the state immunization data registry not later than the first Friday in February. Specifies that onsite sewage systems of private homes built by the individual are required to comply with state laws and rules. Provides exceptions to certain criminal laws concerning the funding, possession, and distribution of needles and syringes. Urges the legislative council to, during the 2015 interim, assign to a joint committee the topic of needle and syringe exchange programs and a review of the appropriate criminal penalties for certain drug offenses.
 Current Status:   5/5/2015 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
 Recent Status:   4/29/2015 - Conference Committee Report Adopted CCR #1 (38-11)
4/29/2015 - Conference Committee Report Adopted CCR #1 (79-20)
SB465HUMAN SERVICES AND HEALTH MATTERS. (MILLER P) Amends the definition of "autism". Makes multiple changes to the administration of the office of the secretary of family and social services. Moves the authority to operate a disability determination bureau from the division of disability and rehabilitative services (division) to the office of the secretary. Expires the health facility preadmission screening assessment process statute June 30, 2016. Requires the division of aging to: (1) meet with stakeholders to collaborate on changes in the health facility preadmission screening assessment process; and (2) submit a written report to the general assembly before November 1, 2015, concerning any recommendations for statutory changes to the process. Repeals the law that requires the division to operate a disability determination bureau that adjudicates whether a state employee is entitled to long term disability benefits. Repeals the step ahead comprehensive early childhood grant program. Repeals Medicaid eligibility parameters concerning patients in an institution for the mentally diseased. Removes language that prohibited certain Medicaid copayment for services. Makes changes in the manner that voter registration applications and declinations can be transferred. Removes language that provided an incentive payment to the offices of prosecuting attorneys for the investigation or prosecution of food stamp fraud. Repeals language concerning public records reports of Medicaid recipients. Makes changes to the community and home options to institutional care for the elderly and disabled board (board). Provides for four year terms on the board and staggers the terms of the members. Repeals the law that requires the director of the division of family resources to appoint the director of each county office of family resources. Provides that the director of the division of family resources appoints the assistants with the county. (Currently the appointments are made by the county director.) Urges the legislative council to assign to an interim study committee the topic of drug testing for individuals receiving public assistance. Makes technical and conforming changes.
 Current Status:   5/5/2015 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
 Recent Status:   4/29/2015 - Conference Committee Report Adopted CCR #1 (72-26)
4/29/2015 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (48-0)
SB500EDUCATION DEREGULATION. (MILLER P) Makes comprehensive revisions to the Indiana Code relating to all aspects of the administration of schools and school corporations and the education of students from pre-kindergarten through grade 12. Repeals various obsolete provisions and provisions that limit local control of schools. Establishes a school reporting oversight committee to review all reporting requirements by the state for schools. Makes conforming and technical amendments.
 Current Status:   5/7/2015 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
 Recent Status:   4/9/2015 - Senate concurred in House Amendments; Roll Call 412: yeas 36, nays 13
4/9/2015 - Senate Concurred in House Amendments (36-13)
SB522SERIOUS SEX OFFENDERS. (MRVAN F) Defines "serious sex offender". Makes entry on school property by a serious sex offender a Level 6 felony. Provides that a serious sex offender is entitled to vote by mail. Requires the department of correction to inform a serious sex offender at the time of discharge from the department: (1) that a serious sex offender who knowingly or intentionally enters school property commits unlawful entry by a serious sex offender, a Level 6 felony; and (2) of voting options for the serious sex offender.
 Current Status:   5/7/2015 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
 Recent Status:   4/9/2015 - Signed by the President Pro Tempore
4/2/2015 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 364: yeas 90, nays 0
SB532HUMAN TRAFFICKING, PROMOTING PROSTITUTION, AND ADULT ENTERTAINMENT PERFORMERS. (HEAD R) Provides that, for purposes of the law concerning actions for indecent nuisances, an indecent nuisance includes a public place in or upon which human trafficking is conducted, permitted, continued, or exists, and the personal property and contents used in conducting and maintaining the place for such a purpose. Establishes the human trafficking prevention and victim assistance fund to fund human trafficking victim services and human trafficking prevention programs. Provides that: (1) 80% of money collected in the seizure of property used in connection with human trafficking will be transferred to the human trafficking prevention and victim assistance fund; and (2) 20% of the money will be transferred to the county for use by the prosecuting attorney. Allows a law enforcement agency to seize real or personal property, including a vehicle, that is used by a person to: (1) commit, attempt to commit, or conspire to commit; (2) facilitate the commission of; or (3) escape from the commission of; an offense concerning human trafficking or promoting prostitution. Requires: (1) the Indiana prosecuting attorneys council to make an annual report to the legislative council concerning civil property forfeitures conducted in Indiana; and (2) the state police department to annually report to the legislative council the amount of money it has received from the federal government as the result of property forfeitures conducted by the federal government. Requires a holder of an alcohol retailer's permit that provides adult entertainment on the licensed premises to: (1) require adult entertainment performers to provide proof of age and proof of legal residency; (2) take a photograph of each adult entertainer who auditions to provide adult entertainment at the licensed premises and retain the photograph for at least three years; (3) require all employees to sign a document acknowledging their awareness of the problem of human trafficking; (4) display human trafficking awareness posters in at least two places in the licensed premises; and (5) cooperate with any law enforcement investigation.Authorizes the alcohol and tobacco commission to suspend, revoke, or refuse to renew a retailer's permit if the permit holder fails to comply with these requirements.
 Current Status:   5/7/2015 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
 Recent Status:   4/29/2015 - Conference Committee Report Adopted CCR #1 (47-1)
4/29/2015 - Senate Conference Committees Eligible for Action
SB545LAW ENFORCEMENT DATA. (TAYLOR G) Requires school corporations, charter schools, and accredited nonpublic schools to create, store, and maintain records for all emergency dispatch requests and arrests.
 Current Status:   1/20/2015 - Referred to Education and Career Development
 Recent Status:   1/20/2015 - First Reading
1/20/2015 - Authored By Greg Taylor
SB559VARIOUS CRIMINAL LAW MATTERS. (YOUNG M) Adds unlawful possession of a firearm by a serious violent felon to the definition of "crimes of violence". Establishes new caps for consecutive sentences that result from a single episode of criminal conduct. Defines "emergency medical services provider". Provides that a person is a habitual offender if the state proves the person has been convicted of three prior unrelated felonies of any level. Allows the state to seek to have a person who allegedly committed a felony or misdemeanor, other than certain offenses, sentenced to an additional fixed term of imprisonment of between five and 20 years if the state can show beyond a reasonable doubt that the person, while committing the felony or misdemeanor, knowingly or intentionally: (1) pointed a firearm; or (2) discharged a firearm; at an individual whom the person knew, or reasonably should have known, was a police officer. Makes technical corrections.
 Current Status:   5/7/2015 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
 Recent Status:   4/29/2015 - Senate Concurred in House Amendments (42-7)
4/29/2015 - Motion to concur in House amendments filed
SB566EDUCATION. (MISHLER R) Requires the attorney general in consultation with the Indiana education employment relations board (IEERB) to draft and disseminate a letter by first class mail to teachers providing a summary of the teacher's rights and protections under state and federal law. Provides that the state board of education (state board) may not adopt Common Core standards or an assessment or test that is produced solely by the United States government or a consortium of states. Requires the department of education (department) to establish a program to permit an individual with a major in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics and a minor in education to obtain a teaching license. Provides that a school corporation must consider certain factors in developing a performance evaluation model. Provides that a school corporation shall report its staff performance evaluation plan to the department (which may review the plan for efficacy) and IEERB (which may review the plan for legality). Provides that the state board, in consultation with the department, shall define "low population schools" and shall determine the criteria for placing low population schools in performance categories. Provides that in developing metrics for the categories to measure school performance, the state board, in consultation with the department, shall consider the severity of tested students' disabilities when using ISTEP scores. Requests the legislative council to assign the topic of replacing the ISTEP test to a study committee.
 Current Status:   5/7/2015 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
 Recent Status:   4/29/2015 - Conference Committee Report Adopted CCR #1 (49-0)
4/29/2015 - Senate Conference Committees Eligible for Action CCR #1