Prepared by: Andrew Bradley
Report created on February 6, 2025
HB1020PERSONAL EXEMPTIONS. (JACKSON C) Increases the personal exemption to $1,500 in the definition of adjusted gross income for a taxpayer, or, in the case of a joint return, for each spouse. Increases the exemption for dependents to $1,500. Increases the exemption to $1,500 for the spouse of the taxpayer if a separate return is made by the taxpayer and the spouse and if the spouse had no gross income for the calendar year.
 Current Status:   2/22/2021 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.1)
 All Bill Status:   1/4/2021 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/4/2021 - First Reading
1/4/2021 - Coauthored by Representative Porter
1/4/2021 - Authored By Carolyn Jackson
 State Bill Page:   HB1020
HB1092TAX CREDIT FOR CONTRIBUTION TO ABLE ACCOUNTS. (CHERRY R) Creates a standalone credit for contributions to Indiana ABLE accounts. Provides that a taxpayer is entitled to a credit against adjusted gross income tax equal to the least of: (1) 20% of the amount of the total contributions made by the taxpayer to an account or accounts of an Indiana ABLE 529A savings plan during the taxable year; (2) $1,000, or $500 in the case of a married individual filing a separate return; or (3) the amount of the taxpayer's adjusted gross income tax for the taxable year, reduced by the sum of all allowable credits. Provides that a taxpayer is not entitled to a carryback, carryover, or refund of an unused credit. Provides that a taxpayer may not sell, assign, convey, or otherwise transfer the tax credit. Provides that an account owner of an Indiana ABLE 529A savings plan must repay all or a part of the credit in a taxable year in which any nonqualified withdrawal is made. Provides that a rollover of assets or transfer of assets to an Indiana ABLE 529A account is a qualified withdrawal from a college choice 529 education savings plan.
 Current Status:   2/22/2021 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.1)
 All Bill Status:   1/7/2021 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/7/2021 - First Reading
1/7/2021 - Authored By Robert Cherry
 State Bill Page:   HB1092
HB1099MEDICAL PAYMENT COVERAGE. (SCHAIBLEY D) Specifies that medical payment coverage is supplemental to coverage under a health plan, but does not require a health plan to provide greater benefits to an individual with medical payment coverage than an individual without medical payment coverage. Preserves rights of subrogation available under a health plan.
 Current Status:   2/22/2021 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.1)
 All Bill Status:   1/7/2021 - Referred to House Financial Institutions and Insurance
1/7/2021 - First Reading
1/7/2021 - Authored By Donna Schaibley
 State Bill Page:   HB1099
HB1260GIFT CERTIFICATES AND STORE GIFT CARDS. (COOK A) Provides that a person shall not sell or issue to an Indiana consumer any gift certificate or store gift card with an expiration date unless certain conditions are met. Provides that, with respect to a gift certificate or store gift card that is sold or issued to an Indiana consumer after December 31, 2022, if at any time after the gift certificate or store gift card is issued or sold: (1) the merchant for which the gift certificate or store gift card was originally sold or issued: (A) for any reason ceases to do business in Indiana; or (B) for any reason: (i) substantially changes; or (ii) ceases to offer; the types of goods or services that were offered to consumers at the time the gift certificate or store gift card was originally sold or issued; and (2) any expiration date: (A) authorized under the bill's provisions; and (B) applicable to the gift certificate or store gift card (or to the underlying funds associated with either) has not elapsed; the merchant for which the gift certificate or store gift card was originally sold or issued shall, upon the request of an Indiana consumer who is the rightful holder of the gift certificate or store gift card, promptly refund to the holder the balance of the underlying funds or provide the holder with the remaining balance in some other manner. Provides that a person that violates the bill's provisions: (1) commits a deceptive act that is actionable by an aggrieved consumer and the attorney general under the deceptive consumer sales act; and (2) is subject to the penalties and remedies set forth in the deceptive consumer sales act. Authorizes the attorney general to adopt rules to implement these provisions.
 Current Status:   4/13/2021 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline for House bills (Rule 79(b))
 All Bill Status:   3/8/2021 - added as second sponsor Senator Doriot
2/24/2021 - Referred to Senate Commerce and Technology
2/24/2021 - First Reading
2/18/2021 - Referred to Senate
2/17/2021 - Senate sponsor: Senator Young M
2/17/2021 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 181: yeas 96, nays 0
2/17/2021 - House Bills on Third Reading
2/16/2021 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
2/16/2021 - Amendment #1 (Cook) prevailed; voice vote
2/16/2021 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/15/2021 - added as coauthor Representative Morris
2/15/2021 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/11/2021 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/9/2021 - House Committee recommends passage, as amended Yeas: 12; Nays: 0;
2/9/2021 - House Commerce, Small Business and Economic Development, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 12:00 PM, House Chamber
1/14/2021 - Referred to House Commerce, Small Business and Economic Development
1/14/2021 - First Reading
1/14/2021 - Coauthored by Representatives Miller D and McNamara
1/14/2021 - Authored By Anthony Cook
 State Bill Page:   HB1260
HB1328SUBDIVIDING LAND. (ELLINGTON J) Requires a unit to allow a property owner to subdivide the owner's property by deed if: (1) the owner requests a subdivision exemption; and (2) certain requirements are met. Requires the property owner to file an application with the plan commission accompanied by a plat drawing, the recorded deed of the parent parcel, and any application fee. Provides that the application must be reviewed and approved by the plan commission staff or the plan director, without a public hearing or the approval of the plan commission. Provides that approval of the application does not exempt the property owner from complying with any other requirements regarding construction of a new residential home, including obtaining a building permit. Provides that if the number of lots that are created by the subdivision make the provisions of the subdivision ordinance applicable, the property owner must comply with the ordinance, except for any provisions controlling lot size.
 Current Status:   2/22/2021 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.1)
 All Bill Status:   2/22/2021 - Third reading failed for lack of constitutional majority; Roll Call 220: yeas 44, nays 47
2/22/2021 - House Bills on Third Reading
2/18/2021 - House Bills on Third Reading
2/17/2021 - House Bills on Third Reading
2/16/2021 - House Bills on Third Reading
2/15/2021 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/15/2021 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/11/2021 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/10/2021 - House Committee recommends passage, as amended Yeas: 11; Nays: 1;
2/10/2021 - House Local Government, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 8:30 AM, IGCS Chamber
1/14/2021 - Referred to House Local Government
1/14/2021 - First Reading
1/14/2021 - Coauthored by Representative Davisson
1/14/2021 - Authored By Jeff Ellington
 State Bill Page:   HB1328
HB1411CONSUMER LOAN FINANCE CHARGES. (ELLINGTON J) Makes the following changes to the Uniform Consumer Credit Code: (1) Provides that for a consumer loan, a lender may contract for a loan finance charge not exceeding 36% per year, in the case of a loan agreement entered into after June 30, 2021 (versus a loan finance charge not exceeding 25%, in the case of a loan agreement entered into before July 1, 2021, and in the case of any consumer loan under current law). (2) Amends the definition of "supervised loan" to provide that the term applies only to specified consumer loans for which a loan agreement is entered into before July 1, 2021. (3) Amends the provisions concerning the permitted loan finance charge for supervised loans to provide that the provisions apply only to a loan agreement (or to an agreement for the refinancing or consolidation of a loan) that is entered into before July 1, 2021. (4) Specifies that if a supervised loan entered into by a lender and a debtor before July 1, 2021, is paid in full by a new loan from the same lender after June 30, 2021, the new loan is not considered a supervised loan and is subject to provisions on the permitted loan finance charge for consumer loans. Makes conforming changes to provisions in the Indiana Code that reference the permitted finance charge for supervised loans.
 Current Status:   2/22/2021 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.1)
 All Bill Status:   1/14/2021 - Referred to House Financial Institutions and Insurance
1/14/2021 - First Reading
1/14/2021 - Authored By Jeff Ellington
 State Bill Page:   HB1411
SB184SMALL LOAN FINANCE CHARGES. (WALKER G) Changes the current incremental finance charge limits that apply to a small loan to a maximum annual rate. Prohibits making, or taking other actions with respect to, a small loan with a greater rate or amount of interest, or other fees and charges, than allowed under the statute governing small loans. Prohibits a credit services organization from providing certain functions with respect to a small loan and makes a violation a deceptive act.
 Current Status:   2/23/2021 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
 All Bill Status:   1/26/2021 - added as coauthors Senators Kruse and Melton
1/26/2021 - added as coauthor Senator Breaux
1/26/2021 - added as coauthor Senator Alting
1/26/2021 - added as second author Senator Grooms
1/25/2021 - added as coauthor Senator Ford J.D
1/5/2021 - Referred to Senate Insurance and Financial Institutions
1/5/2021 - First Reading
1/5/2021 - Authored By Greg Walker
 State Bill Page:   SB184
SB315STATE EARNED INCOME TAX CREDIT. (YODER S) Increases the amount of the state earned income tax credit. Requires: (1) the department of state revenue to compile a notice with information concerning the federal and state earned income tax credits; and (2) the office of the secretary of family and social services to provide annually the written notice concerning the federal and state earned income tax credits to certain individuals who receive assistance.
 Current Status:   2/23/2021 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
 All Bill Status:   1/12/2021 - Referred to Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy
1/12/2021 - First Reading
1/12/2021 - Authored By Shelli Yoder
 State Bill Page:   SB315
SB370LIMITATION ON ACTIONS CONCERNING DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS. (ZAY A) Amends the statute concerning the statute of limitations for actions upon promissory notes, bills of exchange, or other written contracts for the payment of money to include actions upon deposit accounts. Specifies that the bill's provisions are intended to be a restatement of the law and not a substantive change in the law and as such shall be applied with respect to deposit accounts executed during the applicable time frames set forth in the statute.
 Current Status:   4/22/2021 - Public Law 102
 All Bill Status:   4/22/2021 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
4/21/2021 - Signed by the President of the Senate
4/21/2021 - Received by the Governor
4/12/2021 - Signed by the President Pro Tempore
4/1/2021 - Senate Concurred in House Amendments ; Roll Call 322: yeas 48, nays 0
4/1/2021 - Concurrences Eligible for Action
3/30/2021 - Concurrences Eligible for Action
3/29/2021 - Motion to concur filed
3/16/2021 - Returned to the Senate with amendments
3/15/2021 - added as cosponsor Representative Ellington
3/15/2021 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 260: yeas 94, nays 1
3/15/2021 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
3/11/2021 - Second reading ordered engrossed
3/11/2021 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
3/9/2021 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
3/9/2021 - House Committee recommends passage, as amended Yeas: 12; Nays: 0;
3/9/2021 - House Financial Institutions and Insurance, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 9:30 AM, IGCS Chamber
3/2/2021 - Referred to House Financial Institutions and Insurance
3/2/2021 - First Reading
2/11/2021 - added as second author Senator Bohacek
2/11/2021 - Cosponsor: Representative Schaibley
2/11/2021 - House sponsor: Representative Carbaugh
2/11/2021 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 96: yeas 47, nays 0
2/11/2021 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/9/2021 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/9/2021 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/8/2021 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/4/2021 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/3/2021 - Senate Committee recommends passage, as amended Yeas: 8; Nays: 0;
2/3/2021 - Senate Insurance and Financial Institutions, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 10:00 AM, Rm. 233
1/12/2021 - Referred to Senate Insurance and Financial Institutions
1/12/2021 - First Reading
1/12/2021 - Authored By Andy Zay
 State Bill Page:   SB370
SB380COURT MATTERS. (KOCH E) Adds a superior court in Hamilton County. Allows the judges of the Decatur circuit and superior courts to jointly appoint a magistrate to serve the Decatur County courts. Allows the judges of the Hancock circuit and superior courts to jointly appoint a magistrate to serve the Hancock County courts. Allows the judges of the Huntington circuit and superior courts to jointly appoint a magistrate to serve the Huntington County courts. Allows the judges of the Knox circuit and superior courts to jointly appoint a magistrate to serve the Knox County courts. Allows the judge of the Lake superior court division No. 4 to appoint a magistrate to serve the Lake superior court division No. 4. Makes clarifying changes to the powers and duties of the Marion superior court executive committee. Provides that an appointed judicial officer shall be vested by the judges of the family division of the Marion superior court with suitable powers for the handling of all probate matters of the court. Removes or reallocates the powers and duties of a probate hearing judge, probate commissioner, juvenile referee, bail commissioner, and master commissioner from the Marion superior court. Provides that the Marion County judicial selection committee nomination procedure shall be followed when filling a vacancy that occurs in a court. Provides that the: (1) clerk of a circuit court; (2) clerk of a city or town court; or (3) judge of a city or town court that does not have a clerk; may retain as an administrative fee an amount of up to $3 from the excess amount collected by the clerk for general court costs. Makes conforming changes.
 Current Status:   4/13/2021 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline for Senate bills (Rule 148.1)
 All Bill Status:   3/11/2021 - added as cosponsor Representative Steuerwald
3/11/2021 - added as sponsor Representative Jeter C
3/11/2021 - removed as sponsor Representative Steuerwald
3/11/2021 - Referred to House Ways and Means
3/11/2021 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
3/10/2021 - House Committee recommends passage, as amended Yeas: 11; Nays: 0;
3/10/2021 - House Courts & Criminal Code, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 8:30 AM, IGCS Chamber
3/4/2021 - Referred to Committee on Courts and Criminal Code
3/4/2021 - First Reading
2/24/2021 - Referred to House
2/23/2021 - House sponsor: Representative Steuerwald
2/23/2021 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 199: yeas 47, nays 0
2/23/2021 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/22/2021 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/22/2021 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/18/2021 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/18/2021 - Senate Committee recommends passage, as amended Yeas: 12; Nays: 0;
2/18/2021 - Senate Appropriations, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 8:45 AM, Senate Chamber
2/15/2021 - Pursuant to Senate Rule 68(b); reassigned to Committee on Appropriations
2/11/2021 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/11/2021 - Senate Committee recommends passage, as amended Yeas: 11; Nays: 1;
2/11/2021 - Senate Appropriations, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 9:00 AM, Senate Chamber
2/8/2021 - added as coauthor Senator Freeman
2/1/2021 - added as coauthors Senators Baldwin S, Buck, Ford J.D., Qaddoura, Walker K, Leising, Perfect, Crider, Zay, Bassler, Randolph
2/1/2021 - added as third author Senator Holdman
2/1/2021 - added as second author Senator Messmer
1/28/2021 - Committee Report amend do pass adopted; reassigned to Committee on Appropriations
1/27/2021 - Senate Committee recommends passage, as amended Yeas: 10; Nays: 0
1/27/2021 - Senate Judiciary, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 2:00 PM, Rm. 130
1/14/2021 - Referred to Senate Judiciary
1/14/2021 - First Reading
1/14/2021 - Authored By Eric Koch
 State Bill Page:   SB380