Prepared by: Caryl Auslander
Report created on October 22, 2024
HB1001STATE BUDGET. (THOMPSON J) Appropriates money for capital expenditures, the operation of the state, K-12 and higher education, the delivery of Medicaid and other services, and various other distributions and purposes. Requires a researcher to execute a data sharing agreement that is approved by the management performance hub to receive access to confidential records. Provides that the auditor of state is also known as the state comptroller. Provides that, after June 30, 2023, the auditor of state shall use the title "state comptroller" in conducting state business, in all contracts, on business cards, on stationery, and with other means of communication as necessary. Establishes the attorney general contingency fee fund. Establishes the: (1) state opioid settlement fund; and (2) local opioid settlement fund; into which funds received from opioid litigation settlements must be deposited. Provides that the office of the inspector general shall provide informal advisory opinions and that the opinions are confidential. Allows the budget committee to submit the budget report and budget bill or bills to the governor on or before the second Monday of January, or the third Monday of January in the year in which a gubernatorial election is held (instead of before that date). Requires the state personnel department to require a contractor, when contracting for health care coverage for state employees, to use value based coverage. Repeals a provision that makes a state general fund appropriation to the board of trustees of the Indiana public retirement system if the money available in the special death benefits fund is insufficient to pay death benefit claims. Allows the Indiana economic development corporation (IEDC) to certify an applicable tax credit that exceeds the maximum allowable amount after review by the budget committee. Provides that the regional economic acceleration and development initiative program expires June 30, 2026. Specifies that the county or municipality that did not approve the relocation of an outdoor advertising sign is responsible for compensation of the taking of the outdoor advertising sign. Provides that an owner may relocate an outdoor advertising sign that is subject to a pending eminent domain action. Allows an individual to claim an increased exemption amount for a dependent child in the first year in which the exemption amount may be claimed for the child. Reduces the individual income tax rate to 2.9% by 2027 and eliminates all trigger provisions in current law. Establishes the regional public safety training fund. Repeals provisions relating to the establishment of the: (1) Indiana homeland security foundation; (2) Indiana homeland security fund; and (3) fire training infrastructure fund. Allows certain members of the public employees' retirement fund or Indiana state teachers' retirement fund to file an election to begin receiving retirement benefits while holding a position. Changes the state police pre-1987 benefit and supplemental pension benefit calculation from being based on the sixth year of service to the fourth year of service. Repeals the public mass transportation fund. Repeals the financial responsibility compliance verification fund. Changes the number of years of service on which the salary matrix for state police employees is based to 15 years (instead of 20 years). Requires the department of correction to deposit the amount appropriated for the county misdemeanant fund by a county's multiplier. Requires the office of Medicaid policy and planning (office) to: (1) develop a schedule for the review of Medicaid reimbursement rates; and (2) provide a copy of the schedule to the budget committee; not later than November 1, 2023. Creates the residential water testing fund to test the water supply of an individual property owner of an eligible township. Requires the director of the state personnel department to submit a revision or adjustment to a pay plan developed for state employees to the state budget committee for review before the revision may take effect. Provides that the general assembly shall convene: (1) on the second Tuesday after the first Monday in June for the first regular technical session; and (2) on the second Tuesday after the first Monday in May for the second regular technical session. Provides that a technical session is not required to convene if the president pro tempore and the speaker jointly issue an order that convening is not necessary. Requires the general assembly to convene no later than the fourth Monday in January after organization day. Repeals provisions relating to emergency sessions and makes conforming amendments. Recouples the state earned income tax credit qualifications with the federal earned income tax credit qualifications under the Internal Revenue Code as in effect January 1, 2023. Requires a contractor that provides tangible personal property incorporated into real property in a project located in an innovation development district to maintain records of all state gross retail and use tax paid or collected during a state fiscal year. Adds state adjusted gross income taxes paid by an individual who is not an employee with respect to income received for services performed in an innovation development district for purposes of calculating income tax incremental amounts. Establishes the commission on improving the status of children fund to support the staffing and operations of the commission. Provides that a part of state user fees shall be deposited in the Indiana secured school fund. Repeals the distribution schedule for appropriations made for certain child development programs. Requires the department of local government finance to prepare an annual report and abstract concerning property tax data (instead of the auditor of state). Deletes reimbursement rate parameters for reimbursement of managed care organizations under the healthy Indiana plan. Extends the sunset of the collection of hospital assessment fees and health facility quality assessment fees from June 30, 2023, to June 30, 2025. Increases the total number of adult learner students at the Excel Centers for Adult Learners and Christel House DORS centers for whom the school may receive state funding. Establishes the Indiana education scholarship account donation fund to accept donations for administration of the Indiana education scholarship account program. Repeals the special education fund. Establishes a state tax credit for a taxpayer that makes certain qualified child care expenditures in providing child care to the taxpayer's employees. Extends provisions for the gasoline tax and the special fuel tax rates. Amends a statute concerning powers and duties of a regional water, sewage, or solid waste district established under prior law. Extends the sunset for the invasive species council and fund from July 1, 2023, to July 1, 2031. Prohibits school corporations and charter schools from charging a fee for curricular materials to students. Provides that the parent of a student or an emancipated minor who attends an accredited nonpublic school and who meets financial eligibility requirements may request reimbursement of fees charged for curricular materials. Establishes the curricular materials fund. Requires a county auditor to distribute a portion of revenue received from an operations fund levy imposed by a school corporation located in certain counties to certain charter schools (excludes school corporations that are designated as a dist
 Current Status:   5/4/2023 - Public Law 201
 State Bill Page:   HB1001
HB1002EDUCATION AND WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT. (GOODRICH C) Establishes the: (1) career scholarship account program (CSA program); (2) career scholarship account program fund; (3) career scholarship account administration fund; (4) career scholarship account donation fund; (5) connecting students with careers fund; (6) teacher higher education and industry collaboration grant program and fund; (7) career coaching grant fund; and (8) intermediary capacity building fund. Provides that the department of education (department), in consultation with the commission for higher education (commission), shall designate and approve a course sequence, career course, modern youth apprenticeship, apprenticeship, or program of study for grants under the CSA program. Provides for revocation of the approval if the sequence, course, modern youth apprenticeship, apprenticeship, or program of study fails to achieve an adequate outcome, as determined by the department, in consultation with the commission. Establishes eligibility requirements to participate in the CSA program. Provides that the commission may approve participating entities that meet certain requirements to participate in the CSA program. Provides that grant amounts that career scholarship students receive are not included in adjusted gross income for tax purposes. Provides that, beginning July 1, 2024, certain school corporations shall include instruction for all students regarding career awareness. Provides that the state board of education (state board), in consultation with the commission, shall create certain standards for a career awareness course. Requires the department to collect and aggregate certain data. Requires the department to publish on the department's website a list of skill competencies identified by certain approved participating entities. Requires the state board, in consultation with the department, to establish new high school diploma requirements. Removes a provision that provides that a student who satisfies an Indiana diploma with a Core 40 with academic honors designation through a certain alternative course shall not count toward a school's honor designation award. Requires the commission to create a list of approved intermediaries, employers, and labor organizations. Requires certain high school and college students to meet with an approved postsecondary educational institution, an intermediary, an employer, or a labor organization. Requires certain committed offenders to meet with an intermediary, employer, or labor organization. Provides that during each school year, a public high school must hold at least one career fair during regular school hours. Amends requirements for certification of qualified education programs by INvestED Indiana. Repeals certain provisions in law regarding a comprehensive navigation and coaching system and career coaching grant fund and requires the commission to: (1) develop and implement a comprehensive career navigation and coaching system for Indiana; and (2) award grants from the career coaching grant fund to certain eligible entities to establish or implement comprehensive career navigation and coaching systems. Provides that the department shall approve career coaching providers for the purpose of eligibility for a career coaching grant. Provides that the commission shall receive, distribute, and account for all funds received for career and technical education under the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Act. Requires the department to establish and maintain an online platform that allows teachers to access and share information regarding connecting daily classroom lessons with innovations in workplace practices and postsecondary education research. Repeals provisions relating to the industry collaboration certification program. Repeals and replaces a definition of "participating entity" with "ESA participating entity".
 Current Status:   5/4/2023 - Public Law 202
 State Bill Page:   HB1002
HB1004HEALTH CARE MATTERS. (SCHAIBLEY D) Establishes the health care cost oversight task force and sets forth duties of the task force. Provides a credit against state tax liability to certain physicians who have an ownership interest in a physician practice and meet other eligibility criteria. Allows a credit against the state tax liability of an employer with fewer than 50 employees if the employer has adopted a health reimbursement arrangement in lieu of a traditional employer provided health insurance plan and if the employer's contribution toward the health reimbursement arrangement meets a certain standard. Requires the office of the secretary of family and social services to research and compile data concerning Medicaid reimbursement rates for Indiana and all other states and the national reimbursement rate average. Requires the submission of a report to the health care cost oversight task force and the general assembly. Establishes the payer affordability penalty fund. Specifies additional information that a hospital must report to the Indiana department of health in the hospital's annual report and establishes a fine for a hospital that fails to timely file the report. Provides that a bill for health care services provided by certain qualified providers in an office setting must be submitted on an individual provider form. Prohibits an insurer, health maintenance organization, employer, or other person responsible for the payment of the cost of health care services from accepting a bill that is submitted on an institutional provider form. Repeals language requiring a hospital to hold a public forum. Requires the department of insurance to contract with a third party to calculate an Indiana nonprofit hospital system's prices from certain health plans for specified calendar years. Before November 1, 2024, and before November 1 each subsequent year, requires the department's third party contractor to compare certain Indiana nonprofit hospital system facility pricing information with 285% of Medicare. Requires the calculations to be submitted as a report for review. Provides that a health care provider that enters into: (1) a value-based health care reimbursement agreement; and (2) an electronic medical records access agreement; with a health plan may qualify to participate in the health plan's program to reduce or eliminate prior authorization requirements. Requires a health plan that establishes a program to reduce or eliminate prior authorization requirements to provide certain information to health care providers concerning the program. Requires a third party administrator, insurer, or health maintenance organization that has contracted with a person to administer a self-funded insurance plan or a fully insured group plan to provide claims data to the person not later than 15 days from a request for the data. Specifies certain claims data to be provided and establishes a fine for a failure to timely provide the claims data. Requires the all payer claims data base advisory board to discuss specified issues concerning reimbursement rates. Allows for the provisional credentialing of physicians who establish or join an independent primary care practice.
 Current Status:   5/4/2023 - Public Law 203
 State Bill Page:   HB1004
HB1005HOUSING. (MILLER D) Establishes the residential housing infrastructure assistance program (program) and residential housing infrastructure assistance revolving fund (fund). Provides that the Indiana finance authority (authority) shall administer the fund and program. Provides that political subdivisions may apply to the fund for loans for certain infrastructure projects related to the development of residential housing. Provides that money in the fund may not be used for: (1) debt repayment; (2) maintenance and repair projects; (3) upgrading utility poles; or (4) consulting or engineering fees for studies, reports, designs, or analyses. Provides that loans from the fund must be allocated as follows: (1) 70% of the money in the fund must be used for housing infrastructure in municipalities with a population of less than 50,000. (2) 30% of the money in the fund must be used for housing infrastructure in all other political subdivisions. Requires the authority to establish a project prioritization system for the purpose of awarding loans from the fund, and specifies the criteria that must be included in the project prioritization system. Allows the authority to establish a leveraged loan program to or for the benefit of program participants. Requires the public finance director to prepare an annual report of the fund's activities for the legislative council and the budget committee. Provides that the fiscal body of a county may adopt an ordinance to designate an economic development target area. Removes the threshold conditions for establishing a residential housing development program and a tax increment allocation area for the program, including the condition that the governing body of each school corporation affected by the program pass a resolution approving the program before the program may go into effect. Changes the duration of a residential housing development program from 25 years (under current law) to 20 years after the date on which the first obligation for program is incurred. Makes a continuing appropriation.
 Current Status:   5/4/2023 - Public Law 204
 State Bill Page:   HB1005
HB1006MENTAL HEALTH PROGRAMS. (STEUERWALD G) Specifies the circumstances under which a person may be involuntarily committed to a facility for mental health services and specifies that these services are medically necessary when provided in accordance with generally accepted clinical care guidelines. Establishes a local mental health referral program to provide mental health treatment for certain persons who have been arrested. Repeals obsolete provisions and makes technical corrections.
 Current Status:   5/4/2023 - Public Law 205
 State Bill Page:   HB1006
HB1160WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT PILOT PROGRAMS. (CLERE E) Provides that the commission for higher education may establish an education and career support services pilot program to provide career and support services to adult students of state educational institutions. Provides that the office of the secretary of family and social services (FSSA), in consultation with Erskine Green Training Institute and the department of workforce development, may establish a manufacturing workforce training pilot program to provide training and other services to: (1) individuals with intellectual and other developmental disabilities; and (2) incumbent workers who are identified to fill higher paying jobs as a result of increased workforce participation by individuals with intellectual and other developmental disabilities. Specifies requirements and permitted actions for each pilot program. Requires FSSA to amend administrative rules.
 Current Status:   5/4/2023 - Public Law 216
 State Bill Page:   HB1160
HB1212PRIVACY PROTECTIONS FOR NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS. (KARICKHOFF M) Defines "personal information" as data that directly or indirectly identifies a "person" (including an individual, a corporation, a limited liability company, a government entity, a partnership, a trust, an estate, or other entity) as a: (1) member or supporter of; (2) volunteer for; or (3) donor to; a nonprofit organization. With certain exceptions, prohibits a state agency (including an executive, judicial, or legislative branch agency, state educational institution, or body corporate and politic) or political subdivision from doing the following: (1) Requiring a person or nonprofit organization to provide personal information to the state agency or political subdivision. (2) Releasing, publicizing, or publicly disclosing personal information in the state agency or political subdivision's possession. (3) Requesting or requiring a current or prospective contractor or grantee to provide a list of nonprofit organizations to which the current or prospective contractor or grantee has provided financial or nonfinancial support. Provides that personal information is considered confidential and is not subject to disclosure under Indiana's access to public records act (APRA). Provides that a person alleging a violation of the bill's provisions may bring a civil action for injunctive relief, specified damages, or both. Provides that: (1) a public employee; (2) a public official; or (3) an employee or officer of a contractor or subcontractor for a public agency; who violates the bill's provisions is subject to the penalties and discipline that apply with respect to violations of APRA.
 Current Status:   5/4/2023 - Public Law 221
 State Bill Page:   HB1212
HB1451UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION. (CARBAUGH M) Amends the definition of "deductible income" for purposes of the unemployment compensation laws. Provides that, subject to certain exceptions, the department of workforce development may accept an offer in compromise from an employer or claimant to reduce past due debts arising from contributions or benefit overpayments. Provides that an individual is ineligible for benefits for any week that the individual receives payments equal to or exceeding the individual's weekly benefit amount in pension, retirement, or annuity payments under any plan of an employer where the employer contributes all of the money. (Under current law, the disqualification provision applies under any plan of an employer where the employer contributes a portion or all of the money.) Provides that the state of Indiana is not required to participate in or precluded from ceasing to participate in any offered or enacted voluntary, optional, special, or emergency federal program. Makes corresponding changes.
 Current Status:   4/20/2023 - Public Law 85
 State Bill Page:   HB1451
HB1454DEPARTMENT OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT FINANCE. (SNOW C) Provides that the term of any judgment funding bond with regard to either: (1) the city of Hobart; or (2) the Merrillville Community School Corporation; issued for the purpose of paying a property tax judgment rendered against Lake County for assessment year 2011, 2012, 2013, or 2014 shall be 25 years. Changes the sunset date for the procedure for selling certain bonds to July 1, 2025, and makes corresponding changes. Adds nonprofit building corporations created by a municipal corporation to a provision concerning the purchase of municipal securities by the treasurer of state and provides that such a security must have a stated final maturity of not more than 25 years after the date of purchase. Specifies expenses eligible for funding from the READI fund. Prohibits the department of local government finance from approving a county reassessment plan before the assessor provides verification that the land values determination has been completed. Removes language from a statute allowing a taxpayer to elect a special property tax valuation method for mini-mill equipment that prohibited the election if any outstanding bond obligations would be impaired as a result of the election. Requires an assessor determining land values to submit the values to the county property tax assessment board of appeals (PTABOA) and the department. Establishes procedures for rental property assessment appeals. Makes changes to a provision granting a property tax exemption to cemetery owners. Requires the land of controlled environment agriculture property to be classified and assessed as agricultural and the improvements to be classified and assessed as an agricultural greenhouse for property tax assessment. Prohibits a PTABOA determination of assessed value following a hearing that exceeds the original appealed assessed value at issue. Provides that a qualified taxing unit located in Lake County that has experienced a property tax revenue shortfall in one or more tax years: (1) resulting from erroneous assessed valuation figures; and (2) which was, or will be, at least $5,000,000, or 20% of its net tax levy, as a result of the erroneous assessed valuation amount; may apply to the treasurer for a loan from the counter-cyclical revenue and economic stabilization fund. Describes procedures, limitations, and uses for such loans. Limits the amount of loans to all qualified taxing units to $35,000,000. Prescribes a formula for determining a population growth of 150% for purposes of the exclusion from maximum ad valorem property tax levy limits for municipalities that meet specified criteria. Makes changes to statutes concerning maximum property tax levies for: (1) Sugar Creek Township Fire Protection District; and (2) Otter Creek Township. Amends an exclusion from the definition of "controlled project" for projects required by a court order. Extends through 2026 the authority for certain school corporations to allocate circuit breaker credits proportionately but imposes limitations with respect to school corporation eligibility to allocate such credits. Repeals the provision establishing the division of data analysis of the department. Prohibits a county auditor from denying an application for a standard deduction for a homestead because the applicant does not have a valid driver's license with the address of the homestead property. Provides that when a county auditor submits a certified statement of assessed value to the department, the county auditor shall exclude the amount of assessed value for any property located in the county for which an appeal has been filed and for which there is no final disposition. Provides that a county auditor may appeal to the department to include the amount of assessed value under appeal within a taxing district for that calendar year. Provides for the expiration of certain supplemental county property tax levy provisions on the later of: (1) January 1, 2045; or (2) the date on which all bonds or lease agreements outstanding on July 1, 2023, for which a pledge of tax revenue is completely paid. Imposes reporting and publication requirements for those bonds and leases. Removes the requirement that a PTABOA quorum must include at least one certified level two or level three assessor-appraiser. Prescribes additional duties for the department. Provides that the distressed unit appeal board (DUAB) may employ staff (instead of an executive director). Provides that the department may (instead of shall) support the DUAB's duties using money from the department's budget funding. Repeals provisions requiring the DUAB to pay the emergency manager's compensation and to reimburse the emergency manager for actual and necessary expenses. Repeals the fiscal and qualitative indicators committee (committee). Replaces references to the committee with references to the DUAB. Provides that, in the assessment of tangible property, confidential information may be disclosed to an official or employee of a county assessor or auditor. Provides that the required annual visit between a representative of the department and each county may take place virtually. Requires a township or county assessor to document any changes made to the parcel characteristics of real property from the previous year's assessment in an assessment of the real property. Provides that a township may elect to establish a township firefighting fund and a township emergency services fund in lieu of the township firefighting and emergency services fund. Provides that the excess of the proceeds of the property taxes attributable to an increase in the property tax rate for a participating unit of a fire protection territory that is established after the establishment of a tax increment financing area located outside of Marion County shall be allocated to and distributed in the form of an allocated property tax revenue pass back to the participating unit of the fire protection territory and not to the redevelopment district. Provides that the fiscal body of a county may adopt an ordinance to establish a property tax amnesty program and require a waiver of interest and penalties added before January 1, 2023, on delinquent taxes and special assessments on real property in the county if certain conditions are met. Amends provisions excluding the part of a participating unit's proceeds of property taxes imposed in certain tax increment finance areas for an assessment date with respect to which the allocation and distribution is made that are attributable to property taxes imposed to meet the participating unit's obligations to a fire protection territory. Reduces the fee, from 15% to 10%, that the department of state revenue may charge a debtor for any debts collected as a collection fee for the department's services, not including local collection assistance fees. Establishes a tax credit for an eligible taxpayer that employs certain individuals with a disability. Provides that contributions to a 529 college savings account or 529A ABLE account made after December 31, 2023, shall be considered as having been made during the taxable year preceding the contribution if certain conditions are met. Beginning in taxable year 2024, allows the Indiana economic development corporation to award a qualified taxpayer a historic rehabilitation tax credit equal to 25% or 30% of the qualified expenditures incurred in the restoration and preservation of a qualified historic structure, depending on the type of historic structure. Pro
 Current Status:   5/4/2023 - Public Law 236
 State Bill Page:   HB1454
HB1457PUBLIC HEALTH MATTERS. (BARRETT B) Establishes licensing standards for rural emergency hospitals. Provides that certain personal information is confidential if a complaint is filed with the Indiana department of health (department). Allows the department to analyze information submitted by entities regulated by the department for quality improvement purposes. Adds rural emergency hospitals to the statute specifying that the licensure of a rural emergency hospital does not affect the statute pertaining to the placement and adoption of children. Repeals the provision concerning a provisional license for certain hospice programs. Provides that the definition of "home health services" includes community based palliative care. Establishes standards for housing with services establishments that offer memory care services. Changes references from "venereal disease" to "sexually transmitted infection". Allows a local health officer to issue a birth, death, or stillbirth certificate from the electronic registration system regardless of the location of the filing of the record. Removes the requirement that the department develop educational materials concerning prenatal and neonatal transmission of HIV. Removes the requirement that the department be notified if certain emergency responders request test results following a potential exposure to a serious communicable disease. Changes the date that the department submits a report concerning childhood lead poisoning. Removes the exemption to a vendor of a farmer's market or roadside stand from the requirements relating to food products that are not potentially hazardous. Amends the criteria for a safety pin program (program) grant proposal. Provides that if the department approves a program grant proposal, the department shall determine the initial award amount and the amount to be distributed once the grantee meets certain performance metrics. Provides a preference for awarding grants from the program to populations with demonstrable higher need. Provides that the center for deaf and hard of hearing education shall provide assistance to classroom instruction and professionals. Makes technical and conforming changes.
 Current Status:   5/1/2023 - Public Law 147
 State Bill Page:   HB1457
HB1504ENFORCEMENT OF DECEPTIVE CONSUMER SALES ACT. (SPEEDY M) Provides that certain actions to remedy a deceptive act may not be brought more than five years after the deceptive act.
 Current Status:   5/1/2023 - Public Law 152
 State Bill Page:   HB1504
HB1558SCIENCE OF READING. (TESHKA J) Defines "science of reading". Requires the state board of education (state board) in collaboration with the department of education (department) to prepare and submit a report regarding the alignment of science of reading concepts in IREAD. Requires a school corporation and charter school to report certain information regarding reading and writing curricula, remedial programs, and administrative contact information on the school corporation's or charter school's website. Provides that, beginning with the 2024-2025 school year, a superintendent, advisory committee, or governing body or the equivalent for a charter school: (1) shall adopt curriculum or supplemental materials for reading that are aligned with the science of reading and to the student's reading proficiency; and (2) may not adopt curriculum or supplemental materials for reading that are based on the three-cueing model. Requires the department to develop guidelines for science of reading integration into teacher preparation programs. Makes changes to the education law concerning the science of reading and teacher preparation and licensing requirements. Requires a school corporation to differentiate the amount of salary increases or increments for teachers who possess a required literacy endorsement. Removes a requirement that a discussion regarding teacher supplemental payment be held. Requires the state board to establish and require literacy endorsements for certain individuals first licensed after June 30, 2025. Provides that, not later than July 1, 2024, the state board shall adopt rules to establish early childhood content area licenses and required endorsements. Requires the department to publish an advisory list of science of reading curricula on the department's website. Provides that the state board and the department: (1) shall implement academic standards for reading that are aligned with the science of reading and developmentally appropriate based on student need; and (2) may not implement an academic standard for reading based on the three-cueing model.
 Current Status:   5/4/2023 - Public Law 243
 State Bill Page:   HB1558
HB1581BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS. (HEATON R) Provides that the definitions for the uniform business organizations code apply to agricultural cooperatives. Removes the requirement that articles of incorporation for agricultural cooperatives must be acknowledged by at least one incorporator before a notary public. Provides that the uniform business transactions act applies to agricultural cooperatives for certain purposes. Adds business trusts and agricultural cooperatives to lists of entities that the secretary of state may revoke registrations for or dissolve. Makes conforming changes. Amends the statute concerning the securities restitution fund (fund) as follows: (1) Provides that 2% of funds received from fees and revenues from the administration of the Indiana Uniform Securities Act must be deposited in the fund instead of the state general fund. (2) Provides that any amount of the balance of the fund at the end of a particular state fiscal year that exceeds $2,000,000 reverts to the state general fund. (3) Provides that to ensure the financial viability of the fund, the securities commissioner may: (A) divide into installments; (B) delay; or (C) divide into installments and delay; any payments owed to claimants.
 Current Status:   5/1/2023 - Public Law 156
 State Bill Page:   HB1581
HB1591VARIOUS EDUCATION MATTERS. (BEHNING R) Requires the Indiana archives and records administration to: (1) establish procedures to retain an original record, document, plat, paper, or instrument-in-writing in an electronic format; (2) establish a period of time after which an original record, document, plat, paper, or instrument-in-writing may be destroyed; and (3) prepare and submit, not later than November 1, 2023, a report to the general assembly regarding these matters. Amends the duties of the early learning advisory committee. Changes the prekindergarten pilot program to the prekindergarten program and removes the expiration date. Provides that, at least once every five years, the office, in cooperation with the department of education (department), must carry out a longitudinal study regarding students who participate in the prekindergarten program. Amends requirements regarding cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) for child care centers, child care homes, and child care ministries. Requires: (1) each public school to provide information to the department concerning certain physical injuries to employees; and (2) the department to report the information on the department's website. Requires the department to provide certain information to public schools and state accredited nonpublic schools and requires each school to post the information on the school's website home page. Amends innovation network school and participating innovation network charter school provisions regarding: (1) certain agreement requirements and limitations; (2) appeals to the state board of education regarding the failure to follow an agreement renewal process; and (3) negotiating the requirement of specific services. Allows an innovation network team or organizer to enter into an agreement with a school corporation to transfer the ownership of a school corporation facility to the team or organizer and provides that a transfer is not subject to provisions in the law concerning the transfer of vacant school buildings to charter schools. Provides that a school corporation may not require an innovation network team or an organizer to contract for specific goods or services provided by the school corporation or any other entity. Requires information regarding certain possible criminal activity, concluded personnel matter investigations, and matters involving legal expenses be provided to the governing body of a school corporation. Provides that at-risk students who are receiving certain educational services are not included in a public school's four year graduation rate and are included in an eligible school's graduation rate under certain conditions. Amends the definition of "teacher" regarding certain teacher compensation provisions and requires a school corporation to expend at least 62% of the school corporation's state tuition support on teacher compensation. (Current law requires a school corporation to expend at least 45% on full-time teacher salaries.) Requires special education grade 8 through 12 case conference committees to discuss decision making skills and alternatives to appointing a guardian. Requires the department to, subject to appropriation by the general assembly, provide schools the same per pupil exam fee amounts for international baccalaureate and Cambridge International exams as is provided for advanced placement exams. Provides that: (1) any course that meets the requirements of a career and technical education program may be taught virtually by a virtual provider if certain conditions are met; and (2) the virtual course is eligible for a career and technical education grant. Amends the definition of "school scholarship", with regard to scholarship granting organizations. Removes a provision that requires choice scholarship schools to conduct random drawings in a public meeting if applicants for enrollment exceed the number of choice scholarships available to the school. Provides that the state board shall assign to a school or school corporation (including adult high schools) a "null" or "no letter grade" for the 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 school years. Provides that, when developing a proposal for a revised school performance designation, the department shall consider using certain metrics.
 Current Status:   5/4/2023 - Public Law 246
 State Bill Page:   HB1591
HB1609WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT MATTERS. (DAVIS M) Repeals provisions concerning the work Indiana program. Defines "adult education and literacy activities" and requires that certain money appropriated by the general assembly be used for workforce preparation activities and integrated education and training. Removes or amends certain provisions regarding: (1) reimbursements to eligible providers for adult education that is provided to certain individuals; and (2) adult education grants provided to employers of eligible employees. Allows the department of workforce development to grant a specified diploma to an individual who demonstrates high school level skills through certain competency based assessments and obtains an industry recognized credential. Specifies the meaning of "authorization" for the purpose of certain provisions related to postsecondary proprietary educational institutions. Makes conforming changes.
 Current Status:   5/1/2023 - Public Law 157
 State Bill Page:   HB1609
HB1627SALE OF TAX SALE PROPERTIES TO NONPROFITS. (BAUER M) Provides that a tax sale statute concerning the sale of real property to eligible nonprofit entities for low or moderate income housing applies to all counties. (Current law provides that the provision only applies to a county having a consolidated city.)
 Current Status:   5/1/2023 - Public Law 159
 State Bill Page:   HB1627
HB1635VARIOUS EDUCATION MATTERS. (BEHNING R) Requires each school corporation to publish on the school corporation's website the graduation rate for each high school in the school corporation. Amends the: (1) definition of "graduation" for the high school graduation rate determination; and (2) graduation rate calculation. Allows charter schools and nonpublic schools to issue an adjunct teacher permit to certain individuals. Provides that an individual who holds an adjunct teacher permit may teach in a career and technical education content area in which the school corporation, charter school, or nonpublic school allows the individual to teach based on the individual's experience. Requires the state board of education (state board) to: (1) develop algebra I, algebra II, and geometry courses that include real world application and project based and inquiry based learning; and (2) implement the courses not later than the 2025-2026 school year. Provides that, if the state board establishes an Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery as a graduation pathway, the state board shall require a student who elects the pathway to submit documentation that demonstrates the student's intent to enlist in the military as a condition of meeting the pathway requirements. Requires the state board to, not later than July 1, 2023, review and update any guidance issued by the state board regarding the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery as a graduation pathway requirement. Provides that a school corporation, charter school, or state accredited nonpublic school may not require a student enrolled in the school corporation, charter school, or state accredited nonpublic school to participate in any particular graduation pathway to be eligible to graduate. Removes a provision that provides that not more than 1% of students of a cohort may receive an alternate diploma. Provides that, for purposes of determining a school's or school corporation's graduation rate, not more than one percent of a school's or school corporation's graduation cohort that receives an alternate diploma may be counted as having graduated. Removes a requirement that a school corporation record or include certain immunization information in the official high school transcript for a high school student. Removes a provision that allows a school corporation to include additional information on a student's high school transcript. Provides that any notification or materials provided or distributed by the Indiana department of health or a school to a parent of a student regarding required or recommended immunizations for the student must clearly delineate or label immunizations that are required and immunizations that are only recommended. Provides that the department of education shall develop a proposal for a revised school performance designation not later than December 1, 2024.
 Current Status:   5/1/2023 - Public Law 160
 State Bill Page:   HB1635
HB1637TEACHER EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMS. (BEHNING R) Increases the annual scholarship amount that the commission for higher education (commission) may award under the next generation Hoosier educators scholarship program from $7,500 to $10,000. Removes limits on the number of next generation Hoosier educators scholarships that may be awarded. Establishes the next generation Hoosier minority educators scholarship program and fund. Provides that the commission may award a next generation Hoosier minority educators scholarship to an eligible applicant in an amount of $10,000 each academic year for not more than four academic years. Establishes criteria an applicant must meet and terms an applicant must agree to in order to receive a next generation Hoosier minority educators scholarship. Increases the annual scholarship amount that an Earline S. Rogers student teaching scholarship for minority students recipient may receive from $4,000 to $5,000.
 Current Status:   5/1/2023 - Public Law 161
 State Bill Page:   HB1637
SB1BEHAVIORAL HEALTH MATTERS. (CRIDER M) Provides that, subject to certain procedures and requirements, the office of the secretary of family and social services may apply to the United States Department of Health and Human Services: (1) for a Medicaid state plan amendment, a waiver, or an amendment to an existing waiver to require reimbursement for eligible certified community behavioral health clinic services; or (2) to participate in the expansion of a community mental health services demonstration program. Requires the division of mental health and addiction to establish and maintain a help line: (1) to provide confidential emotional support and referrals to certain resources to individuals who call the help line; and (2) that is accessible by calling a toll free telephone number. Establishes the Indiana behavioral health commission (commission) and sets forth the commission's membership. Changes the name of the "9-8-8 crisis hotline center" to "9-8-8 crisis response center". Makes conforming changes.
 Current Status:   5/4/2023 - Public Law 162
 State Bill Page:   SB1
SB2TAXATION OF PASS THROUGH ENTITIES. (BALDWIN S) Authorizes certain pass through entities to make an election to pay tax at the entity level based on each owner's aggregate share of adjusted gross income. Provides a refundable tax credit equal to the amount of tax paid by the electing entity with regard to the owner's share. Allows a credit for pass through entity taxes that are imposed by and paid to another state. Makes certain changes to provisions that apply to taxpayers who file a combined return for the financial institutions tax. Makes conforming changes for purposes of partnership audit and administrative adjustments.
 Current Status:   3/22/2023 - Public Law 1
 State Bill Page:   SB2
SB3STATE AND LOCAL TAX REVIEW TASK FORCE. (HOLDMAN T) Establishes the state and local tax review task force (task force). Specifies the membership of the task force and the topics the task force is required to review. Provides that the member of the task force who is an economist is appointed jointly by the president pro tempore of the senate and the speaker of the house of representatives. Provides for the selection of the chairperson and vice chairperson of the task force.
 Current Status:   5/4/2023 - Public Law 163
 State Bill Page:   SB3
SB4PUBLIC HEALTH COMMISSION. (CHARBONNEAU E) Defines "core public health services" for purposes of public health laws. Adds members to the executive board of the Indiana department of health (state department). Removes a provision allowing the state department to establish branch offices. Provides that the state department may provide services to local health departments. Requires each local board of health to establish a local public health services fund to receive state funding. Provides a method of allocation of state funding to local boards of health, subject to state appropriations. Specifies the percentage of how additional funding may be expended on core public health services. Allows the local health department to enter into contracts or approve grants for core public health services. Allows the state department to issue guidance to local health departments. Requires the state department to make annual local health department reports available to the public. Changes the qualification requirements for a local health officer and requires certain training. Requires the state department to identify state level metrics and county level metrics and requires certain local health departments to report to the state department activities and metrics on the delivery of core public health services. Requires the state department to annually report on the metrics to the budget committee and publish information concerning the metrics on the Internet. Requires that a local health department post a position or contract for the provision or administration of core public health services for at least 30 days. Requires a local health department to provide certain education before administering a vaccine. Requires a multiple county health department to maintain at least one physical office in each represented county. Provides that a new city health department cannot be created after December 31, 2022, but allows current city health departments to continue to operate. Creates the Indiana trauma care commission. Allows a school corporation that cannot obtain an ophthalmologist or optometrist to perform the modified clinical technique vision test to conduct certain specified vision screenings. Requires the school to send to the parent of a student any recommendation for further testing by the vision screener. Allows for standing orders to be used for emergency stock medication in schools. Allows the state health commissioner or designee to issue a statewide standing order, prescription, or protocol for emergency stock medication for schools. Removes the distance requirement for an access practice dentist to provide communication with a dental hygienist. Repeals provisions concerning the Indiana local health department trust account.
 Current Status:   5/4/2023 - Public Law 164
 State Bill Page:   SB4
SB5CONSUMER DATA PROTECTION. (BROWN L) Establishes a new article in the Indiana Code concerning consumer data protection, to take effect January 1, 2026. Sets forth the following within the new article: (1) Definitions of various terms that apply throughout the article. (2) Exemptions from the bill's requirements concerning the responsibilities of controllers of consumers' personal data. (3) The rights of an Indiana consumer to do the following: (A) Confirm whether or not a controller is processing the consumer's personal data. (B) Correct inaccuracies in the consumer's personal data that the consumer previously provided to a controller. (C) Delete the consumer's personal data held by a controller. (D) Obtain a copy or representative summary of the consumer's personal data that the consumer previously provided to the controller. (E) Opt out of the processing of the consumer's personal data for certain purposes. (4) The responsibilities of controllers of consumers' personal data. (5) The roles of controllers and processors with respect to a consumer's personal data. (6) Requirements for data protection impact assessments by controllers of consumers' personal data. (7) Requirements for processing de-identified data or pseudonymous data. (8) Limitations as to the scope of the new article. (9) The authority of the attorney general to investigate and enforce suspected or actual violations of the new article. (10) The preemption of local rules, regulations, and laws regarding the processing of personal data. Allows the attorney general to publish certain resources on the attorney general's website.
 Current Status:   5/1/2023 - Public Law 94
 State Bill Page:   SB5
SB7PHYSICIAN NONCOMPETE AGREEMENTS. (BUSCH J) Provides that beginning July 1, 2023, a primary care physician and an employer may not enter into a noncompete agreement. Provides that beginning July 1, 2023, a physician noncompete agreement is not enforceable if any of the following circumstances occur: (1) The employer terminates the physician's employment without cause. (2) The physician terminates the physician's employment for cause. (3) The physician's employment contract has expired and the physician and employer have fulfilled the obligations of the contract. Specifies a process by which a physician or employer may pursue mediation to determine a reasonable price to purchase a release from a noncompete agreement.
 Current Status:   5/4/2023 - Public Law 165
 State Bill Page:   SB7
SB8PRESCRIPTION DRUG REBATES AND PRICING. (CHARBONNEAU E) Requires a pharmacy benefit manager to provide a report to the department of insurance at least every six months. Provides that the report must include the: (1) overall aggregate amount charged to a health plan for all pharmaceutical claims processed by the pharmacy benefit manager; and (2) overall aggregate amount paid to pharmacies for claims processed by the pharmacy benefit manager. Requires that, for individual health insurance coverage, the defined cost sharing for a prescription drug be calculated at the point of sale and based on a price that is reduced by an amount equal to at least 85% of all rebates in connection with the dispensing or administration of the prescription drug. Requires that, for group health insurance coverage, an insurer: (1) pass through to a plan sponsor 100% of all rebates concerning the dispensing or administration of prescription drugs to the covered individuals of the plan sponsor; (2) provide a plan sponsor, at the time of contracting, the option of calculating defined cost sharing for covered individuals of the plan sponsor at the point of sale based on a price that is reduced by some or all of the rebates received concerning the dispensing or administration of the prescription drug; and (3) disclose specified information to the plan sponsor. Allows the department of insurance to enforce the provisions and impose a civil penalty.
 Current Status:   5/4/2023 - Public Law 166
 State Bill Page:   SB8
SB20ALCOHOL MATTERS. (BROWN L) Allows a city or town to designate an outdoor location as a refreshment area with the approval of the alcohol and tobacco commission (commission). Provides that if a refreshment area is approved, the commission designates retailer permittees that may sell alcoholic beverages for consumption within the refreshment area. Prohibits a refreshment area from being located near a school or church unless the school or church does not object. Allows a minor to be within the refreshment area. Adds language providing that a person entering a licensed premises within a refreshment area with an alcoholic beverage is not subject to criminal penalties. Makes it a Class C infraction for a participating retailer permittee or vendor to sell a person more than two alcoholic beverages at a time or an open container of an alcoholic beverage that exceeds the volume limitations. Allows a restaurant to sell or dispense alcoholic beverages from a bar located on the licensed premises that opens to an outside patio or terrace that is contiguous to the main building.
 Current Status:   5/4/2023 - Public Law 167
 State Bill Page:   SB20
SB46COUNTY OPTION CIRCUIT BREAKER TAX CREDIT. (SANDLIN J) Authorizes a county fiscal body to adopt an ordinance to provide a credit against property tax liability for qualified individuals. Defines a "qualified individual" for purposes of the credit. Provides that the ordinance may designate: (1) all of the territory of the county; or (2) one or more specific geographic territories within the county; as a neighborhood enhancement district in which qualified individuals may apply for the credit. Provides that the amount of the credit in a particular year is equal to the amount by which an individual's property tax liability increases by more than the percentage of increase specified by the county fiscal body from the prior year. Provides that the credit does not affect the allocation of taxes to a referendum fund. Requires a qualified individual who desires to claim the credit to file a certified statement with the county auditor. Provides that the county auditor shall apply the credit in succeeding years after the certified statement is filed unless the auditor determines that the individual is no longer eligible for the credit or the county fiscal body rescinds the ordinance. Provides a penalty for wrongly receiving the credit that is the same as the penalty for wrongly receiving the homestead standard deduction. Provides that an individual may not receive both a county option circuit breaker tax credit and an over 65 property tax credit in the same year. Provides that an ordinance must specify that the credit does not apply for property taxes first due and payable after December 31, 2027. Sunsets the county option on January 1, 2028.
 Current Status:   5/1/2023 - Public Law 95
 State Bill Page:   SB46
SB265TANF ELIGIBILITY. (FORD J) Sets the income eligibility requirements for the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program at a specified percentage of the federal income poverty level. Requires the division of family resources (division) to amend the state TANF plan or take any other action necessary to implement the income requirements. Increases certain payment amounts nder the TANF program. Repeals provisions: (1) regarding TANF eligibility of a child born more than 10 months after the child's family qualifies for TANF assistance; (2) encouraging a family that receives TANF assistance to receive family planning counseling; and (3) requiring the division to apply a percentage reduction to the total needs of TANF applicants and recipients in computing TANF benefits. Provides that TANF assistance shall be provided to a woman who: (1) is pregnant at the time an application for assistance is filed; and (2) meets the income requirements. Requires the office of the secretary of family and social services to calculate and report to the legislative council, by December 1 of every even-numbered year, the amounts that would result if certain payment amounts were adjusted each year using the Social Security cost of living adjustment rate. Makes conforming changes.
 Current Status:   5/1/2023 - Public Law 103
 State Bill Page:   SB265
SB271CERTIFIED TECHNOLOGY PARKS. (BUCHANAN B) Specifies additional information that a certified technology park (park) is required to provide to the Indiana economic development corporation (corporation) in the course of a review. Provides that if a park has reached the limit on deposits and maintains its certification, the park shall become a Level 2 park. Increases, from $100,000 to $250,000, the annual additional incremental income tax deposit amount that a park captures once it has reached its limit on deposits. Clarifies the calculation of the additional incremental income tax deposit amount in the year in which a park reaches its limit on deposits. Provides that when the corporation certifies a Level 2 park, the corporation shall make a determination of whether the park shall continue to be designated as a Level 2 park. Requires the corporation to report to the budget committee certain information pertaining to businesses located in each park on a biennial basis.
 Current Status:   5/1/2023 - Public Law 105
 State Bill Page:   SB271
SB286CREDIT TIME. (FREEMAN A) Permits a person placed on pretrial home detention to earn accrued time and good time credit in the same manner as other persons on home detention, but provides that specified misconduct will result in the deprivation of all credit time earned on pretrial home detention. Amends the sentencing guidelines for a habitual offender.
 Current Status:   4/20/2023 - Public Law 37
 State Bill Page:   SB286
SB325HOMESTEAD STANDARD DEDUCTION. (BUCHANAN B) Specifies the requirements and the real property improvements considered when determining whether property is a dwelling or a homestead for purposes of the standard property tax deduction law. Removes additional definitions of "homestead" from the statute. Specifies that for purposes of the circuit breaker law "nonresidential real property" refers to real property that is not: (1) a homestead; (2) residential property; (3) long term care property; or (4) agricultural land. Provides that, for assessment dates after December 31, 2023, "residential property" includes any other land, building, or residential yard structure, including a deck, patio, gazebo, or pool that is not attached to a dwelling that: (1) is not part of a homestead; and (2) is predominantly used for a residential purpose. Makes a conforming change.
 Current Status:   5/4/2023 - Public Law 182
 State Bill Page:   SB325
SB343VARIOUS CRIMINAL LAW MATTERS. (FREEMAN A) Makes it organized retail theft, a Level 6 felony, for a person to exercise unauthorized control over the property of a retail merchant with the intent to directly or indirectly distribute the property for resale, and increases the penalty to a Level 5 felony if certain circumstances exist. Permits a person to petition for expungement of an arrest if no charges have been filed within one year of the arrest. (Under current law, the arrest is expunged without a petition after 180 days.) Requires a court, in granting a petition for expungement, to include in the order statutory language specifying that the person's civil rights are restored. Allows disclosure of expunged records to a school in connection with the employment of a person likely to have contact with a student. Specifies that an expunged record may not be destroyed or deleted. Repeals the requirement that certain acts taken by a prosecuting attorney are invalid without a seal. Makes conforming amendments and a technical correction.
 Current Status:   5/4/2023 - Public Law 185
 State Bill Page:   SB343
SB417VARIOUS TAX MATTERS. (BALDWIN S) Makes certain changes to the nonprofit organization sales tax exemption threshold after which nonprofit organizations are required to collect state sales tax. Authorizes a county to impose a local income tax (LIT) rate for county staff expenses of the state judicial system in the county. Provides that the expenses paid from the LIT revenue may not comprise more than 50% of the county's total budgeted operational staffing expenses related to the state judicial system in any given year. Requires certain reporting requirements related to the use of the LIT revenue. Specifies a three business day grace period following the postmark date of a document during which the department of state revenue will consider the document received to be timely filed for purposes of a due date. Makes certain changes to the nonprofit organization sales tax exemption threshold after which nonprofit organizations are required to collect state sales tax.
 Current Status:   5/4/2023 - Public Law 193
 State Bill Page:   SB417
SB419STATE TAX MATTERS. (HOLDMAN T) Changes the definition of "Internal Revenue Code" in the adjusted gross income tax law to mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 as amended and in effect on January 1, 2023. Makes certain changes regarding net operating losses for purposes of determinating state adjusted gross income. Provides that certain amounts for providing or expanding access to broadband service in Indiana may be subtracted from a taxpayer's state corporate adjusted gross income. Provides for successor liability for certain unpaid taxes following a business asset sale. Repeals an outdated provision requiring separate exemption certificates for manufacturers and wholesalers. Makes a clarifying change to the sales tax exemption that applies to power subsidiaries. Clarifies the acquisition date for purposes of adding back interest from tax exempt bonds issued by another state in determining Indiana adjusted gross income. Amends provisions regarding the exemption for certain income derived from patents. Provides that tax paid by an electing partnership is deposited in the state general fund. Makes clarifying changes and technical corrections to the affordable and workforce housing tax credit. Specifies the deposit and distribution of interest with respect to certain taxes. Authorizes the department of state revenue to publish or disclose the status of a governmental or nonprofit entity's sales tax exemption certificate. Provides that a person who knowingly or intentionally sells, purchases, installs, transfers, or possesses: (1) an automated sales suppression device or a zapper; or (2) phantom-ware; commits a class A misdemeanor, and increases the penalty if certain circumstances exist. Makes clarifying and technical corrections to provisions under the electronic cigarette tax. Makes certain changes to a provision contained in P.L.1-2023. Provides that an individual who is an Indiana resident and a member of a health care sharing ministry is entitled to an adjusted gross income tax deduction. Requires a taxpayer to: (1) deduct from the taxpayer's adjusted gross income for a taxable year the amount of specified research or experimental expenditures paid or incurred by the taxpayer during the taxable year; and (2) add to the taxpayer's adjusted gross income an amount equal to the deduction claimed under Section 174 of the Internal Revenue Code for the taxable year. Provides that certain transactions involving a person's acquisition of agricultural machinery, tools, or equipment are exempt from the application of the state gross retail tax. Provides that if an organization provides nonprofit agricultural organization insurance coverage, the organization is subject to a nonprofit agricultural organization health coverage tax unless the organization: (1) files a notice of election with the insurance commissioner and the commissioner of the department of state revenue on or before November 30 of a taxable year; and (2) states in the notice of election that the organization elects to be subject to state income tax for the taxable year. Provides that compensation received by an individual who: (1) is not a resident of Indiana; and (2) receives compensation for employment duties performed in Indiana for 30 days or less during the calendar year; is exempt from the adjusted gross income tax. Provides a sales tax exemption for certain components of a solar or wind energy system.
 Current Status:   5/4/2023 - Public Law 194
 State Bill Page:   SB419
SB486EDUCATION MATTERS. (ROGERS L) Repeals teacher training requirements regarding: (1) criminal gang organizations awareness; (2) certain information concerning homeless students; and (3) recognizing the signs and symptoms of seizures and the appropriate steps to be taken to respond to the symptoms; and requires that information concerning these subjects be included within the curriculum of teacher preparation programs. Provides that the department of education (department) may establish or license for use an online platform to provide information and training concerning these and other subjects. Removes certain requirements regarding annual performance evaluation plans for certificated employees, including: (1) certain content requirements; and (2) certain requirements that a plan be discussed. Amends requirements to be considered a probationary teacher and professional teacher. Provides that, after a school corporation has assigned an evaluator to perform a certificated employee's evaluation, the certificated employee may request the school corporation to assign another evaluator. Urges the legislative council to assign to an appropriate interim study committee the task of studying current school assessments in an effort to reduce and streamline assessments for Indiana students. Removes a provision that requires a school employer to discuss certain items with the exclusive representative of certificated employees and provides that a school employer may discuss: (1) with a certificated employee or group of certificated employees; or (2) at one or more meetings that are open to all certificated employees; any topic that significantly impacts a certificated employee's working conditions or impacts the educational quality of the school employer's students. Repeals provisions concerning: (1) requirements regarding the adoption of model evaluation plans and an approval process for the plans; (2) the obligation to discuss certain items not requiring either party to enter into a contract, agree to a proposal, or make a concession; and (3) the definition of "discuss" for purposes of the collective bargaining provisions.
 Current Status:   5/4/2023 - Public Law 200
 State Bill Page:   SB486

Week In Review

Indiana Republicans attack Libertarian in governor race, signaling threat to Mike Braun's odds
The Indiana Republican State Committee issued attack mailers on the Libertarian candidate in the governor's race, signaling at least mild concern that Donald Rainwater might hurt Republican Mike Braun's performance in the Nov. 5 election.
Indianapolis Star
Rokita threatens St. Joseph, Lake County sheriffs with lawsuits over alleged immigration policies
Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita is threatening more local governments with lawsuits over the state’s ban on so-called “sanctuary city” policies.
Indiana Public Media
3 Indiana school districts say teacher pay, academics, buses at risk if voters reject referendums
Three Indiana school districts are asking voters to approve or renew a local property tax referendum on the November ballot to increase or maintain funding for teacher pay and student academics.
Chalkbeat Indiana
Indiana governor race: McCormick makes massive fundraising strides; Braun remains ahead
The sudden competitive feel to the Indiana gubernatorial contest was evident in the latest campaign finance reports released Tuesday.
Indianapolis Star
Lieutenant governor nominees talk controversies, priorities and duties
Indiana’s lieutenant governor doesn’t helm the state like the governor or control spending like lawmakers, but officeholders still wield significant power — and are on the ballot.
Indiana Capital Chronicle
Former Indiana sheriff Jamey Noel sentenced to 15 years in prison as part of plea deal
Former Clark County Sheriff and longtime Republican operative Jamey Noel could spend upwards of a decade in prison after a judge accepted his guilty pleas to more than a dozen felony charges in court Monday. The plea deal brings a close to Noel’s portion of the case — dubbed the largest in agency history by state police — but other investigations are ongoing.
Indiana Capital Chronicle
Mike Braun weighs in on Micah Beckwith's remark about pronouns in email signatures
GOP lieutenant governor candidate Micah Beckwith told a group of Republicans recently that if elected, he would fire or demote state employees who include their pronouns in their email signatures ? behavior legal experts say is discriminatory and could open his office up to lawsuits.
Indianapolis Star
Indiana colleges see higher enrollment this fall, though long-term declines not fully reversed
Indiana’s full-time college enrollment increased this fall, marking the highest one-year increase since fall 2010.
Indiana Public Media