Higher Education Bills
Prepared by: Keith Clock
Phone: 317-407-7885
E-mail: kclock@ista-in.org
Report created on July 27, 2024
HB1449TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY SCHOLARS PROGRAM. (HARRIS JR. E) Provides that the commission for higher education shall do the following: (1) In cooperation with the department of education, identify students who meet the requirements to participate in the twenty-first century scholars program (program). (2) Notify the student and the custodial parent or guardian of the student, if the student is an unemancipated minor, that: (A) the student is eligible to participate in the program; (B) the student must agree to the conditions required to participate in the program; and (C) the student has the right to opt out of the program at any time.
 Current Status:   5/4/2023 - Public Law 235
 Recent Status:   5/4/2023 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
4/28/2023 - Signed by the President of the Senate
 State Bill Page:   HB1449
HB1511HIGHER EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIPS, GRANTS, AND COST EXEMPTIONS. (SPEEDY M) Provides that money in the National Guard tuition supplement program fund and the National Guard scholarship extension fund may not be expended, removed, or transferred from the respective fund except to be used for the purposes of the respective fund. Provides that an eligible applicant for: (1) a scholarship under the National Guard tuition supplement program; or (2) an educational cost exemption or award; may apply for a scholarship, exemption, or award to attend a state educational institution or an approved postsecondary educational institution under certain conditions.
 Current Status:   5/4/2023 - Public Law 240
 Recent Status:   5/4/2023 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
4/28/2023 - Signed by the President of the Senate
 State Bill Page:   HB1511
SB167FAFSA. (LEISING J) Requires all students, except for students at certain nonpublic schools, in the student's senior year to complete and submit the FAFSA not later than April 15 unless: (1) a parent of a student or a student, if the student is an emancipated minor, signs a waiver that the student understands what the FAFSA is and declines to complete it; or (2) the principal or school counselor of the student's high school waives the requirement for a group of students due to the principal or school counselor being unable to reach the parents or guardians of the students by April 15 after at least two reasonable attempts to contact the parents or guardians. Requires that the: (1) model notice prepared by the commission for higher education; and (2) notice that each school corporation is required to send regarding the FAFSA; include information regarding the requirements and exceptions for completing the FAFSA. Expires certain requirements on June 30, 2033. Makes a conforming change and technical corrections.
 Current Status:   4/20/2023 - Public Law 29
 Recent Status:   4/20/2023 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
4/18/2023 - Signed by the President of the Senate
 State Bill Page:   SB167
SB404ACCESS TO TRANSCRIPTS. (DEERY S) Provides that a state educational institution or private postsecondary educational institution operated for profit (institution) in Indiana may not: (1) refuse to provide a transcript for a current or former student of the institution on the grounds that the student owes a debt to the institution; (2) charge a higher fee for obtaining a transcript or provide less favorable treatment of a request for a transcript of a current or former student who owes a debt to the institution; or (3) withhold from a current or former student's transcript any degrees earned on the grounds that the student owes a debt to the institution; if the student has paid certain amounts in the past year on the debt owed. Provides that a current or former student may bring a civil action against an institution for a violation of these provisions.
 Current Status:   4/20/2023 - Public Law 51
 Recent Status:   4/20/2023 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
4/18/2023 - Signed by the President of the Senate
 State Bill Page:   SB404