Prepared by: Kim Williams
Report created on October 22, 2024
HB1001STATE BUDGET. (THOMPSON J) Appropriates money for capital expenditures, the operation of the state, K-12 and higher education, the delivery of Medicaid and other services, and various other distributions and purposes. Requires a researcher to execute a data sharing agreement that is approved by the management performance hub to receive access to confidential records. Provides that the auditor of state is also known as the state comptroller. Provides that, after June 30, 2023, the auditor of state shall use the title "state comptroller" in conducting state business, in all contracts, on business cards, on stationery, and with other means of communication as necessary. Establishes the attorney general contingency fee fund. Establishes the: (1) state opioid settlement fund; and (2) local opioid settlement fund; into which funds received from opioid litigation settlements must be deposited. Provides that the office of the inspector general shall provide informal advisory opinions and that the opinions are confidential. Allows the budget committee to submit the budget report and budget bill or bills to the governor on or before the second Monday of January, or the third Monday of January in the year in which a gubernatorial election is held (instead of before that date). Requires the state personnel department to require a contractor, when contracting for health care coverage for state employees, to use value based coverage. Repeals a provision that makes a state general fund appropriation to the board of trustees of the Indiana public retirement system if the money available in the special death benefits fund is insufficient to pay death benefit claims. Allows the Indiana economic development corporation (IEDC) to certify an applicable tax credit that exceeds the maximum allowable amount after review by the budget committee. Provides that the regional economic acceleration and development initiative program expires June 30, 2026. Specifies that the county or municipality that did not approve the relocation of an outdoor advertising sign is responsible for compensation of the taking of the outdoor advertising sign. Provides that an owner may relocate an outdoor advertising sign that is subject to a pending eminent domain action. Allows an individual to claim an increased exemption amount for a dependent child in the first year in which the exemption amount may be claimed for the child. Reduces the individual income tax rate to 2.9% by 2027 and eliminates all trigger provisions in current law. Establishes the regional public safety training fund. Repeals provisions relating to the establishment of the: (1) Indiana homeland security foundation; (2) Indiana homeland security fund; and (3) fire training infrastructure fund. Allows certain members of the public employees' retirement fund or Indiana state teachers' retirement fund to file an election to begin receiving retirement benefits while holding a position. Changes the state police pre-1987 benefit and supplemental pension benefit calculation from being based on the sixth year of service to the fourth year of service. Repeals the public mass transportation fund. Repeals the financial responsibility compliance verification fund. Changes the number of years of service on which the salary matrix for state police employees is based to 15 years (instead of 20 years). Requires the department of correction to deposit the amount appropriated for the county misdemeanant fund by a county's multiplier. Requires the office of Medicaid policy and planning (office) to: (1) develop a schedule for the review of Medicaid reimbursement rates; and (2) provide a copy of the schedule to the budget committee; not later than November 1, 2023. Creates the residential water testing fund to test the water supply of an individual property owner of an eligible township. Requires the director of the state personnel department to submit a revision or adjustment to a pay plan developed for state employees to the state budget committee for review before the revision may take effect. Provides that the general assembly shall convene: (1) on the second Tuesday after the first Monday in June for the first regular technical session; and (2) on the second Tuesday after the first Monday in May for the second regular technical session. Provides that a technical session is not required to convene if the president pro tempore and the speaker jointly issue an order that convening is not necessary. Requires the general assembly to convene no later than the fourth Monday in January after organization day. Repeals provisions relating to emergency sessions and makes conforming amendments. Recouples the state earned income tax credit qualifications with the federal earned income tax credit qualifications under the Internal Revenue Code as in effect January 1, 2023. Requires a contractor that provides tangible personal property incorporated into real property in a project located in an innovation development district to maintain records of all state gross retail and use tax paid or collected during a state fiscal year. Adds state adjusted gross income taxes paid by an individual who is not an employee with respect to income received for services performed in an innovation development district for purposes of calculating income tax incremental amounts. Establishes the commission on improving the status of children fund to support the staffing and operations of the commission. Provides that a part of state user fees shall be deposited in the Indiana secured school fund. Repeals the distribution schedule for appropriations made for certain child development programs. Requires the department of local government finance to prepare an annual report and abstract concerning property tax data (instead of the auditor of state). Deletes reimbursement rate parameters for reimbursement of managed care organizations under the healthy Indiana plan. Extends the sunset of the collection of hospital assessment fees and health facility quality assessment fees from June 30, 2023, to June 30, 2025. Increases the total number of adult learner students at the Excel Centers for Adult Learners and Christel House DORS centers for whom the school may receive state funding. Establishes the Indiana education scholarship account donation fund to accept donations for administration of the Indiana education scholarship account program. Repeals the special education fund. Establishes a state tax credit for a taxpayer that makes certain qualified child care expenditures in providing child care to the taxpayer's employees. Extends provisions for the gasoline tax and the special fuel tax rates. Amends a statute concerning powers and duties of a regional water, sewage, or solid waste district established under prior law. Extends the sunset for the invasive species council and fund from July 1, 2023, to July 1, 2031. Prohibits school corporations and charter schools from charging a fee for curricular materials to students. Provides that the parent of a student or an emancipated minor who attends an accredited nonpublic school and who meets financial eligibility requirements may request reimbursement of fees charged for curricular materials. Establishes the curricular materials fund. Requires a county auditor to distribute a portion of revenue received from an operations fund levy imposed by a school corporation located in certain counties to certain charter schools (excludes school corporations that are designated as a dist
 Current Status:   5/4/2023 - Public Law 201
 State Bill Page:   HB1001
HB1167LIVE STREAMING AND ARCHIVING MEETINGS. (SMALTZ B) Requires governing bodies of state and local agencies (excluding a state supported college or university) to provide, on a publicly accessible platform: (1) live transmissions of public meetings; and (2) an archive of copies of the live transmissions with links to any meeting agendas, minutes, or memoranda. Provides that if a governing body does not have Internet capability for live transmission of public meetings, the governing body shall record the meeting. Provides that transmissions and recordings of public meetings may be destroyed after 90 days.
 Current Status:   5/1/2023 - Public Law 127
 State Bill Page:   HB1167
HB1212PRIVACY PROTECTIONS FOR NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS. (KARICKHOFF M) Defines "personal information" as data that directly or indirectly identifies a "person" (including an individual, a corporation, a limited liability company, a government entity, a partnership, a trust, an estate, or other entity) as a: (1) member or supporter of; (2) volunteer for; or (3) donor to; a nonprofit organization. With certain exceptions, prohibits a state agency (including an executive, judicial, or legislative branch agency, state educational institution, or body corporate and politic) or political subdivision from doing the following: (1) Requiring a person or nonprofit organization to provide personal information to the state agency or political subdivision. (2) Releasing, publicizing, or publicly disclosing personal information in the state agency or political subdivision's possession. (3) Requesting or requiring a current or prospective contractor or grantee to provide a list of nonprofit organizations to which the current or prospective contractor or grantee has provided financial or nonfinancial support. Provides that personal information is considered confidential and is not subject to disclosure under Indiana's access to public records act (APRA). Provides that a person alleging a violation of the bill's provisions may bring a civil action for injunctive relief, specified damages, or both. Provides that: (1) a public employee; (2) a public official; or (3) an employee or officer of a contractor or subcontractor for a public agency; who violates the bill's provisions is subject to the penalties and discipline that apply with respect to violations of APRA.
 Current Status:   5/4/2023 - Public Law 221
 State Bill Page:   HB1212
HB1343OCCUPATIONAL REGULATIONS. (TESHKA J) Provides that all occupational regulations must be limited to those demonstrably necessary and carefully tailored to fulfill legitimate public health, safety, or welfare objectives. Requires each public agency to conduct a review of all occupational regulations within the public agency's jurisdiction not later than July 1, 2025. Provides that a public agency shall take certain actions to modify or repeal an occupational regulation that does not conform to these standards. Provides that after July 1, 2025, a person who engages in an occupation or profession to which an occupational regulation applies may file a petition for repeal or modification of the occupational regulation with the public agency having jurisdiction over enforcement of the occupational regulation.
 Current Status:   5/1/2023 - Public Law 142
 State Bill Page:   HB1343
HB1460PROFESSIONAL AND OCCUPATIONAL LICENSING. (BARRETT B) Allows a board that regulates a health care provider or a regulated professional under IC 25 to use electronic means of communication to conduct meetings if certain requirements are met. Allows the Indiana department of health (state department) to collect certain information from individuals who provide home health services, are a qualified medication aide, or are a certified nurse aide. Adds the board of physical therapy and the state department's consumer services and health care regulation commission for purposes of workforce renewal information and an annual report. Establishes time periods for the professional licensing agency (PLA) to post meeting agendas and meeting minutes on the applicable board's website. Requires the PLA to post certain information concerning board vacancies and application forms. Requires the PLA to send notification to an applicant of incomplete items in an application. Requires that new and renewed licenses with the PLA be submitted electronically, unless a paper application is requested. Requires the PLA to post on its website information about the number of licenses issued and wait times for the licenses. Requires the governor to fill a vacancy on certain occupational boards within 90 days. Allows the PLA to make an appointment to the board if the governor does not make the appointment. Allows the board to issue a temporary permit for a registered nurse applicant and a licensed practical nurse applicant.
 Current Status:   5/1/2023 - Public Law 148
 State Bill Page:   HB1460
HB1504ENFORCEMENT OF DECEPTIVE CONSUMER SALES ACT. (SPEEDY M) Provides that certain actions to remedy a deceptive act may not be brought more than five years after the deceptive act.
 Current Status:   5/1/2023 - Public Law 152
 State Bill Page:   HB1504
HB1623ADMINISTRATIVE LAW. (BARTELS S) Establishes the government reform task force (task force). Provides for members of the task force. Requires the task force to submit a report. Prohibits the consideration of the number or amount of fines or civil penalties imposed on regulated entities by an employee in an agency's evaluation or compensation of the employee. Makes various procedural changes concerning the adoption of administrative rules, including the following: (1) Requires budget agency and office of management and budget review of a regulatory analysis of all proposed rules. (2) Requires a state budget committee review of rules adding or increasing fees, fines, or civil penalties. (3) Requires publication of the text of a proposed rule in the first public comment period and allows a proposed rule to be adopted after one public comment period if no substantive public testimony is received and the rule is not more stringent than applicable federal standards. (4) Replaces various laws granting emergency rulemaking authority with a description of the circumstances when emergency rulemaking (renamed "provisional" rules and "interim" rules) may be used, increases governor and attorney general oversight of provisional or interim rules, and adds a public comment period for interim rules. (5) Reduces from seven to five years the time in which rules need to be readopted to remain effective. (6) Requires agencies to webcast public hearings and allow remote testimony. Prohibits state standards for disposal of coal combustion residuals to be more stringent than federal standards. Allows for certain rules on certain pesticides that are more stringent than federal law. Permits a person to recover attorney's fees if an agency issues an order that is based on an invalid rule or issued without legal authority. Permits an applicant or licensee to recover damages if a professional or occupational licensing agency fails to adopt a rule required to obtain a license. Repeals superseded statutes and makes cross-reference, name, and other conforming changes.
 Current Status:   5/4/2023 - Public Law 249
 State Bill Page:   HB1623
HB1627SALE OF TAX SALE PROPERTIES TO NONPROFITS. (BAUER M) Provides that a tax sale statute concerning the sale of real property to eligible nonprofit entities for low or moderate income housing applies to all counties. (Current law provides that the provision only applies to a county having a consolidated city.)
 Current Status:   5/1/2023 - Public Law 159
 State Bill Page:   HB1627
SB2TAXATION OF PASS THROUGH ENTITIES. (BALDWIN S) Authorizes certain pass through entities to make an election to pay tax at the entity level based on each owner's aggregate share of adjusted gross income. Provides a refundable tax credit equal to the amount of tax paid by the electing entity with regard to the owner's share. Allows a credit for pass through entity taxes that are imposed by and paid to another state. Makes certain changes to provisions that apply to taxpayers who file a combined return for the financial institutions tax. Makes conforming changes for purposes of partnership audit and administrative adjustments.
 Current Status:   3/22/2023 - Public Law 1
 State Bill Page:   SB2
SB3STATE AND LOCAL TAX REVIEW TASK FORCE. (HOLDMAN T) Establishes the state and local tax review task force (task force). Specifies the membership of the task force and the topics the task force is required to review. Provides that the member of the task force who is an economist is appointed jointly by the president pro tempore of the senate and the speaker of the house of representatives. Provides for the selection of the chairperson and vice chairperson of the task force.
 Current Status:   5/4/2023 - Public Law 163
 State Bill Page:   SB3
SB4PUBLIC HEALTH COMMISSION. (CHARBONNEAU E) Defines "core public health services" for purposes of public health laws. Adds members to the executive board of the Indiana department of health (state department). Removes a provision allowing the state department to establish branch offices. Provides that the state department may provide services to local health departments. Requires each local board of health to establish a local public health services fund to receive state funding. Provides a method of allocation of state funding to local boards of health, subject to state appropriations. Specifies the percentage of how additional funding may be expended on core public health services. Allows the local health department to enter into contracts or approve grants for core public health services. Allows the state department to issue guidance to local health departments. Requires the state department to make annual local health department reports available to the public. Changes the qualification requirements for a local health officer and requires certain training. Requires the state department to identify state level metrics and county level metrics and requires certain local health departments to report to the state department activities and metrics on the delivery of core public health services. Requires the state department to annually report on the metrics to the budget committee and publish information concerning the metrics on the Internet. Requires that a local health department post a position or contract for the provision or administration of core public health services for at least 30 days. Requires a local health department to provide certain education before administering a vaccine. Requires a multiple county health department to maintain at least one physical office in each represented county. Provides that a new city health department cannot be created after December 31, 2022, but allows current city health departments to continue to operate. Creates the Indiana trauma care commission. Allows a school corporation that cannot obtain an ophthalmologist or optometrist to perform the modified clinical technique vision test to conduct certain specified vision screenings. Requires the school to send to the parent of a student any recommendation for further testing by the vision screener. Allows for standing orders to be used for emergency stock medication in schools. Allows the state health commissioner or designee to issue a statewide standing order, prescription, or protocol for emergency stock medication for schools. Removes the distance requirement for an access practice dentist to provide communication with a dental hygienist. Repeals provisions concerning the Indiana local health department trust account.
 Current Status:   5/4/2023 - Public Law 164
 State Bill Page:   SB4
SB5CONSUMER DATA PROTECTION. (BROWN L) Establishes a new article in the Indiana Code concerning consumer data protection, to take effect January 1, 2026. Sets forth the following within the new article: (1) Definitions of various terms that apply throughout the article. (2) Exemptions from the bill's requirements concerning the responsibilities of controllers of consumers' personal data. (3) The rights of an Indiana consumer to do the following: (A) Confirm whether or not a controller is processing the consumer's personal data. (B) Correct inaccuracies in the consumer's personal data that the consumer previously provided to a controller. (C) Delete the consumer's personal data held by a controller. (D) Obtain a copy or representative summary of the consumer's personal data that the consumer previously provided to the controller. (E) Opt out of the processing of the consumer's personal data for certain purposes. (4) The responsibilities of controllers of consumers' personal data. (5) The roles of controllers and processors with respect to a consumer's personal data. (6) Requirements for data protection impact assessments by controllers of consumers' personal data. (7) Requirements for processing de-identified data or pseudonymous data. (8) Limitations as to the scope of the new article. (9) The authority of the attorney general to investigate and enforce suspected or actual violations of the new article. (10) The preemption of local rules, regulations, and laws regarding the processing of personal data. Allows the attorney general to publish certain resources on the attorney general's website.
 Current Status:   5/1/2023 - Public Law 94
 State Bill Page:   SB5
SB181CAUSE OF ACTION CONCERNING RESTRAINT OF TRADE. (KOCH E) Amends the statute concerning combinations restraining trade as follows: (1) Provides that the attorney general may bring an action for the following on behalf of the state or a political subdivision in connection with a violation of the statute: (A) Appropriate injunctive or other equitable relief, including disgorgement of any gains derived from the violation. (B) A civil penalty. (Current law provides only that the attorney general may bring an action for injuries or damages sustained directly or indirectly by the state or political subdivision as a result of the violation.) (2) Provides that the attorney general may bring an action in the name of the state as parens patriae on behalf of one or more natural persons residing in Indiana for one or more of these same remedies, in connection with a violation of the statute. (3) Specifies that in an action brought under these provisions, the attorney general may recover costs and expenses of the suit, including reasonable attorney's fees and expert fees. (Current law does not specify that the attorney general may recover expenses and expert fees.) (4) Provides that in an action brought under these provisions after June 30, 2023, the attorney general may recover a civil penalty of not more than: (A) $100,000 per violation from any natural person who violates the statute; or (B) $1,000,000 from any other person, other than a natural person, that violates the statute.
 Current Status:   4/5/2023 - Public Law 6
 State Bill Page:   SB181
SB302REGULATION OF CHARITABLE ORGANIZATIONS. (BROWN L) Prohibits a state agency or a state official from imposing on a charitable organization any filing or reporting requirements that are more stringent or burdensome than those imposed by, or authorized under, state or federal law. Provides that this limitation does not apply: (1) to requirements imposed in connection with: (A) state grants or contracts; or (B) fraud investigations; or (2) in connection with an enforcement action against a specific charitable organization.
 Current Status:   4/20/2023 - Public Law 40
 State Bill Page:   SB302
SB417VARIOUS TAX MATTERS. (BALDWIN S) Makes certain changes to the nonprofit organization sales tax exemption threshold after which nonprofit organizations are required to collect state sales tax. Authorizes a county to impose a local income tax (LIT) rate for county staff expenses of the state judicial system in the county. Provides that the expenses paid from the LIT revenue may not comprise more than 50% of the county's total budgeted operational staffing expenses related to the state judicial system in any given year. Requires certain reporting requirements related to the use of the LIT revenue. Specifies a three business day grace period following the postmark date of a document during which the department of state revenue will consider the document received to be timely filed for purposes of a due date. Makes certain changes to the nonprofit organization sales tax exemption threshold after which nonprofit organizations are required to collect state sales tax.
 Current Status:   5/4/2023 - Public Law 193
 State Bill Page:   SB417
SB447CHARITY GAMING MATTERS. (BUSCH J) Defines the term "professional sports team foundation" for purposes of the charity gaming law. Specifies that a professional sports team foundation is a qualified organization. Specifies that qualified organizations may conduct unlicensed allowable events at facilities leased or owned by the capital improvement board of managers of Marion County (CIB). (Current law allows qualified organizations to conduct charity gaming events without a license if the value of all prizes awarded is less than $2,500 for a single event and $7,500 for all unlicensed events conducted during a calendar year.) Authorizes payment by credit card for a chance to enter: (1) a raffle or water race at an allowable event conducted by a qualified organization; and (2) an allowable event conducted at a facility leased or owned by the CIB.
 Current Status:   5/1/2023 - Public Law 114
 State Bill Page:   SB447

Week In Review

Indiana Republicans attack Libertarian in governor race, signaling threat to Mike Braun's odds
The Indiana Republican State Committee issued attack mailers on the Libertarian candidate in the governor's race, signaling at least mild concern that Donald Rainwater might hurt Republican Mike Braun's performance in the Nov. 5 election.
Indianapolis Star
Rokita threatens St. Joseph, Lake County sheriffs with lawsuits over alleged immigration policies
Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita is threatening more local governments with lawsuits over the state’s ban on so-called “sanctuary city” policies.
Indiana Public Media
3 Indiana school districts say teacher pay, academics, buses at risk if voters reject referendums
Three Indiana school districts are asking voters to approve or renew a local property tax referendum on the November ballot to increase or maintain funding for teacher pay and student academics.
Chalkbeat Indiana
Indiana governor race: McCormick makes massive fundraising strides; Braun remains ahead
The sudden competitive feel to the Indiana gubernatorial contest was evident in the latest campaign finance reports released Tuesday.
Indianapolis Star
Lieutenant governor nominees talk controversies, priorities and duties
Indiana’s lieutenant governor doesn’t helm the state like the governor or control spending like lawmakers, but officeholders still wield significant power — and are on the ballot.
Indiana Capital Chronicle
Former Indiana sheriff Jamey Noel sentenced to 15 years in prison as part of plea deal
Former Clark County Sheriff and longtime Republican operative Jamey Noel could spend upwards of a decade in prison after a judge accepted his guilty pleas to more than a dozen felony charges in court Monday. The plea deal brings a close to Noel’s portion of the case — dubbed the largest in agency history by state police — but other investigations are ongoing.
Indiana Capital Chronicle
Mike Braun weighs in on Micah Beckwith's remark about pronouns in email signatures
GOP lieutenant governor candidate Micah Beckwith told a group of Republicans recently that if elected, he would fire or demote state employees who include their pronouns in their email signatures ? behavior legal experts say is discriminatory and could open his office up to lawsuits.
Indianapolis Star
Indiana colleges see higher enrollment this fall, though long-term declines not fully reversed
Indiana’s full-time college enrollment increased this fall, marking the highest one-year increase since fall 2010.
Indiana Public Media