Prepared by: Keith Clock
Phone: 3174077885
E-mail: kclock@ista-in.org
Report created on July 27, 2024
HB1590VARIOUS EDUCATION MATTERS. (BEHNING R) Makes various changes to the education law concerning the following: (1) The science of reading and licensing requirements. (2) The grant for benchmark, formative, interim, or similar assessments with regards to certain assessments, including universal screeners that screen for dyslexia. (3) Eligibility requirements for the next level computer science program. (4) Reading deficiency remediation plan requirements. (5) Payments and funding for excess costs of educating certain students with disabilities. (6) The use of funds from the Senator David C. Ford educational technology fund. (7) Requirements for public schools regarding adopting or replacing data technology systems. (8) The evaluation of curricular materials by the department of education (department). Requires the department to evaluate, approve, and publish a list of high quality curricular materials in the subjects of science, technology, engineering, and math. Provides that, before curricular material is included on the list, the publisher of the curricular material must enter into a data share agreement with the department. Requires, not later than July 1, 2024, the department to conduct a statewide survey to determine which curricular materials have been adopted for use in certain subjects.
 Current Status:   5/4/2023 - Public Law 245
 Recent Status:   5/4/2023 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
4/28/2023 - Signed by the President of the Senate
 State Bill Page:   HB1590
HB1635VARIOUS EDUCATION MATTERS. (BEHNING R) Requires each school corporation to publish on the school corporation's website the graduation rate for each high school in the school corporation. Amends the: (1) definition of "graduation" for the high school graduation rate determination; and (2) graduation rate calculation. Allows charter schools and nonpublic schools to issue an adjunct teacher permit to certain individuals. Provides that an individual who holds an adjunct teacher permit may teach in a career and technical education content area in which the school corporation, charter school, or nonpublic school allows the individual to teach based on the individual's experience. Requires the state board of education (state board) to: (1) develop algebra I, algebra II, and geometry courses that include real world application and project based and inquiry based learning; and (2) implement the courses not later than the 2025-2026 school year. Provides that, if the state board establishes an Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery as a graduation pathway, the state board shall require a student who elects the pathway to submit documentation that demonstrates the student's intent to enlist in the military as a condition of meeting the pathway requirements. Requires the state board to, not later than July 1, 2023, review and update any guidance issued by the state board regarding the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery as a graduation pathway requirement. Provides that a school corporation, charter school, or state accredited nonpublic school may not require a student enrolled in the school corporation, charter school, or state accredited nonpublic school to participate in any particular graduation pathway to be eligible to graduate. Removes a provision that provides that not more than 1% of students of a cohort may receive an alternate diploma. Provides that, for purposes of determining a school's or school corporation's graduation rate, not more than one percent of a school's or school corporation's graduation cohort that receives an alternate diploma may be counted as having graduated. Removes a requirement that a school corporation record or include certain immunization information in the official high school transcript for a high school student. Removes a provision that allows a school corporation to include additional information on a student's high school transcript. Provides that any notification or materials provided or distributed by the Indiana department of health or a school to a parent of a student regarding required or recommended immunizations for the student must clearly delineate or label immunizations that are required and immunizations that are only recommended. Provides that the department of education shall develop a proposal for a revised school performance designation not later than December 1, 2024.
 Current Status:   5/1/2023 - Public Law 160
 Recent Status:   5/1/2023 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
4/26/2023 - Signed by the President of the Senate
 State Bill Page:   HB1635
SB168STATEWIDE ASSESSMENT RESULTS. (LEISING J) Requires (rather than permits) the department of education to include in a contract with a statewide assessment vendor entered into or renewed after June 30, 2023, a requirement that the vendor provide a summary of a student's statewide assessment results. Makes a conforming change and a technical correction.
 Current Status:   4/20/2023 - Public Law 30
 Recent Status:   4/20/2023 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
4/17/2023 - Signed by the President of the Senate
 State Bill Page:   SB168