Other Bills before the Indiana General Assembly, 2016 Session
Prepared by: Lucinda Nord
Phone: 3179211394
E-mail: lucinda.nord@iauw.org
Report created on April 29, 2024
HB1001STATE BIENNIAL BUDGET (BROWN T) Appropriates money for capital expenditures, the operation of the state, the delivery of Medicaid and other services, and various other distributions and purposes. Specifies higher education capital projects authorized to be constructed using bonds. Establishes a historic preservation grant program and provides that the income tax credit for historic preservation does not apply to expenditures made after June 30, 2016. Specifies that the budget report must include a list of tax expenditure items. Specifies that for financial reporting purposes, the state's combined general fund reserves include the balances of the general fund, the Medicaid contingency and reserve account, the state tuition reserve account, and the counter-cyclical revenue and economic stabilization fund (less any outstanding loans). Changes the name of the state tuition reserve fund to an account within the state general fund. Prohibits the budget agency from enforcing a policy or procedure against certain agencies and officials by refusing to allot money from the personal services/fringe benefits contingency fund to the official or agency. Establishes the securities rating settlement fund for the purpose of depositing and distributing money received under a multistate agreement related to litigation concerning securities rating agencies. Specifies that money received by the state under such an agreement shall be distributed by the auditor of state as follows: (1) 67.67% shall be transferred to the state general fund. (2) 16.165% shall be transferred to the securities division enforcement account. (3) 16.165% shall be transferred to the homeowner protection unit account. Prohibits the budget agency from withholding appropriations for a state educational institution without review by the budget committee. Establishes the state bicentennial capital account to provide funds for capital projects that commemorate the bicentennial of Indiana's statehood. Provides that the budget agency shall administer the account. Provides that money generated from the lease of communications systems infrastructure (including under a public-private partnership) shall be transferred to the account to be used for capital projects that commemorate the bicentennial of Indiana's statehood. Establishes the office of state based initiatives. Increases the fee for taxing units for state board of accounts audits from $45 per day to $175 per day. Specifies that the fee for state colleges and universities is the direct and indirect cost of an examination (now $83 per hour). Permits a state college or university to have its examination performed by an independent certified public accounting firm. Provides that fees collected for audits are to be deposited in the state board of accounts trust and agency fund. Makes the fund a dedicated fund that can be used to cover expenses of doing audits...REVIEW FULL DIGEST IN THE MISC. DOCUMENTS SECTION BELOW
 Current Status:   5/7/2015 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
 State Bill Page:   HB1001
HB1002ETHICS. (BOSMA B) Makes the following changes in the laws governing legislative ethics, lobbyist and legislative liaison reporting, and executive agency ethics: (1) Reenacts the legislative ethics statute in a different Indiana Code location and makes changes, including the following: Expands the interests that must be disclosed in a statement of economic interests filed by a legislator or legislative candidate. Requires a filer to report the name of a lobbyist who is a relative of the filer. Requires both the house and the senate to adopt a code of ethics, provide ethics education to members, and review filed statements of economic interests. Sets term and appointment procedures for the house and senate ethics committees. Sets procedures related to filing and reviewing complaints. Establishes the office of legislative ethics in the legislative services agency. (2) Makes changes in the lobbyist registration and reporting law, including the following: Relocates definitions and defines family business. Requires reporting the name of any legislator who is a close relative of the lobbyist. Specifies that failure to file statements and reports constitutes a Level 6 felony if the omission is not corrected within 10 days after being notified of the violation by the lobby registration commission. (3) Moves provisions related to legislative liaison reporting to a different Indiana Code location and makes the following changes: Eliminates the reporting of lobbying expenditures by legislative liaisons in the executive branch and for state educational institutions. Requires state educational institutions to report certain expenses related to lobbying by their employees and related foundations. (4) Makes changes in the ethics statute applicable to state agencies, including the following: Changes the definition of employer. Limits the circumstances in which post employment restrictions on employees of the executive branch may be waived. Makes changes to the restrictions on post employment and consulting activity of state officers, employees, and special state appointees. Provides that a state officer, state employee, or special state appointee may not use state materials, funds, property, personnel, facilities, or equipment for purposes other than official state business unless the use is expressly permitted by a general written policy or regulation that has been approved by the state ethics commission or the use is to coordinate the state officer's official, personal, and political calendars, to provide transportation and security for the state officer and any employee or special state appointee who accompanies the state officer, or for incidental or de minimus political communications or activity involving the state officer. Repeals the existing legislative ethics and legislative liaison reporting statutes.
 Current Status:   5/4/2015 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
 State Bill Page:   HB1002
HB1300ORDINANCES RELATED TO BUILDING AND HOUSING LAWS. (MCMILLIN J) Specifies that an ordinance or other regulation adopted by a political subdivision that qualifies as a fire safety law or a building law: (1) must be submitted to the fire prevention and building safety commission (commission) for review within 30 days of adoption by the political subdivision; and (2) is not effective until the ordinance or regulation: (A) is approved by the commission; or (B) is approved automatically if the commission does not approve or deny the ordinance or regulation within four commission meetings. Requires the commission to specify the basis for the commission's denial of a local ordinance or regulation. Provides that a state agency or political subdivision may not require a person or entity to obtain or maintain, or both, a license to install or maintain a low voltage thermostat of 50 volts or less. Establishes procedures for the commission's program for review of adopted ordinances and other regulations. Prohibits a county, municipality, or township from adopting an ordinance that requires or would have the effect of requiring a landlord to participate in: (1) a Section 8 program of the federal Housing Act of 1937; or (2) a similar program concerning housing.
 Current Status:   4/30/2015 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
 State Bill Page:   HB1300
This bill list represents other issue bills monitored by the Indiana Association of United Ways (IaUW). Read more about IaUW Policy Priorities at http://www.iauw.org/pubpol/.